All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven

     -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest),

     -Listening To: Selah, More And More. Lord I Trust You here,

     -America's Blood Guiltiness, Cataclysmic Sentence 2001-2017, Now, Do

     -Seen To Be Seeing 06/2017, the word "Now," decorated as this blinking light of caution, as so days prior, the word "Now," fixed into the forewarning, "Judgement Now."

     -Until A Times, Times And The Dividing Of Time In Daniel's Week, Angel Gabriel 2004 Forewarn, All Is Unto Fulfillment

    -Seen To Be Hearing In My Ear, Revelation,  Revelation 12 Sign, All Things Unto Fulfillment

   -Unto Us A Child Is Born, Unto Us A Son Is Given, Jesus's Wings, And The Leaves, From The Tree Are For The Healing Of Battled To Death Nations

-The world ended the first disobedience the garden of Eden, why a disguised Lucifer made such an appearing and right now only those whose said ending reign this earth this man, has been unveiled. Is now come this seven thousand year old appearing, of Apostle John's description of the Revelation 12 sign. Given as a word a couple weeks prior, like it's escaping to marriage supper Bride, blink and again you've missed it, what's biblical, vitally to sorely important. Come long ago is this world ending, only like this hour at present no one can blessed see it, this bomer all it's on, where in their midst are heavenly time travelers. Those knowing both the beginning and the end, their revelation of a travelers guide. undoubtedly, it's why traveler Jesus' warn, said, even these times beyond the sky innovations would be as plagued as the days of Noah, (NOAA's), cousin, knowing but at the same time being apocalyptic with carelessness.
-As usually these six thousand years now as the Revelation sign 12, portraying of a specialty pregnancy, delivery into phenomenon escape with yet another, as witnessed 2016, come, enters Jesus' millennium. All that's revealed of the Christian's time traveler guide, saying again be warn, such was said, even mocked of eclipse 2017. That very astonishing the heavens above come down to earth anomaly Apostle predicted designed the exact trajectory as that of a Yellowstone eruption, now even more active. Evenly that proposed only a few nights ago, this whisper in my ear of a Noah's Cousin, I know, it's warning Noah, as in NOAA's Cousin, as is from deep within the earth's crust is come also from the heavens above something familiarly earth ending. Just so I forewarn these 190 months of this 2x's Godzilla monster whose path right across US territory would be just as cunning as Eclipse 2017. Surely lest I forget as so apparently many have, what unprecedented breaking and setting of historic records has been upon the earth, since eclipse 2017, lest those who forewarn, fret.
     -Frightfully readers, out of thirty one springs of prophetic ministry, as you will read here, the months of September, October 2017, have proved to be their most explosive. You see around these two months, 2017, something described as a catastrophe upon the earth impacted US soil just as simultaneously as the Bride. This blessed thing first seeing to America's Moses' day exodus this Southeast exit, was suddenly as prophesied, snatched out... Beware. Isa. 57:1, I Thess. 4:16-18, I Cor. 15:5-58, Rev. 4:1, yeah it has been that long the Bride have without your notice, been as the two olive branches, missing from earth, now like Jesus an appearance of outreaching Holy Spirits prick any of them, they ascend right into blessed Bridegroom and again, marriage suppers and mansions in heaven, Apb,,
     -Having so much to say still, I'll just leave you with the mysterious dates given me, of August 29th, more or less September 25th, October 10th and especially November 4th into December 25th.  I, Apostle know, I only realized a day past, these dates September into October coincide not only with the Jewish holiday, the end of the Intrepid Dream Timetable, greater, earth ending judgments begin to end all western soil, rule. Though with the education systems that's been commanded to be finished, these two months, while it's fall break for many US school classes and that's important because. Well first and for better clarity why this is equally happening, for a certainty, see British Education systems right now, and Apostle do mean right now; this come necessary evil, mutant, even genocidal. Unthinkaly as those threatening, threats which will be meet with sudden destruction, various programs if they don't get on board with their their transgender agenda of perverting into extinction the Genesis human being.
     -I, Apostle little realized it, but the people of Ezekiel days, 8:12, having a habit of crying, "for the Lord seeth us, the Lord is ascended from the earth, said rebellion within itself was a curse. Come then is death, then a come Noah (NOAA's) day judgment, only today no flesh will stand, oh, because of this evil into wickedness all parents were as well as the days of Jesus warning the whore Jezebel, commanded to be killed by! Possibly, why just the other night, before Mexico's second 11 days later mega giant quake and hurricane Maria desolated others of Britain to America's territories and lest we forget, Rocket man, Kim, all mountainous seen since Eclipse 2017, now WHAT, I no longer wonder? I simply heard the word, "KILL!"; let's just say, there's this cursive ability not to see what's so obviously in front of their faces, but buried in apostate as their hearts churches. sadly rightly into sand dunes and sorely ignoring the NOAA's Ark in their sand castles to the little Miya girl in their slow motion exodus.
     -I'm reminded, well remember when Jesus healed the man born blind, then he sealed the warning, a time would come where those blind would be made to see and those seeing where made blind?Those religious leaders standing close, hearing were gravely offended knowing Jesus was especially referencing them, believe Apostle whatever happen in earthen heavens 09/23/2017, and is yet happening, has like a thousands times Eclipse's 2017 set. As to seal humanity along Beast rule, blacken this world a benevolent eclipse so Ancient as His days on earth, there will not be one stone left upon another. As prophesied, predicted the travelers guide said black whole the souls of men will remind until as equally prophesied of Jesus' return, at evening time there will be light. Get It, get Jesus and as warn, as of God's Revelations, get out of it, Amen.
     -This mental to heart nearsightedness is equally why being or having a spirit of omniscient, such is the cry, 2002, 2015 and now 2017 Trump's inauguration, fifty millions will die. Don't be so vehemently deluded as your fellowmen of the rebellious before you, humanity didn't as one would say just dodged a bullet, it was just reminded the age of apostate civilization, of it's heathen raging relentless is detoured along a double the Hussein/Mayan come Apocalyptic earth of Dunlap street, where again it's obvious to oblivious to see, still, no doubt forewarn, God is avenging martyred blood, get to repentant altars no flesh will stand, do you understand?
     -I looked into visions on my head 06/18/2017. it was as though one was working a word puzzle, a parody of  man addiction to technology come idolatry, when said word was brought to rest it spelled, "Judgment Now," when only a few days past, come the vision of seeing the word "Now," a decorative, but as a blinking light of caution, it now as the days of Jesus prognosticating the end of this world, telling disciples mostly, let no man deceive you, sadly as apostle alone will tell you, an though you can see it, hear it, thus you know it, this earth is past away, reapers bearing monster disasters will, as in will continue t target all procrastinating America's come exodus get it, get Jesus, and get out! come is Noah (NOAA's) cousin and for the American dream, Western rule, you just can't see it, Apb, the RAM...


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