-It's Raining Snakes, The 1986-2016.17/18, Designed as Noah's Ark, Commanded As Moses' Exodus, The Exodus Of America,  https://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/09/give-to-time-sensitive-fund-here.html

     -Certainly as of deaths tolls In the tens of millions, It's Midwest Yellowstone Eruption Alone. Aligned to Cameron's Brexit, June 26/27/2015-July 6, 2015-Feb.22/2016. Equally, to Bush's, Saddam 2002, Obama's, Gaddafi's, 2013 right into Jan. 2017, Pres. Trump's Inauguration, a predicted these nearly two decades, fifty million US/Western soil, death, Yet, yet it's stalls an award, of a matrix ten day, countdown, having a year's duration Nov. 24/25th, 2018, as so a 17 year duration of its own weight of blood guilt, Dec. 2001/Dec. 3-23rd 2018; do you or should I explain further these thirty plus springs, what's to happen then? I give you a hint, whatever extinction level event your own US Congress feared was happening when their stampeding escape train wrecked, the third day Jan. 29, 2018.
     -Phenomenally as of Rev. 10, Rev. 17/18, Seventh appeared in the heavens to me, forewarning me, to forewarn you, no more delays, no more doomsday passovers pending this planets beginning with western civilization. Then as Noah's, as Moses, only escape has been designed, surely get Jesus, or get southeast into Georgia, as to get southeast into Africa, either way, get out! These dates as all prophesied scripture are permanently pending until then, Oct. to Dec. 2018, cataclysmically the Bride, West Rule this planet is no more, (see the No. 7 and begin reading Dan. 4:4), so not until Prophet Daniel's final seven years, as of Ancient Beast regn, passes into total fruition! Beware, Apb,

error, era/error

     -Right before hurricane Michael and apostle I am, is talking a day or so prior, and I kid you not what seem to appear out of nowhere. I was telling you all about seeing along Africa's West Atlantic, as to spread into the US southeast, it's gulf and such the like. Surely what seem this battling out the Atlantic basin was two giant weather analogies, one a monstrous weather system of producing Michael like, monster hurricanes. Secondly, a monster off of Africa's West coast, a  long standing dust storm, again appearing as to battle it all, almost like an act of preventing the targeting of the southeast, of especially Georgia. The next you know, the mightiest hurricane to hit the panhandle areas since 1887 or so, even at one time come a Cat, 5, did hit land as a Cat 4, so a monster that still had to be maneuvered, away from southeast, Georgia, as God alone is God and Georgia is terrorarily I may add, as get into Africa, America's designated exodus. Beware, Apb, see more here, Rev. 6:12-18, and here www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com, what a nearing yellowstone eruption will be, why even your elephants of staying unaware stampeded, God's wrath, no longer taking your unknowing as an excuse,  Rev. 6th seal, Matrix 6, Rev. 7th Angel 2018, is no doubts about this world stretching beast of beast the heart of America, get Jesus and get out! Beware, Apb

When I woke saying, we will build an ark

 - I send my granddaughter this text on Oct. 3rd, she was trying to take a bus to me. This is, the advice I give her is why populous tourist areas, like Mexico Beach Florida; like NC/SC Myrtle Beach are being targeted. Rebellious. Americans making merry at the end of their world, when they should be making merry at repentant altars and escape, even before Katrina hit, 2005, we were warn of such damning lackadaisical spirits. I texted her this; look, I don't want you on a bus right now anyway, did you get an alert on your phone? Something is happening, they're just waiting to tell us what, I hate for y'all to be stranded. Then if it's what you and I saw, (2007- 2015, between an EMP to CME, even Yellowstone); nothing gonna work anymore.  Meaning no one is gonna be able to get to yall, there'll be no phones, no transport, yall be on yall on, for a long time, period. I asked your parents if they'd drive y'all, that's different, ELE, you'll be with them, but she said she couldn't, so just enjoy your fall break there, Grandma. Understand, there is no disaster to mega disaster that has happened begin 2017, that she and I haven't predicted, disaster Hawaii and yet pending. Hers Including, and what caused, Hawaii, is by a made more nuclear Pacific ring of fire. Right now an outbreak of earthquakes, volcanoes and other weather phenomenon having the downtown newspaper's bells ringing: all predicted 2015/16/17 into Jan 13, 2018, now the most explosive year of them all. These disastrous out breaks with ELE's pending aren't about getting away from certain areas US states, they're about getting away from North America, its North, Central, South, its Caribbean, it's all going away; commanded exodus is into Georgia bursting with sunlight right now awaiting yall, as to get into Africa, beware, Apb


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