Fallen Upon Deadliest Swords, The Antichrist Agenda

     Whether, They Will Hear, Or Whether They Will Forbear, For They Are A Rebellious House, Tell Them, Let My People Go! April 23rd, 2018, 7:01, PST, 7:17 ETE, Am/PM,

     -Article Shocking news reports are circulating across the internet after 2 sisters in Colorado, along with 82 other children, were taken into custody by authorities. As it turns out, the lot was involved with a massive scheme that brought in millions of dollars every year – and what they were doing was downright sickening. Article,

Prophecy Link

     -And I Heard A Cry Of Command In My Ear 2007, To Reapers Bearing Swordlike Syringes, "Kill All Parents By December 24/25th 2001-November 24/25th 2017, Finish All Apostate Churches and Schools now a David Meade April 23rd Predicted Nibiru/Rapture, Today, April 23rd, a 15th Matrix Ten Day Count, Are You Soul Ready? None Unrepentant Christ's Cross Will Stand, None! Hell Enlarges Itself, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

God Not Dead 2, Psalm 37,

     -Rebellious people cried the same doing Jeremiah and Ezekiel Day, before God's Righteous Wrath Suddenly As Noah's day, Moses Too, Destroyed Them

     -This Is The Generation Of The Children, The Grands Total Occupation By Evil's Agenda, From the Petro Handlebars to The LGBTQ and P For Pedophile Movement, Their Mass Assembly, Social Media, Their Various Entertainment, Do You Know Where Your Children, your Grands Are? God Knows, And Hold All Overseers, Parents and Guardians, Presidential To Peasant, Accountable, Rev. 2, And to The Angels (Pastors), Of The Churches

     -I, apostle, THEY, call me, related years back whereas I was made to see by a dream these manners of devils and demons gushing up like a black gold itself from the open earth. Pouring right into a church where inside there was an act of male pedophilia against newborns immortally indescribable Just as so and the only reason why your wicked ways cry God don't see us is because your sinful, hateful deeds are to do wickedness all the monstrous, murderous, dying long day. Just this, how many of you ever stopped to realize Obama's White House, when your government, it's supreme court legalized what to ancient beast was a go, come and thus you didn't as Jesus suggested run, you and yours, same sex marriage, how it is that such a move as God won't bless sin, was of the ant-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Jesus Millennium, God's Kingdom Come, primary agenda?
     -Right at the signature, even the rainbow taking to the sky, in other words it come open season upon you and your, love, lives, lands and churches, religious, governmental, social media, entertainment, no wickedness no wicked device left without perverted abominations. Probably if I had time to write a book, so see your nearest bible, but every since this RAM's ministry 1986-2018, Angel Gabriel 2004 showed up. Then mightily, here lately standing on the US Map himself, Jan. 26-29h 2018, the seventh angel trumpet... the Rev. 17, reveal of the seventh angels trumpet, both of which, with the most urgent of forewarnings, 2004-2018. It is as of the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 10, that we are out of time, no further delays, out of doomsday passovers, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and the Little Miya girl.
     Apparently it is for two quarters this earth, a reward into, along a translation into the era of Jesus' Millennium reign, all on Memphis' Egypt/TN. Dunlap street. Man's six millennia of reign this planet is plain run out, into God's Wine Press. Thus and so you hear from Angels above, woe, woe, woe, Satan the Dragon is come down to you, (see September 23, 2017, Rev. 12 sign, Man''s 7th Era spent up 2024-3025 by Jesus' Millennium, Reign,, beware, Apb), Satan come down himself knowing that he hath but a short time, woe, woe, woe! Get ye to repentant altars, THEY cried June 2017, God is avenging martyred blood, and except these days be shorten, said Jesus, two Millennia past, except for the elect sake, no flesh presidential to peasant would be spared, Beware, Apb, The RAM 


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