America Blood Guiltiness Sentence Do
America's Blood Guiltiness, Sentence Do
Though nothing has come of these 31 years of outreach ministry, though I created this page to help my goddaughter Kemel having financial troubles. I will use it as an escape to Georgia fund, so those who will, even those who won't give, give here,
See Jesus Plans For Evacuations Here Mat. 24
See God's Instruction For Exodus Here, Rev. 17
See, As far back as the Prophet Isaiah, the reassurance that the Righteous, herein the Bride are taken out of the evil to come, Isa. 57;1
That is the evil day's entry and gone into prediction, forewarn 1998, as a rise of darkness that was pending. The two weeks and seven years Obama's Administration said evil day, actually week is now upon us, as in mankind. See also, National scientist, to Russia's, to FEMA, to anyone who care about literal incorrigible Americans as to warn them to get out, as in away from the west coast. One scientist, a Michio Kaku, warn, that Yellowstone could reduce America from 50 states to 30 states instantly, as so instantly fulfilling the tens of millions in death toll I been hearing annoince in my hearong and this seeing and predicted these last two decades.
-At one moment like at present looking at AI, human Microchiping, this come into a Robots era, as I was saying, moment we were basking in all the glory and majesty of the greatest of technology and innovations ever this word, and as quickly as a car door opens and one is evicted, the times, times and the dividing time, com of the the prophet Daniel man in linen inseted time table, now deem this intrepid adventure (the dispensation of grace, the church age, {bride into the rapture}) of Western Civilization, thus America's Ends.
-Simultaneously as the bride is taken out (the intrepid car removal), and the blood guilt, well man is born to a blood lineage that is cursed, no doubt the sight of Jesus being in the background, standing helpless, as judgment had come upon their lives, lands and churches, found to be abominabable and detestable doing the death Rider vision, whose mounting toll of wars and rumors over many millennial's causing the lives and souls of just an incalculable. Certainly why Moses Egypt first come judgement was in a form of giving them, all thriving kingdoms to nations imbibe, blood for water, even the great whore of religous at apostle's john witness has in her hand a cup of martyred blood. Horrifyingly that of which Holy Spirits warn only months past that God was avenging, meaning only holy spirits will stand, yet all persons this earth must be born again.
Cleverly, it's why the stone cut without hands, King Nebuchadnezzar, Prophet Daniel, Apostle, Bradford 2004/2015, (see Dan. 4), was described as the Antichrist murderer. Now Western Rule, just as the Bride is hurried away, facing what all nation building is to facing along any militant journey an apocalyptic weigh station now measured and sentenced that until 190 months be fulfillment the desolation, as in the dismantling of whorish, rebellious rule, beginning on America's western edge, tearing into it's Mideast as already the stampeding of it's population along a Moses day style exodus. Take the September 11th attack for example and the growing long list of suspects, like the days of Job, this couldn't have happen.
-No, not unless God allowed it, this as the days of Servant Job and America, like right now, even do this great tragedy's 16th anniversary, a barely off a deadly cancer diagnoses John Mccain opted to go. this on the specific of one war that has gone on for sixteen years now, the intrepid dream entire timeline and counting into a witnessed of Jesus millennium descending, why I heard of it, 2014, a cry in my ear, strip Americans like my servant Job, God is not mocked, America's weighty troubles and tolls of bloodletting on this world grossly out weigh it's highly exalted charities, just a suggestion whoever you are, wherever on this planet, celebrity or peasant, get you to repentant altars of Jesus Christ, God is avenging martyred blood and if the righteous only by a prophetic rapture and timely bidden to marriage supper are scarcely saved, where, how, there is no hope, for the unrepentant
-And I Heard In My Hearing Woman Why Weepiest Thou? Ask Me, And I Will Give You The Heathen For Thine Inheritance!
-Still I Need To Say, There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th
-Is God As Angry Right Now As The Days Of Noah And Greater? I heard A Command Lately, That All Parents be Killed By, That All Schools Be Finished, That 50 Million Will Die, 2002 and 2017, Even More Frightening, That God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, So You Tell Me!
