An Active Shooter In Progress

-And I heard In My Hearing, 2017, "Kill all parents by, finish all schools!' (what should've been Dec. 25th 2001 into Nov.24/25th, 2017), only now it's eighth Matrix ten day count, i don't know, let that seen written in huge, block letters the back of a utility vehicle, was this single word, and that single word was ESCAPE!

ESCAPE, America's Truexit, Trump, Or God's Trump, Jesus, God Will Only Bless Escape

     -I was just online a day past, reminding of those seeming ridiculous warnings just before the Haiti and China quakes, even at one time witnessed grandparents purposefully burying their grandchildren alive, (as to steer clear of spiritual upbringing). Warnings so urgent that parents get their children out of all buildings, churches, houses, schools, daycare's, the workplace, etc. don't delay, how it was all the better to be in the park spending quality time with them, indefinitely times a million, something as horrible as the word, "HORRIBLE," plucked out of the work was coming. Only now, as the word "NOW," this blinking light of caution, the three nights of dreaming, and this one only hours past, such the warnings by another appearance of the seventh angel, 2004-2018, I was to further understand, Revelation 17:1, was whatever judgments of cataclysms predicted US/western soil, now three doomsday's Passovers.
     -Again, three nights of dreaming, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, so Israel's Alert, come another Matrix ten day count, wasn't a surprise, I was to tell you, there would be no further delay, that and beware all those alone the eastern seaboard as well as the western seaboard. Just what I got this morning, (02/15/2018 ), about 3:47, am, wrote it down, even see Rome's latest sinkhole, I was to be on google only hour earlier reseaching, an event as this possibly happening in Memphhis, TN, its northwest, only on the weather channel they were reporting Rome's instead, see earth to church bells ringing along a warning of West Pacific, Canada, here,, as  undoubtedly why, beware, Apb, The RAM,

     -PS, understand Tribulation Saints, the reigning Bride's assigned intercession, now that mass assembly is being disassembled by Jesus description Mat. 24, of the abomination that maketh desolate, ancient beast to antichrist reign, (Dan. 7, Rev. 17), get to your escape!. Understand, your iron stand then, will be in all likeness of what is that freedom in the spirit, Jesus is explaining to the forbidden, Samaritan woman, Jacob's well, Jn. 4:4-42. God's word placed in your mind, God's word written in your heart, Jer. 30:2, Hebrews, 8:10; 10:16, you now born again, (Gal. 2:20), you will all the move freely, as spirit, truth and divine ascension, a blessed death (Rev. 14:13), hath you all, STAND! Bewaree, Apb, see more here,


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