And There Shall Be Earthquakes In Divers Places, Fret Not Thyself, These Things Must Come To Past, Repent Or Perish!

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     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama Come A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant? and here

Prophecy Links

     -When I, my most desperate ever, as it is written,  looked to hills from whence cometh all to any man's help, every good and perfect gift, a ginormous, blocking out the sky, diamond carved, crystal dove shaped right out of high sun appeared as the Bride's divine deliverance,

And There Shall Be Earthquakes In Divers Places, Fret Not Thyself, These Things Must Come To Past, Repent Or Perish!

     -I, Aposte THEY call me, just heard bells outside my window, like there's a church nearby, the last time it was chimes all around the room, so refreshing, so soothing, no doubt, both this beast and this beauty. There's something about a 10.2 earthquake, even the eastern seaboard be warn and now, just now, after dreaming about a double wedding , or a huge merger, I heard exactly in my ear, "a major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada,'" I would never use this language. This is what I heard, only minutes ago, so, like 3:47 am,  Feb. 15th, 2018, and I didn't want to repeat it, though Canada is in my links prophecies, at one time, I see them lead about as cattle, and still at another, because of mistrusting, smiling faces, 'I heard it commanded to be wiped from the map.
     -You all know by now, right before the Hawaii missile alert, the Michigan Meteor scare, the Alaskan to the Taiwan quakes and soon the Congressman's trainwreck, I was giving warnings that very morning to persons living in these areas, because of nights of dreaming Jan. 13-15th and messages, even from Jesus the perfect man about Memphis, (about huge sinkholes), and having the downtown newspaper bells ringing, something said about earthquakes or earth's impacts. It too Jan. 14th,  like Feb. 15th, was another morning of yet another, Thanksgiving/Black Friday,  2017, Matrix 10 day,  today, 02/15/2018,  it's eighth, the eagle's superbowl win, Feb, 5th, 2018  it's seventh, beware of black bowls and black Friday.
     -Only come with greater the warning by the seventh angel 2004-2018, Revs. chapters, 10, 11 and now 17:1,  three nights of dreaming still,  Jan, 26-29th, you were to hear and I was to warn no further delay, cataclysms are here, no further delay, cataclysms are here, no further delay, cataclysms are here, beware also the eastern seaboard, I heard that as well. I don't know if possible, but the double wedding, this one merging into, two, could be one giant fault conjoined to another, dutchsinse, also one of my prophetic words, why I'm posting here, would know more about this. Like i said in an earlier post, right before another deadly school shooting and parents,  loved ones and friends now with holes straight through the heart of them.
    -Which remind me, I witnessed these commanded reapers, those bearing swordlike syringes and naturals worse, going after stampeding people, (Jer. 37:8; Eze. 5), target the heart for the kill, yes God is as the days of prophet Jeremiah and Ezekiel of forewarings gone unheeded,  this angry. The warnings went out before the Haiti and China quakes, even one whereas grandparents were witnessed burying their grandchildren alive, they were looking at each other, personally, the child was being buried alive. The primary warning was about parents getting their children out of all buildings, all, buildings, schools, daycares, churches, the work place,  to even spend quality time with them, something far beyond horrible was about to happen.
    -It was the dream about the Clintons, Bill and Hillary,  and like being on a mayday, park adventure with them, the same Clintons and western leaders I witnessed responsible, for the tearing and soaring into heavens of an insurmountable death toll of Trump's 2017, to be  fifty millions. The park, as it's a safehaven, which is open space in comparison to so many, especially children buried alive in these buildings, now the cry, 2017, with  all buildings, yes churches as well, see giant beast tearing and tearing, all seen as pedophile to transgender traps for children. No wonder marvel at the cry, finish all schools, kill all parents by, that would've been by a November 24/25th, 2017, so another doomsday passover, the award instead of the Matrix ten day count, but like the seventh Angel, Daniel's 534 bc/Apostle's John's, 93 ad, 2004-2018 warn, no further is this delay, beware, Apb, The RAM, see ascension here, and here,


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