All Hail To The Bride Reigning In Heaven

    -When The Fat Lady Sings You Say, Well, How About Michael Clark Duncan (Armageddon), Seen As To Sing Flawless Opera, In A Wilderness, I Like Apostle John Did See The Heavens Roll Back Like A Scroll, Will That Instead Suffice?

Is This An Invasion Of Peace On Earth?

     -Surely Nicholas, it was the end of the world, when nails were driven Noah's Ark, Christ's Cross, the new Jewish State and now Trump's Administration, Hussein/Islam it's nail in it's own coffin. These once greased over handle bars of prevention, of a November. 4th date of seeing it's funeral reef tearing and soaring into the heavens above of all four corners crying further. Evenly of those four continents to nations in a block, 2002; Asia, America, Japan and Russia, sorely lamenting aloud as the days predicted of these end times, now the Brides escape. 
     -Into America's come, Southeast Moses day exodus, that even while doing 2017 presidential inauguration, that Trump's is a Truexit, come equally the cry, of 2002, that "fifty million will die." All these men of prediction, said end time beast readied into Obama's depleted two weeks and seven years right into Prophet Daniel's week of Antichrist rule, right into Jesus Millennium Reign, seen as a 2016/2017 entry along a 2024 fruition.
     -Particularly of all bible prophecy by Angel Gabriel 2004, A. D. concealing Daniel's prophecies 534, B.C. now all such timetables to forewarning declared unto fulfillment. Undoubtedly as of this video, whose said fruition is spinning us all along cataclysms of an extinction level, double, to triple it's judgment whose Goliath of a monster come just as the Brides escape and America's exit to entry the month of September to October 2017. As such is to follow a Pale horse judgement into an Islamic/Antichrist rule. it is good to remember nothing was to come of Eclipse 2017, whose trajectory I warn took that of a pending 99 bowls of molten lava of a Super Volcano eruption, in heighten activity right now, right across the entirety of US soil.
      -Then just as so, only days past, a voice in my ear about a Noah's Cousin, of course Nicholas we know, nothing related to Noah's can be less than earth ending. Let alone as nation ending as forward 2013 by the Jesus' husband in my dream before he died to ascend, beware of Alien dangers from above, I've seen something as catastrophic as a three headed. 
     -Two times a Godzilla monster, suddenly reduce America of 190 years, 190 months into it's weight of blood guilt Christmas night 2001; properly calculated you're talking 15.10, further calculated you're talking David Meade's timetable of September to October 2017. Just as eclipse 2017 didn't seem to pose a threat until this outbreak of monster storms, earthquakes and Solar flares. Predicted these two decades and more, not counting Revelation and the prophets of old, I know what's prowls beneath, above and all about this earth, I warn, and warn and warn, that they're all come...beware, Apb, as you love share, warn!        


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