The End To The Beginning, No Flesh Shall Stand, Be Born Again

    -Believe Apostle if we're witnessing Jesus Millennium descending, then it's moving into perdition until Daniel week be fulfilled,. Which I explained was representative July 2015, of Russia allying Syria. That it was for the fulfillment of Daniel's week, beginning with an Israeli/Islamic peace accord.
     -Sincerely this remarkable coming to past these thousands of years, Angel Gabriel 2004, did say, all of it. Is why a time of Cameron was mention doing the escape to Heaven/Georgia Dream. Remember I looked at my grandson Caden, now two weeks until Obama's/Church Age is finished.
     -Presently appearing as a distant relative Cameron where it would soon be said of him, "there's something about Cameron." Then is come Syria with Russia allying Assad against Cameron's Britain, next is come, Brexit.
     -All this is happen, and will happen, because human intelligence has arrived at the end of the church Age and the dispensation of grace of allowance. This exiting timetable within one that's readying, even rushing into fruition, this catastrophe upon the earth.
    -The end of the timeline the man in Linen placed within Daniel's and swore by God's Throne it would be so. Evidently right into Christmas night 2001, then for 190 months. Do apparent, this weight of blood guilt is meet with one cataclysmic event into it's complete removal, so the America's are being emptied for soul's protection.
     -Only no flesh can stand accused before God, many great men have tried and felled. Clearly why when they presented this seal book to Apostle John. Just as so there were none found worthy, not in heaven. Not on earth, not beneath it, it's why election 2016 was called into altars of Christ and evacuations, end time blackness prevailed.
     -Amazing Grace as evacuations right now, a weeping sorely Apostle Johns hears, behold the Lamb of God which taketh away our sins. He is worthy to take the book, thus nothing but the blood of Jesus.
     -So, if God is avenging martyred blood where only Holy Spirits will stand there is only one safe-haven for us, altars of Christ. Though unrepentant, blood guilty and that cataclysmic to extinction level happen, forcing the bride skyward and non essentials into mandatory Moses day exodus, why again where we admonished to suspect "the one," Senator Obama, Itinerary, will he do a Moses?
     -Apostle, with the Bride whisk  away now all nation building, world rule.Done stoned the prophet, now this confused, sizable weigh station. Arriving at this apocalyptic end to all rebellion, I know, looking through a mirror darkly, one moment you see it, another you don't. God has turn a deaf ear, even His Thrones back.
     -As been prophesied these thousands of years. Daniel, into Apostle John seven heads now finished, ten crowns of Daniel's week long overdue, but first dealing with the great whore of Abomination, whose cup is filled with the martyred, her blood slaughter mightily out weigh the sacrifice of the wicked.
     -Plainly right into Gabriel's seventh angel, and all nations are done. The Bride is off to marriage supper and Mansions in heaven, blink and you'll miss it. The sacrifices of God is that all Americans to pending Tribulation Saints get to Southeast exit, of an American exodus and may God bless it to be reaper free. Apb

-We have to realize also, the man in linen, Daniel's 12th chapter prophecy, his swearing upon God's throne, Daniel's wouldn't be revealed into fulfillment until an assigned duration totaling a times, times, and the dividing of time. Seeming right into America's weight of blood guilt Dec. 2001 and Obama's/Cameron's/Trump's, two weeks and seven years, 07/26/2008-02/22/2016/17 of as witnessing Jesus Millennium having healing wings, descending into perdition. -Such the like predicted timetable, placed within Daniel's exiting 70 weeks of years, dwindled into a long awaited week of years and stalled at Christ's crucifixion. Apostle think, it doesn't take a genius to safely say, after 2, 300 years is finished easily we're right now looking down the barrow. One both glorious and bitter, of a prophetic table of years beginning while the Trumpet of God is heralding the Church Age (man in linen timeable), long, anticipated final. -Phenomenally this being taken off planet, 06/26/2015-09/25/2017 as was demonstrated to be not just the Brides escape, but amazingly America's Moses day, style exodus, exit stage Southeast. Just as Apostle forewarn before the August 29th prediction, commanded reapers would target all procrastinating this Brexit/Truexit as they are the only sacrificial escapes God will bless, the moving to Heaven/Georgia dream now totally fulfilled. Beware, and may God bless your exodus. Amen, Apb... see here,



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