All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven

All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Early To Mighty,
The Fields Are White Unto Harvest, 09/27/2017
Listening To, People Of The Cross,

     -Seen To seeing A Ginormous Maze Of Troubled People, A Visited By The Millions Water Cooler, That's Waring Americans Immediate Future, Behold I Will Cast You Into Great Tribulation, When A Woman Bearing Black Bowls To Business Cards For Better Fall Out Shelters Instead Approaches, Rev. 16,

     From The Edge Of A Cliff, To The Top Of Mount Olivet, Apostle Like The Days Jeremiah's Lamentation, Forewarn All Of This,,

     -Chris, why didn't President Trump tell the people doing all that cheering that? Presidential leaders like Trump, seeing blindly down the barrel of wars, rumors and nuclear wars always seem to downplay or totally ignore the threat to the US, to US soil, this is not those days, I repeat, THIS, is not those days. There is something impacting US West Coast, that is so ginormous I only after nearly two decades of prophecy just begun to describe it as a three headed, 2x's Godzilla monster, no doubt as of the Death Rider dream and the Phoenix dream portrayed here,
     -When possibly a couple weeks back as I woke from sleep, though confusing, I heard in my hearing, "Noah's Cousin." Truly what is there to wonder, right? Anything and again I, Apostle say anything related to Noah is all human kind looking down a Trumpet barrel of near to human extinction. Will you all truly sit idlely by, your grab bags, your fall to bomb out Walls, Malls and Walmarts, as it is while these iron men; cause the death of tens of millions of human being mostly US soil; the emphasis is will you sit or will you run for your soul’s lives, the only good, blessed death? I warn you again, this Goliath, three times it’s double is right now pending, as in getting the word "NOW," one per night, with one as a multicolored blinking light of caution?
     -The same Apostle who warn, an Obama White house, 2003, of a Cameron’s Brexit, 2015, that was pending, further I warn that Trump's Declarations of peace and safety. As so would be met as prophesied with sudden destruction, angering so many, and unknowingly gave you the date of August 29th, when he would be in Texas assessing Harvey, with Kim's Missiles steadily flying over. It is this same Apostle warning you this harsh of realities, America's blood guilt December 2001-October 2017, due, it is as the days of Moses, Egypt, Pharaoh, the ten plagues. Even the mandatory ALTAR to exodus, that is now America's, it is for US to Western soil right now, everything they threaten as the days of Prophet Jeremiah/Ezekiel, even as the days of Revelation 17, 18 chapters, it is going to come upon them, upon you, double even triple.
     -Seeing it's outcome these 31 springs, let apostle tell you, you're not looking at the end of Nuclear Kim and company, but the beginning of the Asian Invasion US soil and the threat 2011, that our grands would grow up in an occupied America. The three heads of this Godzilla monster, either, or I put before you is a Nuclear Kim and company, a natural Yellowstone, triggering all teetering fault lines right alone it’s Eclipse 2017 trajectory. There is pending a Noah (NOAA’s), cousin, possibly David Meade's predicted to arrive just as the Intrepid Timetable finales, October 2017, this Nibiru Character. Just as well it could be something as simply, swift as a Carrington Event, only two, even three times it's troubles, as extinction level, like Apostle told you, long before Harvey, even Katrina, they’re all coming.
     -Truly curious as Prophet Daniel’s cognition, the Brides reign in heaven is fulfilled to the point she's seen readying the until seven years of the Antichrist prowess be fulfilled. The stone cut out without hands, seen to have the surface of a meteor, that upon her release is declared, "the Antichrist murderer, now we understand, King Nebuchadnezzar losing his head, witnessing an alike anomaly released from heaven. Liken recently to the breaking apart of the crystallized heavens I saw, crash into and demolish everything on the earth, nation building, pretty much, Angel Gabriel 2004, mention of a Seventh Angel, Rev, 11. Clearly as the days of Governor Pilate, and Jesus allocating to him, His Kingdom being in heaven, as so is the Bride by a nano second, predestined. Trump and company can't do anything but make it rain the worse of disasters ever this earth, now US soil and no flesh, this whole world will stand, not any, only Holy Spirits, got God's Trump yet, got Jesus? Apb, The RAM


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