All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven

 -All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest

     -World War 3 into A Yellowstone Eruption, Even A Nibiru, The Stampeding Of The Bride Skyward And Americans Southeast Into Exodus, By A September 25th Date, Beware, As Always, Apb,

     -Warsaw, West Worthy, Epidemic, All Things I Seen And Heard 1998, Dreams Of War, Asian Invasion US Soil, And I Told The Elder, 1998, America Will Again Be In Wars, He Didn't Believe Me Either, Apb
     -Noah (NOAA's) Cousin, This Three Headed, 2x's Godzilla Approaches, As All Are Stampeding Skyward To Southeast, America's Exodus

Attention All House Holds Where, Who Ever You Are, Seek Jesus For, Forgiveness Of Sin, Pray, Anoint Your Entire House Into Ascension,

     I saw that when the greatest celebration in heaven imagined, was halted, elders casting down their crowns. I saw that when a Trumpet was offered to the Angel Gabriel, said intermission caused an abrupt silence in heaven. I saw that when a Holy One approached, I was standing before a mountain in heaven, from which a brightness like the sunlight emerged and like in the days of Moses it said, “let my people go into exodus.” I saw that like in the days of the downing of Nimrod’s Apostate babel a world of migrating, sorely troubled people. That this was only the beginning of the slow motion exodus of American to Western Rule, no wonder commanded reapers of God, bearing devastating swords for stampeding unbelievers have now shifted all those rebellious, into it’s highest gear of escape.
     -I see, now that an end is indeed come, Holy Spirits rushing to get such with alert persons either skyward with God’s Trump, Jesus or Southeast with America’s Truexit, Trump.  I saw, I heard in my ear, beware of alien dangers from above such as a Noah’s Cousin, as in an outbreak of apocalypse the earth, the heavens, I heard that fifty million will die. I see the heathen raging, that they’re to imagine their most lethal illusionist ever, as to come against God; as to come against God's Anointed, I saw that By the Brides' Reign, the stone made without hands mighty into release. I saw that this was Gog and Magog defeat into it's, burial, Hamon Gog. I saw that when it was the end of the age of men, no matter what apostate leaders did say for then is come the sunlight of God, then is come, Jesus’ Millennium, I saw that the healing of all nations is in His Wings, got Him, Got Jesus yet? Get It, Get Jesus and Get Out!

Religion Drove The Nails, True Christianity Walked Out Of The Tomb, Three Days Later 

     -Early as I rise, and find this alert on my phone, I will share what of God wisdom come in Apostle head. The movement the first nail was driven unto Noah's Ark, men knew that an end had come,
      The second the nail was driven unto God's Temple, Christ Jesus, we knew that an age of men, of centuries of turf wars and Kingdom and Nation building  had again.
    Just as do, the same can be said  about this might the blood and thus the thoughts and hearts of. men. Listen you can Apostle Paul I beseech thee therefore brethren. The moment again we saw the nail driven into a newly rebuild Jewish state, right down to a specific months of September and October,   even it's specific year of 2017,  with all that is evidence a question,  why do the heathen rage?


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