-The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama A Moses or A Muhammad,

-Hello, Anybody Out There?

    -The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed

     -Weather Channel Confirms Suspicion of Mysterious Water Disappearances

     -The Secrets Of Memphis, Egypt, Tennessee, 1811, Is Hussein Obama  A Moses or A Muhammad, Is The New Madrid Fault, The New Sleeping Giant?http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html

Prophecy Link

    -Seem to wake from sleep 2007, at hearing, a mighty as the sky itself, type of star wars battle just out outside my window, as just overhead, Jesus, God alone hath reign, beware, Apb

      -You Are The Last Dragon, Ancient Beast Hath Reign, Put Ye On God's Armor, Stand Tribulation Saints, Stand! www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

Article, The Ultimate Extinction Level Event!

   -I responded to the title, now let me respond to the article, 1993, while I looked directly into the sun that day I began to remember this beyond for seven years then, this extraordinary thing. If you look beside my bed right now, there is jotted a figure of 593, from when as I woke a night or so go, I knew it as a death toll; at the same time I was reminded it could as well be one of the prophets Ezekiel's years, 593 BC with mine now being 1993, AD. You see a type of Jesus, who to look upon was to look upon Heavenly Father, I'm not kidding yall, something not possible, until Elohim, put on Jesus, seeing HIM, that is.
     -Demonstrating the rapture or the gathering up and out of the saints appeared to, me and three separate times told me to come, this was not a dream, this was live, spring 1986; three others were with me. Until this revelation of the sun, I didn't even know anything had actually happen let alone, a translation to heaven, that I'd by a live demonstration of rapture, visited God's throne. Just as this blessed Bridegroom of ascension had then past me off to a familiar at first glance prophet/Elder Ezekiel. Happy to oblige, who'd been assigned to open three time tested doors to me, which would then be as being on a sight-seeing tour with the Sunlight Himself.
     -His working about preparing specialty laborers anyway, sorely washed and cleaned hands, a surgical heart transplant, I witnessed old hearts to new as they beat from death to spirit life in Elohim's Hand. They were even marked along their forward and commanded mostly to be acquainted with His grieves and sorrows He, Elohim, being long suffering toward us-ward not willing that any perish; you hear Jesus saying to disciples, except ye show love one for the other, you will not be known as my disciples. So what I vaguely began to remember that very moment of starring down this sunshine, that took on a whole new meaning that day, come to think of it, as did all things this heaven and this earth.
    -This newness of awareness is why in the Christmas carol of a flyover America's extinction level event, not only was the west coast just gone from us, like Canada, just off the map with it, not only was the white house. Even like that left behind movie, before that left behind movie white house scene and Donald Trump, Pence, and all western leaders, well leaders period. Just  as portrayed of this President need to repent, ask the train wreck congress acting like a stumbling Syed Farook, you can't run from this, its altars and grab bags. I went from there and after seeing all things this blown away, there sat just as so was a damaged Kennedy space center, it's kinda like when you do it to God's predestined, to His Anointed, you do it unto Him, right into reaping these horrors, this weighty blood guilt sown.
     -Know this, understand this, a done in Kennedy space center is the reminder, explorations of space into dreams and gazing into star-wars, well little do people know. It's Satan swearing along his ultimate goal, how he will exalt his throne above the stars of God only according to Revelation description, it's 20th, post Jesus' Millennium, it's last Gog and Magog. As is written, see those coming against God's Anointed in a number like the grains of sand, only God blinked but a little, and He, they were no more, off into the lake of fire with all the Rebellers.
     -It is written in Ezekiel, seven months it will take to bury their dead, on to study war no more ever, EVER! It is written, seven years it will take to burn these vast armaments from the planet, these blessed truths standing to be evident from the book of Genesis to it's book of Revelation. Sincerely, it's  why God just keep telling you all, your leaders, HE alone is God, repent or perish, though Jesus knock after your hearten heart, hell hath enlarged itself in great degrees, decide! Beware, Apb The RAM, see here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-will-put-none-of-these-diseases-upon.html

     -Thus said the Lord Crying Behind A Silence In Heaven, He That Shall Be Named And The Name Taken Away, He That Shall Be Clothed And The Clothes Taken Away, Oh How You Lived Deliciously With Her, Separate Them Into Itty, Bitty Pieces, Kill All Parents, Finish All Schools, For The Great Day Of His Wrath Is Come Us Soil, Get Ye To Repentant Altars God Is Avenging Martyred Blood And Except Those Days Be Shorten, No Flesh Shall Be Saved!

Prophecy Link

     -And I Heard In My Hearing, A Highly Memorable Jan. 13th, 2018, "one hour with the beast," Rev. 17/18, live US soil, (note, this was a day before. into the Hawaii Missile alert that was and was not, congress wrecked, then a Russian fighter jet just failed from the sky, then the dow just tanked, and tanked and tanked, beware, Apb

   -America, Have You Ever Fallen Before Teased Territory Spirits In High Places, There's Something About Shelby County, Even The Secrets Of Memphis, Who Is The Authentic Sleeping Giant, There's Something About The Figure, 593, see Eze. 7, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com

      -For thirty years into a Matrix ten day count, a shot down Russian Jet and the worse Dow performance in history, was it's seventh, I just thank God more and more won't be taken over as a thief, but see their end and have decided to face it head on; even if there are some who refuse to admit it. I guess all the elephants of staying, unaware, it's first Matrix ten day count,  didn't stampede and the hundreds of millions targeted Americans with them. I know everyone escaping to a pending apostle THEY call me, prophecies these thirty years a proposed US of Africa is like this total opposite, it's like the Jws going how any so long a captivity Just remember, their world leader, like a Barack Hussein, an African born male from Ethiopia into Kenya so I guess you can say they just followed him home, now America refugees in real time, their come Moses day commanded exodus need someone like that, just until Jesus sat his Millennium Reign for a sec again atop mount olivet that like the Red Sea that day cleaves in two, a ginormous graceland without measure ever and here is a desolated Jerusalem cries, blessed is he who cometh in the name of Lord fulfilled, blessed is HE indeed, beware, Apb, The RAM


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