Unto Us A Child Is Born, Unto Us A Son Is Given The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulders

     -Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest),
9/23/2017, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

     -Listening To: Selah, More And More. Lord I Trust You
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bpQqkCF__I here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAaYufpl6qc

     -America's Blood Guiltiness, Cataclysmic Sentence 2001-2017, Now, Do

     -Seen To Be Seeing 06/2017, the word "Now," decorated as this blinking light of caution, as so days prior, the word "Now," fixed into the forewarning, "Judgement Now."

     -Until A Times, Times And The Dividing Of Time In Daniel's Week, Angel Gabriel 2004 Forewarn, All Is Unto Fulfillment

    -Seen To Be Hearing In My Ear, Revelation,  Revelation 12 Sign, All Things Unto Fulfillment

     -Unto Us A Child Is Born, Unto Us A Son Is Given, Jesus's Wings, And The Leaves, From The Tree Are For The Healing Of Battled To Death Nations

     -This male child birth as shown of the Revelation 12 sign, dating back to Jacob, just as Daniel’s week is prophesied as Jacob’s troubles. Father Jacob’s prophesy of Seoul coming from between her feet. Like portrayed the Revelation Sign is referencing a new age, even until seven years finishes Daniel’s Little horn, come is an arrival of unheard of peace and safety. Surely that is nothing other than Jesus’ millennium, witnessed these 31 springs 1986-2016/17 arriving with healing in His Wing.  What did I, Apostle see, 2016, the unnumbered interval of such revelation?
     -I, Apostle looked and witnessed Jesus' Glorious millennium descending, I witnessed as it overthrew or threw down a Hussein/Hamath world reign. I saw the fields, upon fields were littered with the spoils, even the collateral damage of warring to battles, even US soil; I witness further that it was to a sum of fifteen percent. I saw that when Jesus’ Millennium had wings, said wings, leaves from the tree of life, were all for the healing of the sorely scattered people the entire earth, Apb

     -See more details, here, Makhya Trenae Had A Dream Upon Her Head, This Is What She Said, She Saw www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

     -Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen doeth gather her brew under it’s wings but you would not, there’s a man’s hand under his wings, it’s under his wings, Jesus, Ezekiel,

     -Jesus’ appointed Apostle/Prophet,1986-2016/17, testified, how doing the entire astonishing time the Lamb's Book of life was opened and phenomenally designed into a roll call, that I would soon realize was as the days of Prophet Ezekiel 9th chapter, appointed ink horn man, this physically overwhelming census talking, the lyics, "we exalt thee,” was celebrated relentlessly all around. I was standing over the sink, recently tears designing my cheeks, this dilemma as Jesus' test the night of Gethsemane facing this horrid to miraculous whether I stay or leave, God it is that your Will be done or the Genesis human perish. Though the Brides being here the Red Dragon prowling along come Daniel's week was or would jeopardize everything Christ Jesus's cross.
     -It’s like Jesus, the Bridegroom and now come the Righteous Bride, the debate he’s having the morning of resurrection with a weeping Mary Magdalene needing as the woman having the issue of blood of all mankind, she just need to touch him, Only His, God's restored TEMPLE, Their ascension into glorification had to be recorded in the cannons of prophetic scriptures this fullness of time fulfilled, now come this indescribable for eons to come jubilant celebration, truly without ceasing, wait, a stall, a stillness, a literal silence in heaven, a cry, but, what? A sunlight moving from behind a mountain God's Throne, which speaks as the days of Moses, let my people go into exodus," let everything that hath breath on this earth, give Elohim God due praise, Amen, Apb  see entire blog, here, as surely as Jesus is here, the Bride Is Ascended, again, beware, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/09/seen-to-be-hearing-in-my-ear-revelation.html

And The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder, His, Jesus's Blood Washes Away All Repentant Sin, www.2015jesuscomeknocking,blogspot.com

