As of death rider being loosed as a judgement upon America, As Of A Pale Horse Infested With Fleas Following

    -Watchman What Of The Night? Seen to be seeing all horses break free of their domesticated assignments, those from the early prophets, into the Acts of the Holy Apostles, into The Act Of The Holy Bride, as of the entire book of Revelation, of predicted horse riders of pending with extinction Levels, now come, Judgement now! Beware, Apb

     Article, Is the yellowstone caldera about to blow? Article,

     -And The Heavens Rolled Back Like A Scroll, Apostle John's Witnessed, recorded Rev. 6, 6th Seal, Have You wondered, in order that the heavens to rolled back, it has to first roll up, inward, a into the tens of millions of a death toll, US soil alone, escape! Beware, Apb, see, more here,

    -Yes, if the Yellowstone Caldera is the bringer of death I witnessed being released from beneath the earth, yes the yellowstone Caldera regardless of all pro and cons of scientistic and volcanolic debate it's about to go, of these tens if millions 2002-2017 predicted dead, verifying come US soil, a Noah, God's Trump Jesus to a Moses (America Truexit, Bush, Obama,Trump) day exodus. I have testified and testified like Noah to Moses themselves of a 🐎, a death rider being loosed as a judgement upon America. Whereas as well,  or within what was described 1996, as abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, abandoning God.
    - Surely since this predicted world changing, era altering event, what Revelations seventh angel Trumpet, nights Jan. 26-29th 2018 urgently warn no further delay ELE's US, now come. Unthinkably the 2017 predicted 99 bowls of molten lava. Into the witnessed 2017, Apostle John, AD 91 of seeing the heavens crystallized, crack alone huge shods and break apart. Then falling as huge missiles into earths inhabitants, now petrified,  running, screaming and hiding everyplace but the divine ark of salvation, that is Jesus' Cross.

And I heard in my hearing, 2017,  kill all parents by, finish all schools.beware, Apb, Eze. 9, Rev. 2,

     -Get this, understand well, Gods judgement come, the doomsday of America is none different than Gods wine press electing to finish for its weight of blood guilt, its abominations to rebellion alike world, kingdom or nation prior. Therefore if you know God's biblical history of such things, then you know when Holy spirit suggest you get to the altar God is reaping martyred blood. Remember no one charging the woman caught in adultery was found guiltless themselves, no one on this earth stood guiltless on this planet that day but Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, electing not to sin.
     -No one right now Presidential to Peasant stand guiltless of God's wine press but Jesus and the Saints like Him electing not to sin rooted therein Him, repentant His redeeming blood. Thus jesus cried, repent or perish, the prophets before. Him cried return, return, return!!! The apostles of Christ, verified one name given under heaven, whosoever calls it are saved, get Jesus. The spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach the gospel to those poor or lacking in the holy spirit; slacking, lacking divine salvation into resurrection and glorification. Ideally, get taken off planet, ELE's come US, this planet's soil are nolonger a threat to your immortal soul. Instead move as many who are in soul danger southeast into exodus, why? This giant maze of the slow motion exodus is accursed, God will only bless escape, skyward or off, out of abominable, doom planet America/ West Rule. Beware, Apb, The RAM. get it, get Jesus, get (ascend) out of it, ESCAPE!


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