All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven

     -All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 09/25/2017,

     -World War 3 into A Yellowstone Eruption, Even A Nibiru, The Stampeding Of The Bride Skyward And Americans Southeast Into Exodus, By A September 25th Date, Beware, As Always, Apb,

     -Warsaw, West Worthy, Epidemic, All Things I Seen And Heard 1998, Dreams Of War, Asian Invasion US Soil, And I Told The Elder, 1998, America Will Again Be In Wars, He Didn't Believe Me Either, Apb,
     -Noah (NOAA's) Cousin, This Three Headed, 2x's Godzilla Approaches, As All Are Stampeding Skyward To Southeast, America's Exodus

    -Attention All House Holds Where, Who Ever You Are, Seek Jesus For, Forgiveness Of Sin, Pray, Anoint Your Entire House Into Ascension,

     -Then, I Apostle must contend, you don't know God, you don't know Jesus the Christ of God and 'you don't know the righteous bride, you are utterly clueless regarding the righteousness of laid before human kind even before the Genesis. This ginormous decision apostle even think, this form of predestination whereas a Supreme Creator would seek out a carnal existence. You see Christ's Cross, even the angels of heaven now have a God who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost.That this otherwise mystery of godliness could be the cause of the mutiny in heaven whose belligerent transgression is being marked right now by this literally unspeakable demonstration of the stars and planets in heaven, deemed the September 23rd, Revelation 12 sign. Remarkably, not only the Brides escape, but America's design exit, of seeing western rule by cataclysms unfounded since Noah's ark, is being evicted and thus deleted from the planet of even heaven crying, woe, as in, run, run, run for your living Soul. 
     -I leaped out of bed early this morning, 5 am, grabbed my purse, my anointing oil, reminded that my grand nephew is, how i need to anoint him and plead that's he found worthy to escape. Then it was much late I realize the urgency, being An Apostle, knowing we've arrived a second by second countdown, the rapture happen, my entire house, and this little boy is left all alone. This little boy now six years old haven't been in my life since the day he was  born, my distant nephew had a son, and I only knew he exited by word of mouth and pictures. Then I begin to hear that just as we're forced into Georgia, unbeknownst to either of us my nephew, well lets just we end up leaving Memphis, destination Georgia, probably the same day. Now the grand nephew once living in Texas, Florida was now in Georgia, happy, per his school fall, break, Caden and I, happy, little guess. 
-Never as the days of Prophet Ezekiel think, or on no occasion make the mistake Elohim is off in heaven an incalculable measurement away. Not only are we forewarn that all things are written and kept as a record for His admonishment to judgment, it was just suggested long before hurricane Harvey as the days of 2016 election, that we all get ourselves to repentant altars God is right now, as in right now avenging martyred blood. Accurately with America's weight of blood guiltiness these months of September to October 2017 now come, that is to suddenly to whisk the Bride away, ending 190 years of technical innovation.
-As to cause tens of millions of Americans their lives, the due benevolence, when Apostle John hear the cries of Revelation, of earth inhabitants having no more doubt God’s wrath is throwing and pouring down upon them. -Sincerely, the only why God, regardless of Christ’s Cross, can call on all parents death, with not even the Righteous Bride being an exception, can then only mean. When those like now as to stampede all people along Americas come as mandatory as the Bride exit, exodus. there are as the days of Prophet Ezekiel reapers bearing fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes.
-Right into it's pending with 99 bowls of molten lava and this recent entry, as a Noah's (NOAA's) Cousin, meaning that earth ending from above as in virtually there is no place to go they're from every direction, even from below, come. -When John hears the cry as of God's wine press these thousands of years now, "and who shall be able to stand?" Why blessed assurance into amazing grace, just as the Bride is escaping skyward, all others are being directed Southeast into exodus, squarely, as the answer to this unassailable inquiry; "and who shall be able to stand?” No flesh shall stand, only come the Bride's glorification into ascension, Holy Spirits alone and they now ascended, why Jesus song and song and song, "you must be born again," so to whom does your heart belong? Get it, get Jesus and get out of it, America's as surely as God's Trump, Jesus' is an exodus.


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