Prophecy Links
-And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me
babe," (soon by research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)! Apb,
-What did I see? I saw he Bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession the stone cut out without hands (Dan. 4), I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, that when she released it, I heard a voice announce, "this is the Antichrist murderer." Beware, As the days of Daniel into Antichrist, Apb
-Seen To Seeing A God Crying Uncontrollably Behind A Silence In Heaven, "Let My People Go Into Exodus," Apb, The RAM
-I Apostle believe, three of my most haunting to daunting dreams, perhaps even four are related to a Yellowstone type extinction level event. There’s the Death Rider, the Intrepid Dream time table, the Phoenix prophecy, the Funeral reef and here recently, the 99 bowls of molten lava. As so, least I forget, meaning a sixth or seventh, the moving us to heaven/Georgia dream of clearing out anyone West of the Southeast coastline. One such prophesy goes back as far as two decades, another as recent as a couple months past, a chant in my ear of “99 bowls, (vials), of molten lava,” see Joel 2, Acts. 2, Rev, 16. Meaning at least one of the three heads of what I've forewarn is the ruckus methodology of a three headed, 2x's a Godzilla monster. Which mean besides, okay, I agree, admittedly, as I witnessed in a dream, of people being stampeded by sword bearing reapers. All those reading here should be grabbing their, Infowar’s, to AMTV’s bug out bags and getting as far, far away from the West coast right into the Southeast exodus; besides the Bride taken skyward, the only other exiting of America, God will bless.
-You see, in the movie, Dante Peak, dutchsinse is the, okay we might have trouble brewing, but don’t worry, be happy, prepare, seismologist. I, Apostle, Prophet, I’m more on the hand of a Pierce Bronson’s character, crying yes, heck yes the sky is falling, get out of there now, as in right now! Just as I was saying this three head Godzilla monster, well, an approaching Nuclear Kim, a recently described Noah's Cousin (as in NOAA, deadly, earth ending prowlers from above), as so a Yellowstone type eruption. I have thirty years of prophetic ministry as to believe the death rider I witnessed from beneath the earth, oddly enough, never understood it, when I witnessed the earth open, and a rider of death just sprang up out of it, with a backward running clock, a sixth year finished along a seventieth year of Daniel pending all tick, tocking under him, the end.
-Certainly, with America having a judgment, sentence of this weight of blood guiltiness due by October 2017, which would explain the estimated time of the Bride. As so the stampeding of Americans along a Southeastern exodus around mid September, as in any day now, this is Apostle, as of like the last 31 springs of prophesying what I've been seeing. Honestly with this estimated time of escape to exodus of September 23rd-25th shown as early as 2015, whereas doing another dream, portrayed by one of my book characters. A young Genesis/Marriage Worshiper, Preece Soledad Maurice, in short, I witnessed the heavens fold back and forward like a scroll, crystallize, crack and break apart along these huge shod’s of glass and like huge missiles play target practice with earths inhabitants. Undoubtedly the witnessed of Michael Clark Duncan, from the apocalyptic thriller Armageddon, as if when the fat man sing we’re done for, singing perfect opera.
- Concurrently, if that wasn’t the worse, the heavens crashing into men, the most horrifying thing ever, so the sky is actually falling all while there were two crystallized Beast, mutated along a Godzilla monster to a Dinosaurs, so both of amphibian origin just standing, staying in the heavens all while this fantastic feature is transpiring. This is why so many scientist national and worldwide, these sandians with little Miya (Maya), girls in their cars can’t admit anything this beyond cataclysmic, actually blinding their reality of this happening anytime soon. Only according to not just Apostle’s 31 years of fore warnings, but bible prophecy, that in 2004 by Angel Gabriel was forewarn is unto all fulfillment, ALL! The Apostle John, these thousands of years past witnessed something highly similar, as is described Rev. 6th chapter, behind it’s sixth seal, his witnessed, of the heavens rolling back like a scroll as well.
-Look, I been considering, since the Apostle Peter predicted the end of this earthly system to be dissolved, in a blast of an atoms or the like. I was thinking could Nibiru, well when we look at Nibiru, is it the planetary solar system that’s to replace it, this present earth, even as I inquired before. Was Apostle John describing the Nibiru system when he looked out and witnessed a new Jerusalem, adorn like a Bride unto her groom, world system descending? The only prophetic entry preventing Apostle Peter’s end of the planet scenario, I mean you all do know, is the seventh angel trumpet heralding Daniel’s week finale, of Jesus millennium. I witnessed 2016 descend into, as to overthrow or replace a Hussein (an Islamic), reign, further explaining the huge container crushing Saddam Hussein, Only to injure him, as to send a Hussein Reign into further prediction, pending Hussein Obama/Cameron/Trump’s two weeks and seven year timetable into Daniel’s little Horn, an Israeli/ Islamic/Antichrist rule, whose cabinet, just as President Trumps’ is come.
