All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven

     -All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest), 9/25/2017,

     -Listening To: Selah, More And More. Lord I Trust You here,

     -America's Blood Guiltiness, Cataclysmic Sentence 2001-2017, Now, Do

     -Seen To Be Seeing 06/2017, the word "Now," decorated as this blinking light of caution, as so days prior, the word "Now," fixed into the forewarning, "Judgement Now."

     -Until A Times, Times And The Dividing Of Time In Daniel's Week, Angel Gabriel 2004 Forewarn, All Is Unto Fulfillment

    -Seen To Be Hearing In My Ear, Revelation,  Revelation 12 Sign, All Things Unto Fulfillment

   -Unto Us A Child Is Born, Unto Us A Son Is Given, Jesus's Wings, And The Leaves, From The Tree Are For The Healing Of Battled To Death Nations

What Has Become As The Days Of Jeremiah, Ezekiel And Moses, OF Revelation 18, A Mandatory Exit To Exodus, www,

     -This ramping up into WW3, what could be the reason doing a demonstration by a dream 06/26/2015, Obama's administration two weeks an seven years now dwindled into two weeks that would soon be explained as to past to "something about Cameron." Miraculously meaning the pending in two weeks breaking international news about Britain's Cameron, Syria's Assad and Russia's Putin right into P. M. Cameron' soon to come Brexit, pretty much a revised into the Antichrist cabinet, the nail in th coffin of Wesern Civilization, on 02/22/2016, inconceivably, but the very Jesus husband in my dreams before he died, ascended, leading this mass exit, 4th death anniversary.
     -Further and not a dream, we're to understand my seven, year old Grandson Caden, 2015, coming into my bedroom that day. Getting me up from my work desk, insisting I come and see something in his parent’s room, shockingly, that was breaking news on his parent’s TV about cease fires, Syria Assad, now allied by Russia's Putin that were falling apart was all leading to this moving to Georgia reveal what would be nation to world charging into biblical prophecy fulfillment. Understand whereas the Angel Gabriel 2004, appearing 05/15/2004 was on this Jesus’ Husband, birthday, whereas, as I shared, learning only a week past, that Cameron’s Brexit was signed on this Jesus husband death/Ascension anniversary.
     -The appearance of Angel Gabriel made to Prophet Daniel, whose prophecies Angel Gabriel 2004, claiming all was unto fulfillment. Those two end time beast, Rev. 11), on to fulfill Daniel’s little horn prophecy seen rise into fruition until Obama's two weeks and seven years. Whereas two thousand and some three hundred years later, this same Angel was warning whatever Prophet Daniel was then instructed to conceal. This was by the man in Linen, swearing by God's throne, a timeline into an existing timeline given to Daniel. That until here presently, Syria’s Assad and Russia’s allying, would be conceal were all prophecies from Genesis to Revelation now unto complete reveal, with said Gabriel appearing 534 B. C.-2004 A. D., the man  in Linen table realized, now come a seven year peace pack between Israel and neighboring Islam.
      -As I, Apostle was saying these minutes into what could be the proposed only one year shy of two decades war on US soil now Kim Jong and a vast company come. Not only is this for centuries coming tug of nuclear war possibly why Holy Spirits just as the Bride was escaping skyward, were as well getting everyone else as far away from the West Coast, Eclipse 2017 Trajectory into a Southwest exodus by a date of September 25, 2017, so fast and so furious, it’s, America’s Moses days exodus had as well come. Apparently this mind-blogging to stomach sickening truth is why just as Donald Trump was campaigning I witnessed a fury from God shoot at him, Just as a day prior of  now President Trump inauguration, I heard additionally “fifty million will die,”
     -God’s fury why? America to Western Rule blood guilt had for 181 into 190 of a December night 2001 into October 2017, been weighed, measured and sentenced along a cataclysmic removal. In a few words their blood letting days are over to the blessed extent, where Hillary’s would’ve been a Hilexit. Trump’s, why apostle called on voting booths to be pound into altars and evacuations, Trump’s is a Truexit, that while his campaign was crying make America great again, Holy Spirits afforcing to get hundreds of millions out of danger were instead crying, their’s, your America’s, Western rule is a Nuclear fate. Beware, the danger here is as in the days of Moses’ Egyptian Pharaoh, as to curse their rebellion, God made it so, whatever Pharaoh threaten would come back upon him, only for America’s leaders to American soil, said threat will come upon them double, even triple, explaining this seeming seizure from every points of emphasis.
     -Cleverly explaining the three headed, 2xs a Godzilla monster, years ago by an open vision I suffered troubles as if the entire nation was overcome as to be swallowed in a black sink hole. The prophesied Asian invasion, the predicted 99 bowls of molten lava and that described lately as Noah (NOAA’s) as in something earth ending prowling just above us, all making an escape either skyward with God’s Trump or Southeast with America’s Trump, mandatory. As I warn before, I've had just as many demonstrations about evacuations into exodus regarding America, as I've had of the escaping Bride, I just was never told when nor where until the escape to Heaven/Georgia dream.
     -Listen closely, these talks to threats like all forms of exploding with disasters right now, Apostle even warn would follow Trump’s decorations of peace and safety and gave you what was given me, an August 29th date. Even more concerning seeing all these unspeakable troubles are arriving to us, on US to Western soil just as the intrepid dream timetable of America's blood guilt,  That until 190 months be fulfilled now by the months of September 25th into October 10th be due, said Judgments are to come to them all as an outbreak of cataclysms. Prophetically, until it is all no more than a magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, foreign soil; I, Apostle seen it, and have forewarn, that when commanded reapers (Eze. 9), bearing sword-like syringes were finished, clearly there was absolutely nothing left of America, of Western Rule.
      -Breathtakingly, why right now the number one killer of persons below 50 years old are drug overdoes, now is come these 2x's Godzilla, Nuclear/Nature/NOAA monsters. Regardless, will America’s Presidential Cabinet like the days of King Jeremiah’s Zechariah into Daniel’s King Belshazzar, even Bush’s Iraq/Saddam, bow to it’s enemies. Instead safeguard it’s people into a mandatory Southeast escape, the complete exodus of America? I don’t know about you, but Apostle think not, according to this report saving you is on the table only by the worse world extinction, a pending Yellowstone eruption. Into the worse wars ever this planet, unrecognizable still, but right into Antichrist’s Armageddon, by the way the last time other than at America's Trump, God cast such fury at Waring Beast/men. Unthinkably, further the warning 2002, as so by a funeral reef tearing into the heavens, 2015 and Trump 2017, that tens of millions will die. 
     -Further the warning 2002, by a funeral reef, 2015 and 2017, that tens of millions will die, get it, get Jesus and get out, and may God bless your American exodus. Remember, seeing by the escape to Heaven/Georgia dream, an estimated escape by September 23-25th was never for me, I've seen bible prophecy fulfillment into a witness of Jesus' millennium descending into Obama's finished time table into Cameron's Brexit and Trump's election, the year 2016. By this reveal, we were seeing the reinvention of thousands of years of biblical prophecy that has come, further explaining the rise of the two beast of Rev. 11, as so experiencing the overwhelming experiment of the Lamb's Book of Life being open and crafted into a roll call/census taking, additional proof as Angel Gabriel 2004, forewarn, all is upon fulfillment, beware as God, Himself, the tim travelers  guide, from Genesis to Revelation again Apostle say, beware.


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