Times Times And The Dividing Of Time

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White To Harvest

Listening To: Selah, More And More

 -America's Blood Guiltiness, Cataclysmic Sentence 2001-2017, Now, Do

Seen To Seeing 2017, the word "Now," decorated as this blinking light of caution, as so days prior, the word "Now," fixed into the forewarning, "Judgement Now."

Until A Times, Times And The Dividing Of Time Angel Gabriel 2004 Forewarn, All Is Unto Fulfillment

    -Editors Note, I have news for you, the world is not going to end on September 23rd, or anything even close to it. All the so-called prognosticators attempting to use Revelation 12 to predict any event happening now are 100% off the mark. Why? Because the events that take place in Revelation 12 happen after the Rapture of the Church, and halfway into the time of Jacob’s trouble under Antichrist, that’s why. And NONE of Revelation 12 in any way has to do with the Rapture of the Church. Article, http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/orange-county-residents-stunned-tv-programming-interrupted-end-world-psa/

    -Seen to be hearing in my hearing, just before an earth directed,  9,3 class solar, :Noah Cousins, They said nothing come of solar eclipse 2017, There Has Been An Out Break Of Noah (NOAA's) Cousins into potential extinction levels every since, Beware, God's Judgment Won't Relent Until Western Rule Is Finished And Daniels Week Begins... Apb

     -Apostle's Note,  here, since the revelation 12 sign even the Jews feast of trumpets, even Apostle Intrepid dream timetable, of America's, Western rule come due blood guilt, judgement, all marks. As to herald the end of the Church Age (Dan. 12, man in Linen, timable), such is the beginning of the Brides escape, as predicted so adamantly Daniel's final Week is come, it, Jacob's prophesied troubles and Western Rule (AMERICA), of Kim Jong and such a company threatening, will not, even cannot, co-exist.
      -Now like you, like all on this planet, I don't know what's going to happen September 23rd -25th that you seeming a governor Pilate attempting to wash your hands off, out of it. I can only tell you, after 31 springs of Jesus Himself, one having healing wings, descended into me, three times telling me to come. That Apostle, Prophet have been in demonstrations of the rapture every since, come this one morning,Obama/Cameron/Trump dwindled timetable, 06/26/2015, again, after many years of doing this you see. That as I, WE entered God's chariots, and all other persons' gone into Georgia, the Southeast coast. though it was as those three doors in heaven Prophet Ezekiel open, time tested, blinding.
     -Briefly, I, Apostle know what I saw, I looked and I saw this date of departure. understand, both the Brides and America's, as September 25th. I only like to say September 23-25th for those saying no man know the day or hour, but God as always will prove His Apostle, sincerely, the Bride is escaping at eye blinking speed, how is that in anyway timeable? America's exit stage Southeast seem to be as mandatory as the Brides escape skyward, frightfully for some, come the only sacrificial escapes, God will accept or bless, beware, besides commanded reapers, what's their stampede, I wonder? And so should you, suddenly 190 years was gone from them, Woe to all great and small, procrastinating America's exodus, Apb...  http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/09/gods-reaping-no-flesh-will-stand-get.html

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White To Harvest

Listening To: Selah, More And More

 -America's Blood Guiltiness, Cataclysmic Sentence 2001-2017, Now, Do

Seen To Seeing 2017, the word "Now," decorated as this blinking light of caution, as so days prior, the word "Now," fixed into the forewarning, "Judgement Now."

Until A Times, Times And The Dividing Of Time Angel Gabriel 2004 Forewarn, All Is Unto Fulfillment

     -I have predicted that a three headed, 2x's a Godzilla Monster, as in either a Nuclear Kim, A Natural Yellowstone and or what was described in 2013 and again only days past as Noah (NOAA"s) cousin, possibly a Nbiru/Carrington. Of which such Titanic monsters beginning America/Western rule's complete desolation that's to happen by Oct 2017, along the Western Coast. That same Western coast I witnessed gone from the map and just as soon these fires are burning across Country into the White house, Kennedy Space Center and Walmart's, when soon, right along a radio broadcast it is warn that the entire eastern seabed is as well, gone.  Whoever they are, whatever you are to call this apocalypse of America, Holy Spirits has for two decades deem it America's seizure, a judgement along this outbreak of mortuary come upon America's abominable lives, lands and churches.
     -Unthinkable horrors of which by a demonstration of rapture, 2015, I witnessed Holy Spirits by an Amazing Grace move all pending Tribulation Saints, churchians, Sandians and normalcian far into the Southeast just as they took the Bride skyward, remarkably by a September 25th date. Whatever, which ever it is, I been seeing for America's 190 months into come judgment that it instantly ended tens of millions lives and rested 190 years of technology. Now, one would think, since Holy Spirits were like the days of Lot's family, heading up America's come mandatory exodus, again exit stage Georgia, Southeast mean no one want to be anything, or anywhere West, Midsouth nor Mideast of seeing only an exodus skyward and, or southeast are the sacrifices of God right now, woe to all procrastinating The Brides/America's exodus, Apb, The RAM, see here,


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