-As to be given better revelation, I’ve testified how I’ve had two consecutive dreams about the Obama’s regarding a Dunlap street, and here lately, a little Miya girl, on Dunlap Street; you are to know, my first ever dream of an American exodus come by way of a Dunlap Street nightmare to revelation. Forgive me as I paid more attention to this reference to time done lapsed, than the unassuming fact, these dreams come as I, Apostle, Miya and President to First Lady Obama where at one time or another living and or making visits in Memphis Tennessee; then there’s the sealing of the end of Western Civilization as Jesus millennium is witnessed descending into his, Obama’s.
Anything prophetically Memphis Tennessee mean you are making reference to an area that produced one of the countries most sizable earthquakes along the New Madrid fault line. Powerful enough, this quaking, it was said that the Mississippi river flowed backwards. I don’t know if you been paying attention but these out breaks of disasters have either been on the same scale or a more volatile performance of it’s historic likeness. The Mexico, city quake for example. was said to happen on the very anniversary of the deadliest quake to ever hit that area, thousands upon thousands died. Right now there is the warning, by solar scientist, that the highly solar climate that has already produced near to record class outbursts. Is right now primed to produced, possibly the predicted days past of Noah’s, (NOAA’s) cousin, of a Carrington, nation ending event, staged to cripple technology for years to come, try as of the intrepid Dream, Time table, where instantly is gone, one hundred and ninety years, beware, Apb, The RAM…
Though nothing has come of these 31 years of outreach ministry, though I created this page to help my goddaughter Kemel having financial troubles. I will use it as an escape to Georgia fund, so those who will, even those who won't give, give here,
See Jesus Plans For Evacuations Here Mat. 24
See God's Instruction For Exodus Here, Rev. 17
See, As far back as the Prophet Isaiah, the reassurance that the Righteous, herein the Bride are taken out of the evil to come, Isa. 57;1
That is the evil day's entry and gone into prediction, forewarn 1998, as a rise of darkness that was pending. The two weeks and seven years Obama's Administration said evil day, actually week is now upon us, as in mankind. See also, National scientist, to Russia's, to FEMA, to anyone who care about literal incorrigible Americans as to warn them to get out, as in away from the west coast. One scientist, a Michio Kaku, warn, that Yellowstone could reduce America from 50 states to 30 states instantly, as so instantly fulfilling the tens of millions in death toll I been hearing annoince in my hearong and this seeing and predicted these last two decades.
-At one moment like at present looking at AI, human Microchiping, this come into a Robots era, as I was saying, moment we were basking in all the glory and majesty of the greatest of technology and innovations ever this word, and as quickly as a car door opens and one is evicted, the times, times and the dividing time, com of the the prophet Daniel man in linen inseted time table, now deem this intrepid adventure (the dispensation of grace, the church age, {bride into the rapture}) of Western Civilization, thus America's Ends.
-Simultaneously as the bride is taken out (the intrepid car removal), and the blood guilt, well man is born to a blood lineage that is cursed, no doubt the sight of Jesus being in the background, standing helpless, as judgment had come upon their lives, lands and churches, found to be abominabable and detestable doing the death Rider vision, whose mounting toll of wars and rumors over many millennial's causing the lives and souls of just an incalculable. Certainly why Moses Egypt first come judgement was in a form of giving them, all thriving kingdoms to nations imbibe, blood for water, even the great whore of religous at apostle's john witness has in her hand a cup of martyred blood. Horrifyingly that of which Holy Spirits warn only months past that God was avenging, meaning only holy spirits will stand, yet all persons this earth must be born again.
Cleverly, it's why the stone cut without hands, King Nebuchadnezzar, Prophet Daniel, Apostle, Bradford 2004/2015, (see Dan. 4), was described as the Antichrist murderer. Now Western Rule, just as the Bride is hurried away, facing what all nation building is to facing along any militant journey an apocalyptic weigh station now measured and sentenced that until 190 months be fulfillment the desolation, as in the dismantling of whorish, rebellious rule, beginning on America's western edge, tearing into it's Mideast as already the stampeding of it's population along a Moses day style exodus. Take the September 11th attack for example and the growing long list of suspects, like the days of Job, this couldn't have happen.
