Weather Channel Confirms Suspicion of Mysterious Water Disappearances

-Hello, Anybody Out There?

    -The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed,

-Weather Channel Confirms Suspicion of Mysterious Water Disappearances

     -Does the U.S government have an emergency evacuation plan for an imminent eruption of Yellowstone? If so then what would it be?
     Article, Basically anyone with wings and the ability to run immediate evac grabs a few hundred ultra important people and takes them to ultra secure doomsday bunkers, while the rest of everyone dies horribly or survives in the apocalypse. Article
    -Article, Millions of U.S. citizens could end up in Brazil, Australia, or Argentina if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it has been claimed.

     -South African news website Praag claims the African National Congress was offered $10 billion a year for 10 years if it would build temporary housing for Americans in case of an eruption as part of contingency plans being drawn up.Article

    -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama  A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant?

Prophecy Link

    -Seem to wake from sleep 2012, at hearing, a mighty as the sky itself, type of star wars battle just outside my window, as just overhead, Jesus, God alone hath reign, beware, Apb

      -You Are The Last Dragon, Ancient Beast Hath Reign, Put Ye On God's Armor, Stand Tribulation Saints, Stand!

Conversations With Loved Ones

     -Okay, ah, our government since 2010 have made plans to escape Americans, and have spent billions, one of more of those location is parts of Africa, but only after a Yellowstone or after an extinction level event. Just think niece,  that's what the Hawaii missile alert was, that's what the Alaskan 8.2 earthquake was, either performed along a worse case scenario involving the San Andres into Yellowstone we wouldn't, even couldn't be having this conversation. Just as so, along the southeastern coast, that's what those historical, never before seen hurricanes were, with a 10.2 earthquake and the secrets of Memphis, as in New Madrid fault Zone,whispered in my ear.

     -Those for which I warn both these areas and Memphis only a night before, get out. A predicted tens of millions will be dead when they evacuate people, like I told another niece, America will exodus, but before I heard a number, 2002 and a day before Trump's inauguration, 2017, of fifty million dead. Understand, this is bible prophecy fulfilling endtime prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel and Apostle John's Revelation, etc. The Angel Gabriel 2004, Mack's birthday, always the Jesus husband in my dream, warn, all is unto fulfillment, the Church Age, the Bride's Outreach.

     -Western Rule, all have reached a finale, must remove themselves or by an outbreak of cataclysms, like the ejected driver the Intrepid dream, forcibly, be removed. The last seven years of Ancient beast reign pending President Obama's 2008/9 two weeks and seven years is here, you're in it. I'm calling my Memphis son, who by a dream right before the Alaskan quake. was citing downtown newspapers bells are ringing, (earthquakes, ringing earth's bells), I will call him and ask him why they didn't use their new found wealth  to at lest, get out of Memphis?

     -Mack, a Jesus Husband in my dreams before He died, July 2015, moved his grands to Georgia, I July 2017, not one plan niece, my daughter, son, fought tooth and nail to stay in Memphis. I didn't say nothing, two years exactly month and date, and date niece, I moved to Georgia. I by many prophetic interventions been evacuating people to Africa, thirty-one years now, an African born male, like Obama, lead them into a once proposed Col Gaddafi's US of Africa, I deem the African Juttah. All of which would've been finished, Americans exodus to Christ's reentry, only this was 1986, the first to leave where the class of our 1996, but their 2012.
     -Niece, I knew nothing about the Mayan predicted 2012 apocalypse, (see the little girl of come apocalypse staying procrastinating vehicles, 2007-2017). Though in this work, thirty years ago I did by Arks, I named Aqua Juttah's, so what is portrayed, in the 2012 movie and been online since there's been an internet. Only those escaping niece, were teens, God/Jesus/The Genesis marriage worshippers. they'd been created only because even then more and more network are picturing the genesis marriage more and more along a divorcing light that was heartbreaking and to be honest, I just couldn't take it anymore, thus Beast of Beauty of authentic marriage was born, toss out natural, toss out God, beware, Apb, see more here

    -The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed

     -Weather Channel Confirms Suspicion of Mysterious Water Disappearances

     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama  A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant?

Government Attack,

     -Just as I see to date,the Trump Administration and Western leaders this world, why God, 2016 campaigning, cast a fury at him, asking you to stand still, just as you're threaten with a death toll never before seen this present earth. Holy Spirits saying smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the maps, mean religious to political leaders, going on about America's continuation, I don't care who they arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, they can't be trusted, your trainwreck congressmen where possibly on their way to a doomsday bunker. Since Obama's time table depleted, Dan. 12, Rev. 10, you are in the world troubles since mankind creation, all end time prophecy into Revelation Book fulfilling along an ancient beast/Antichrist reign, began here, US soil. Your friends, like dutchsinse,  are the ones warning you,.get it, get Jesus and get (ASCEND) out of it, blessed altars and grab bags remember, love them, kiss them! Apb, The RAM, even see here,
and here,


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