Go, Tell, Repent! Escape! Go, Tell, Repent! Escape! Go, Tell, Repent, Escape! Go, Tell, Repent! Escape!

     -Go, tell them, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, for they are a rebellious house, thus said the Lord God, to Prophet Ezekiel 586 BC to the Acts of The Bride,1986-2018 AD, beware, Apb

Watchman, What Of the Night? 2010

     -Seen to be seeing commanded reapers, bearing sword like syringes of nuclear, nature, Noah/NOAA's  worst, stampeding America, the maze of unprecedented ever this earth water shortages, as of a slow the motion exodus, either Skyward God's Trump Jesus, or Southeast, Babylon/America's Brexit, to Calexit to Hilexit, to Truexit, Trump, beware, God Will Only Bless Escape! Ps. 51, Beware, Apb,

     Pastor Begley, this is not what God, nor Jesus said, not only are earth's inhabitants for millennia now told to run, to as Nimrod's Babel, scatter, He told them where to run, to flee; Jesus told Jerusalem, when they see the fulfillment of end time prophecy, as is right now, the antichrist reign, they are to run, to flee! God by Apostle John's hearing, told the entirety of Babylon, America, truly as of those hearing Christ 's voice, to get out of here, of there, of here. The rebellious sins have reached unto heaven, and He hath remembered their iniquities, judge them double, explaining why doing the translation along the little miya girl of come apocalypse into a new era, a fear factor of Jesus Christ's reign called for a crossing over toll, of two quarters this earth.
     -One, Jesus not only told Jerusalem to run,  according to biblical prophecy, the place they're to run to is Jordan's, Desert city, Petra, whereas any preventing them are met with the Damater herself rising up against them. God having mercy, according to recent reveal by Holy Spirits/Lords, Holy Angels even lately, the seventh angel trumpet Rev. 17, himself, it is that fleeing  to stampeding Americans. They are to get themselves as far from anything and, or anyone presidential to peasant continuing into America or West Rule this entre planet, this petro handlebar that has slain millions. That is this tug of nuclear war set to slay all pending doomsdays, tens of millions US soil alone. I'm sorry if you can't cope with the fact America isn't the foundation God' laid into eternity, though is come by the doctrines of demons and devils the very embezzlement, perversions and abominations Christ's Cross freed us all from repent or perish!
     -These insurmountable evils that are instead built upon the righteous foundation that God hath made, regardless of the warning be careful how you build upon another man's (JESUS'), foundation whose Builder and Maker is Elohim, God. All people are being told to flee the petro handlebars that will end two quarters of earth's inhabitants within it's reach, whereas like in Noah/NOAA's day only God's divine Intervention will save one blessed Remnant of the Genesis Human Being/Marriage. Understand, there is a commanded as the days of Moses exodus of Israel, America, of West Rule, a pending, this world, hundreds of millions dead, because God will only bless escape, escape as an act of obedience to God is counted as the days of Father Abraham, even Job's Stand, as Righteousness, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend) out of it! Apb, The RAM

 Avolent American To Dutch Dream
Pier Swanson Canada Earthquke Dream http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/03/inhaling-deep-or-exhe-awke-was-his-gint.htmlake Dream


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