-No, not unless God allowed it, this as the days of Servant Job and America, like right now, even do this great tragedy's 16th anniversary, a barely off a deadly cancer diagnoses John Mccain opted to go. this on the specific of one war that has gone on for sixteen years now, the intrepid dream entire timeline and counting into a witnessed of Jesus millennium descending, why I heard of it, 2014, a cry in my ear, strip Americans like my servant Job, God is not mocked, America's weighty troubles and tolls of bloodletting on this world grossly out weigh it's highly exalted charities, just a suggestion whoever you are, wherever on this planet, celebrity or peasant, get you to repentant altars of Jesus Christ, God is avenging martyred blood and if the righteous only by a prophetic rapture and timely bidden to marriage supper are scarcely saved, where, how, there is no hope, for the unrepentant
-Remember God's Servant Job of Christian Americans in comparison, whose faithful service (charity), was counted as righteousness greatest trials were all this test, Whereas lately this witness of Americans being evacuated from a crumbling, falling crystallized heaven, that was America, just as the Bride is taken skyward, even the woman bearing black bowls along an intermission as to make an offer instead of better homeless shelters undoubtedly still these amazing offers of divine intermission I, Apostle see it as, Holy Spirit, stampeding them out of the way of a building well visited this world around, that has by Blessed Saints notion and warnings, been elected into a specific time of demolition, meaning all within it's deadly proximity need to what! Evacuate the building, saving your life, increase the chances of your soul's salvation.
-Though if you right now, all hundreds of millions of you, elect to come with me to Jesus, you will no longer be counted as the unrighteous cast into the worse tribulations ever this earth ever or ever again. Jesus at His shout, the Archangel's call and the Angel Gabriel trumpeting the Trump of God, before you're to rightly know you're being prepped unto the wedding supper of the Lamb. get this, get Jesus and get out, fifty million are predestined to die, then a pale horse judgment into an Islmaic/Antichrist reign threatens hundreds of millions more, beware, as always Apb,
America's Blood Guiltiness, Sentence Do-Though if you right now, all hundreds of millions of you, elect to come with me to Jesus, you will no longer be counted as the unrighteous cast into the worse tribulations ever this earth ever or ever again. Jesus at His shout, the Archangel's call and the Angel Gabriel trumpeting the Trump of God, before you're to rightly know you're being prepped unto the wedding supper of the Lamb. get this, get Jesus and get out, fifty million are predestined to die, then a pale horse judgment into an Islmaic/Antichrist reign threatens hundreds of millions more, beware, as always Apb,
-And I Heard In My Hearing Woman Why Weepiest Thou? Ask Me, And I Will Give You The Heathen For Thine Inheritance!
-Still I Need To Say, There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th
-Is God As Angry Right Now As The Days Of Noah And Greater? I heard A Command Lately, That All Parents be Killed By, That All Schools Be Finished, That 50 Million Will Die, 2002 and 2017, Even More Frightening, That God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, So You Tell Me!
Prophecy Links
-And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me
babe," (soon by research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)! Apb,
-What did I see? I saw he Bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession the stone cut out without hands (Dan. 4), I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, that when she released it, I heard a voice announce, "this is the Antichrist murderer." Beware, As the days of Daniel into Antichrist, Apb
-Seen To Seeing A God Crying Uncontrollably Behind A Silence In Heaven, "Let My People Go Into Exodus," Apb, The RAM
-I Apostle believe, three of my most haunting to daunting dreams, perhaps even four are related to a Yellowstone type extinction level event. There’s the Death Rider, the Intrepid Dream time table, the Phoenix prophecy, the Funeral reef and here recently, the 99 bowls of molten lava. As so, least I forget, meaning a sixth or seventh, the moving us to heaven/Georgia dream of clearing out anyone West of the Southeast coastline. One such prophesy goes back as far as two decades, another as recent as a couple months past, a chant in my ear of “99 bowls, (vials), of molten lava,” see Joel 2, Acts. 2, Rev, 16. Meaning at least one of the three heads of what I've forewarn is the ruckus methodology of a three headed, 2x's a Godzilla monster. Which mean besides, okay, I agree, admittedly, as I witnessed in a dream, of people being stampeded by sword bearing reapers. All those reading here should be grabbing their, Infowar’s, to AMTV’s bug out bags and getting as far, far away from the West coast right into the Southeast exodus; besides the Bride taken skyward, the only other exiting of America, God will bless.
-You see, in the movie, Dante Peak, dutchsinse is the, okay we might have trouble brewing, but don’t worry, be happy, prepare, seismologist. I, Apostle, Prophet, I’m more on the hand of a Pierce Bronson’s character, crying yes, heck yes the sky is falling, get out of there now, as in right now! Just as I was saying this three head Godzilla monster, well, an approaching Nuclear Kim, a recently described Noah's Cousin (as in NOAA, deadly, earth ending prowlers from above), as so a Yellowstone type eruption. I have thirty years of prophetic ministry as to believe the death rider I witnessed from beneath the earth, oddly enough, never understood it, when I witnessed the earth open, and a rider of death just sprang up out of it, with a backward running clock, a sixth year finished along a seventieth year of Daniel pending all tick, tocking under him, the end.
