-The Trump and Pence 2016 ticket compared to the rise of gog and magog, and when the thousand years are expired,

Watchman, what of the night?

     -Seen to seeing a readied reaper preparing to thrust in his sickle and reap the winepress of God to the horse's Bridle, 175 miles of blood, yours, theirs, this earth, except, except, again except ye repent, ye perish! Thus the cry by Holy Spirits, June, 2017, get ye to repent altars God is reaping martyred blood, for which Jesus said, except these days be shorten, no flesh shall be saved, but for the elect sake, these days shall be shorten, beware, Apb

     -The Trump and Pence 2016 ticket compared to the rise of gog and magog, and when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, the total, firey elimination of gog and magog, satan cast into the lake of fire, beware, Apb, Eze. 38. 39, Rev. 20, http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-xxvii.html and here, http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-xxviii.html

     -A perfect scenario, this video of what is happen to the genesis human being world, into the chaos and ruin of what will continue to happen If the bride and angels are taken out permanently, if there is no second return of Jesus the Christ of God. No Jesus Millennium reign, no God Kingdom, New Jerusalem descent simply, the 3rd world war ignites into the battlefields of Armageddons this entire world. Then the warrior human in only a few years extinct themselves, no more divine intervention right along a prophesied extinction of planet earth, as described in II Pet. 3:11 and portrayed the movie knowing, only as the Bride, as of every kind, kingdom, nation, tongue, tribe, people instead escape.
     -Pretty much the globalist plans spinning out of their control into the Will, promises and prophecies of God, into the petro handlebars of human, genocide, the abomination of desolation Jesus said flee, just see the downing, obliteration and months to bury Gog and Magog, Eze. 38, 39, Rev. 20. Just as the sure solar flare, failure of the Dragon, of ancient beast reign, the Antichrist and the globalist, aligned along Cameron, Clinton through to Trump, tens of millions dead, US/Western soil, two thirds, Israel and two quarters this planet.
     -Then  you hear with Apostle John, Rev. 15, thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ready. This biblical event is only one of other reasons why, extinction levels plague all lives, lands, churches, government's, monetary and military systems; truly blessed is he who come in the name of God, under His Merciful command, a final, reigning error/Era of the Genesis man, by Jesus' blood, an authentic, divine invasion of peace on earth for a thousand years satan's imprisonment, got him, got Jesus yet? Get it, get Jesus and get out of it, ....and get (ascend), out of it!

Watchman, what of the night?

     -Seen to be seeing a measureless maze of apostate kingdom, nation building, a single water cooler with millions awaiting it's visitation, a woman bearing black bowls of human extinction, distracted by a holy one, along a divine intervention, an offer instead of business cards for better homeless shelters, blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Jesus, that they may rest from their labors and their works unto glorification do follow them, beware, Apb


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