      -Not only is this Revelation sign birth of a new age of peace on earth, the Angel Gabriel mentioning a seventh angel, nor the witnessed of seeing a trumpet being past off to him, the Angel Gabriel. Such is the days of Bush’s war. were not only did I see a flaming sword from prison target him, again a dwindling allotment of Western Rule. it is where we are instructed as the days of Noah’s Ark, even the 2001, Intrepid Dream Timetable, to mark what is presently the Bride having reign in heaven, “seventeen and seven.” This come reign of authentic peace on earth is where Bush war’s on the supposedly axis of evil were described as one error/era into a new fear factor of all nation building being declared angry and all the heathen, raging (Ps, 2, Rev. 11), God’s word peace on earth by Jesus’s reign is come, there will be war (Western Rule), no more.
     Remarkably, unknowingly, predestined to follow Bush’ Wars would be the entire sixteen year duration into Trump’s Administration, a cry yet these fifteen years along Trump’s inauguration, that “fifty million will die.” Predicted, come, is the full allotment of not only Western Rule (the Brexit/Truexit, Trumpetexit) a timeline borrowed by Daniel’s man in Linen (predestine bloody cross to resurrection), of two thousand and three hundred years. One upon a time dubbed the dispensation of grace, once upon  a time dubbed the church age, now a finale a Darker Age is come. As this mysterious of Amazing graces for 190 months past it’s 2001 intrepid to weight and measure of blood guilt, that now frightfully. The time table spoken, as soon as a Hussein Obama took the Presidential Whitehouse. unthinkable, but apparently so, the witnessed of ferocious beast tearing from pulpits to pews, leaving it all tattered, torn and vacate until.
…why doeth the city (world rule), sit so solitary that was once filled with people? Prophet Jeremiah’s Lamentation

     -Such blessed duration fulfilling seen as great beast, stomping and chomping at their peace getting porches, tearing and mutilating their stocks to money markets. Only with that still pending, besides a Guam attack, a pale horse judgment, is 99 bowls of molten lava, into a three headed, 2x’s Godzilla monster. Described only days past as Noah (NOAA’s) end of the world, cousin. as of what has been forewarn a month now, God is avenging martyred blood, get ye to repentant altars, you see no flesh will stand, the Moses, Egypt day exodus of America, insist.  As to say still, the end to all western rule having until the two beast of Rev. 13, antichrist reign of a reiterated into complete fulfillment Daniel’s week, that until two weeks and seven years then pending Cameron 02/22/2016, Brexit. Only presently, like that scene out of the movie, ’Knowing,’ where Nicholas Cage character realize it’s the sun and his devastated colleague go who, how do we tell, and Cage’s Character say, they already know, breaking news will follow, I, Apostle reiterate, after thousands of years of spoken prophecy, ‘They Already Know.’
     -Plainly with said Obama’s timetable referenced by this September 23 2017, Virgo sign, to be both the Bride’s escape skyward and America’s, western rule Southeast, Apostle this witnessed, nothing is to be left, but as a magnetic manner of a penniless medallion to be hung on a refrigerator. I know Apostle keep telling you, been telling you these long thirty-one springs of Jesus’ appearing, really, if people seeing the end has come. It is that, that you’ve preached are yet angry at you calling the end of the world, the end of the world, just think how long they been kicking my, well. Butt. Though, a question, every time you asked God’s Will be done on earth as in heaven, Jesus Millennium, what did you think would happen to America, now so indescribably abominable?
     -Herein like it, hate it, there is a by this September 23-25th 2017 date,  one of two this predestine escape, either skyward with God’s Trump Jesus or an exit into exodus, stage Georgia, Southeast, with America’s Truexit, Trump, the two sacrificial exits alone God Will Bless all other procrastination plagued with reapers I, Apostle sae, bearing sword like syringes, beware, Apb, The RAM, see here http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/09/gods-reaping-no-flesh-will-stand-get.html


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