-Certainly, with America having a judgment, sentence of this weight of blood guiltiness due by October 2017, which would explain the estimated time of the Bride. As so the stampeding of Americans along a Southeastern exodus around mid September, as in any day now, this is Apostle, as of like the last 31 springs of prophesying what I've been seeing. Honestly with this estimated time of escape to exodus of September 23rd-25th shown as early as 2015, whereas doing another dream, portrayed by one of my book characters. A young Genesis/Marriage Worshiper, Preece Soledad Maurice, in short, I witnessed the heavens fold back and forward like a scroll, crystallize, crack and break apart along these huge shod’s of glass and like huge missiles play target practice with earths inhabitants. Undoubtedly the witnessed of Michael Clark Duncan, from the apocalyptic thriller Armageddon, as if when the fat man sing we’re done for, singing perfect opera.
- Concurrently, if that wasn’t the worse, the heavens crashing into men, the most horrifying thing ever, so the sky is actually falling all while there were two crystallized Beast, mutated along a Godzilla monster to a Dinosaurs, so both of amphibian origin just standing, staying in the heavens all while this fantastic feature is transpiring. This is why so many scientist national and worldwide, these sandians with little Miya (Maya), girls in their cars can’t admit anything this beyond cataclysmic, actually blinding their reality of this happening anytime soon. Only according to not just Apostle’s 31 years of fore warnings, but bible prophecy, that in 2004 by Angel Gabriel was forewarn is unto all fulfillment, ALL! The Apostle John, these thousands of years past witnessed something highly similar, as is described Rev. 6th chapter, behind it’s sixth seal, his witnessed, of the heavens rolling back like a scroll as well.
-Look, I been considering, since the Apostle Peter predicted the end of this earthly system to be dissolved, in a blast of an atoms or the like. I was thinking could Nibiru, well when we look at Nibiru, is it the planetary solar system that’s to replace it, this present earth, even as I inquired before. Was Apostle John describing the Nibiru system when he looked out and witnessed a new Jerusalem, adorn like a Bride unto her groom, world system descending? The only prophetic entry preventing Apostle Peter’s end of the planet scenario, I mean you all do know, is the seventh angel trumpet heralding Daniel’s week finale, of Jesus millennium. I witnessed 2016 descend into, as to overthrow or replace a Hussein (an Islamic), reign, further explaining the huge container crushing Saddam Hussein, Only to injure him, as to send a Hussein Reign into further prediction, pending Hussein Obama/Cameron/Trump’s two weeks and seven year timetable into Daniel’s little Horn, an Israeli/ Islamic/Antichrist rule, whose cabinet, just as President Trumps’ is come.
-As to be given better revelation, I’ve testified how I’ve had two consecutive dreams about the Obama’s regarding a Dunlap street, and here lately, a little Miya girl, on Dunlap Street; you are to know, my first ever dream of an American exodus come by way of a Dunlap Street nightmare to revelation. Forgive me as I paid more attention to this reference to time done lapsed, than the unassuming fact, these dreams come as I, Apostle, Miya and President to First Lady Obama where at one time or another living and or making visits in Memphis Tennessee; then there’s the sealing of the end of Western Civilization as Jesus millennium is witnessed descending into his, Obama’s.
Anything prophetically Memphis Tennessee mean you are making reference to an area that produced one of the countries most sizable earthquakes along the New Madrid fault line. Powerful enough, this quaking, it was said that the Mississippi river flowed backwards. I don’t know if you been paying attention but these out breaks of disasters have either been on the same scale or a more volatile performance of it’s historic likeness. The Mexico, city quake for example. was said to happen on the very anniversary of the deadliest quake to ever hit that area, thousands upon thousands died. Right now there is the warning, by solar scientist, that the highly solar climate that has already produced near to record class outbursts. Is right now primed to produced, possibly the predicted days past of Noah’s, (NOAA’s) cousin, of a Carrington, nation ending event, staged to cripple technology for years to come, try as of the intrepid Dream, Time table, where instantly is gone, one hundred and ninety years, beware, Apb, The RAM…
P. S. Is This An Invasion Of Peace On Earth?
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