When I looked To The Hills, A Giant, Blocking Out The Sky, Diamond Carved Crystal Dove Appeared

-Hello, Anybody Out There? http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/01/prophecy-link-lyrics-to-this-song-woke.html -The Little Miya Girl Of Come Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html -The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html Prophecy Link -The Seventh Angel, Of Rev. 17:1, Warn Mighty Three Nights Of Intense Dreaming, Jan. 26-29, 2018, The End Is Come, US Soil, The Now Is The End Come Is The Blinking LIght of Caution, , Beware Also Those Alone The Eastern Seabed, Even Dutchsinse Is Warning About Earthquake Activity In These Areas As Well, I Can Only Tell You Days Earlier, I Hard In My Hearing "10.2, Earthquake, Altars And Grab Bags Remember? -As The days Of Moses Exodus,Thus Said The Silence, The Mountain, The SunLight God's Throne, "Let My People," (Into Exodus, An End Is Come US Soil, beware, Apb, Eze 7 -Christian are immune from flu, she, Mr. Copeland, probably should've checked to see how many Christians have died from the flu and all these other elements this curse, this chaotic planet before she made this transgression of a statement against God and His people. Sickness, pain even death is the curse, is this world's nature and though God can deliver us out of them all they are often for men, for saints trials themselves, thus the just shall live by faith. Naturally cursed, It is written all men like the fish are snared in a net when they lest suspect it, it didn't say Christians were exempt, only that God as well castout a network of intervening Angels (Ps, 91), the Blessed One's Jesus the Perfect Man questioned about lately, 01/14/2018, the day of the Hawaii missile crisis, but like HIs whole armor, only that we suffer and die Christ like, good deaths, hallelujah! See more, give more here, www.persecution.com -When Apostle Paul said our lives are as a vapor of smoke, again did he say Christians are exempt? For this reason it is written how the sun shine and the rain fall upon us both. Christ alone is the exemption, the saint press on forward their thoughts and treasures are in heaven. No, Paul was talking to the Christian, even when Jesus talked about us having peace on earth he used the phrase might, we might have peace in HIm, He's called the blessed death for a reason. He guarding his sinful lifestyle from repentance, from Jesus dead in this life and the next; he losing, surrendering his life, repenting to Jesus gain life forevermore. There is one immunity for mankind, living only to die, Jesus' cross, reconciliation to resurrection and to be honest how many Christians actually believe this, or do they believe simply because it's Gloria Copeland, another perfect, dangerous man? -The faith, the prayers and righteous works of the saints profit them, this earth mightily, it's why Jesus the perfect man asked about Angels ascending with the Bride, the troubles then this planet. But until then, God is Shepherd, Jesus is Head, Holy Spirit the wisdom of our comfort and the heavenly host our heir family of divine intervention, they, as Christ's Blood, are God's Armor. We look to the hills from whence cometh our help, we believe God for healing and deliverance, we stand on His Promises, WE STAND and we trust Him at His Will of decision making, Saints of the most High God, STAND, stay your ready. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, have gone about to establish their own righteousness and haven't submitted themselves to the righteousness of God, thus vain is the help of man, To be seperate from this body is to be present with the Lord and like my brethren Paul, not a day goes by where I don't look forward to shaking off a blessed curse and arriving home, heaven, by a blessed death, ah blessed, blessed glorification, beware Apb, The RAM, see more here, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/it-was-when-bright-sunshine.html and here, http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/02/a-new-madrid-earthquake-is-coming-and.html

PS give here, www.persecution.com and QA to comments here, apostle5808@aol.com

-Hello, Anybody Out There? http://cometotoderickandoceanaescape18.blogspot.com/2018/01/prophecy-link-lyrics-to-this-song-woke.html -The Little Miya Girl Of Apocalypse Our Procrastinating Escape Vehicles, Indeed, http://elenintime.blogspot.com/2017/12/i-need-you-to-understand.html -The Little Miya Girl Of Come A Translation Into A New Era For A Toll Of Two Quarters, http://2017thelightofnebewe.blogspot.com/2017/12/coming-i-hear-you-please-stop-knocking.html -AMTV, Chris, Will Your Money Run or Ascend With You? This World America Staged For You Doesn't Exist, The America God, Built Was To Lift Up Christ's Cross, Every Perfect Gift Given, Was For This Reason. Why Holy Spirits 2002, The Enron Attack Said, Drop Your Pensions (Money Markets), And Get To The Hills, Carnivore Beast Been Infecting It Every Since. Altars And Grab Bags, Remember, Commanded Reapers Bearing Swords For Stampeding Until Then, Even Holy Spirits For three Nights Straight Are Screaming This, Something About The Eastern Seaboard, Escape Right Now! Apb -When I looked To The Hills For Help, A Giant, Shaped Out Of The Sun, Blocking Out The Sky, Diamond Carved, Crystal Dove Arrived, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot..com -Now do you all see why a predicted four continents to nations in a block, 2002 and Trump's White House 2017, where warn, fifty million will die? Tens of millions US soil, then come the pale horse, something I was warning a month past, unknowingly the very anniversary of the flu pandemic of 1918, that an alike but worse epidemic was pending US and Western soil. Join your first Matrix ten day count, Dec. 5th, of elephants of once staying unaware, get to stameding as well! Holy Spirits, as the seventh angel, Rev. 17/18, for three nights of dreaming, Jan. 26-29th, so before the congressman trainwreck, were screaming in urgencies about this November 4th delayed, an outbreak of mortuary US soil, now come, see Ezekiel 7. -Just as so, as in now come, as in right now come, tell the people even the eastern seaboard, altars and grab bags, even dutchsinse, earthquake specialist said, have them at your readied exit, I apostle THEY call me say with these angels of urgent forewarnings no further the delay, again a night or so before US congress were said to be headed toward a doomsday bunker, again escape, escape, escape! Beware, Apb, see more here, http://thestonesurface2017.blogspot.com/2018/02/when-i-looked-to-hills-giant-blocking.html Give here, www.persecution.com, QA, Comments Here, apostle5808@aol.com


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