Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Nesting Brave Heart Longknife

okay you guys no more doomsday passover, awarded, awarded or forewarn not only by the seventh anegl trumoet, while he stood with his feet upon the US Map,World Map, and that's, that's like the extraordinary angle described rev. 10, right you guys before a seventh angel trumpet, he this angel's feet straddles both the earth and teh sea and, and, lik Prophet Daniel's man in Linen, he's swearing by heavens Throne, there is time no longer, so you guys like Sia Maaseah's witnessed, blessed reveal Medicine, and you guys all this is happening the pending anniversary of the Jewish passover holiday, and of western civilization celebration of the Christ's resurrection, easter day  if you guys god's response had been less than merciful commanding us that we do the same, even as God manifested in teh flesh hung from a bloody cross of rebellious, wicked sin's making his order of the day or lamentation from the cross was forgiveness, only now as promised, by his righteousness, as reap maryred blood sown his winepress is here, yeah Maaseiah more daunting cry of all because  with it follows, Jesus' cry, except those days be shorten no flesh shall be saved, thus Sia Maaseiah June 2017, cry, get ye to repent altars, God is avenging Martyred blood. But Lion wolf man, for the elect sake those days shall be shorten,  ah doomsday passovers,  (1) the fall of the first adam, god gave us the promise of the woman seed, (2) Noah's evil earth, eh fiished us an ark of salvation, (3), the crucifixion of the proved emmanuel, world savor, where the cross, Beowulf man  itself acted as an act of forgiveness of divine intervention, (4) i Like to say Cheyenne, Hitler's Germany, I still can't get over it, how Kingdom, nations this world sit back as this one an army wiped ten million people off this planet, if that wasn't leaning into human extinction, nothiing other than Noah's earth was, a million people is stagger, heck a half, a quarter mil, how in Jesus' name did we ever fathom, P. h, a. n, t. o. m, as well, that we could go on and build peaceful civilizations after that? In Jesus name marked Tree man, In Jesus name, that's how Americans dreamed all this nothingness out of thin air. So that, then bring us too? Actually Apache Arrow the Rise of West Rule, because withit come further the holocaust of the native indian, and the African people, that make Hitlers's I mean what's a thousand times his ten million? Yet you hear, even into this hour at present where billions you guys, billions are now threaten the petro handlebars, and yet you still hear the soft, gentle voice toward the martyred under God's throne crying for vengence, and God saying, not yet, but when the fulfillness of time, of the age of grace, the church age, the end of rebellion hath come, millions of american aboriginals, hunreds of millions of african men, women and children yes you here jesus except ye forgive, except ye love, except ye forgive,  exceot ye love you are not mine, you are not my disciples, he that loveth not his brother, neighbor, enemy  ...the atomic weapon, yeah, Bronze Coten, you read my mind, the manhattan project, what 1943,45, yeah, why world Kingdom nations are in what Sia Maaseiah describes as a tug of nuclear war right this very second and why the Bride's escape Cheyenne
 man is every nano-seond of it's seconds into doomdays, yeah, wnat holy father many millennia described as destroying the earth he made, behold he will destroy the destroyers, possibly you guys why when Sia Maaseiah witnessed the Bride now reigning in heaven, actually saw herself, the stone cut out without hands now in her possession, kingdom, nation building deletion was described you  guys as the antichrist, as gog and magog murderer, as in reaping man's slaughter, kingdom, nation blood guilt sown, we're now you all down to the what Sia Maaseiah deemed lately the petro handlebars, yeah because one she heard it described as a death to fifty millions people and second, she witnessed as a funeral reef tore from them into the heavens ceiling with it's unimaginable death tolls The very root of the seventh angel trumpet warning especially US soil, now it's fifty states of barbecue, with Georgia southeast the exception along an act of divine intervention, the 99 bowls of molten lava, at a lost of  %15, so as ws described of Bush's Obama's and Trump's very 2017 inauguration proving it's genius accuracy fifty million dead, death toll, all eyes skyward momentarily, for me, such a stunning, stunning sunny spring day yet come and come with a prediction of complete desolation. An ELE pasted over Medicine bow, Dec. 24/25th, 2001, an ELE passed over Nov. 24/25th 2017 and you guys there's something about nuclear plant disasters, 1986, 1993, 2015, these were all doomsday passovers as well, each time heighten the awareness of the Bride being imminent danger, being taken out, including you guys, the early morning of the Hawaii Missile alert, you can say all you want God is ascended from the earth but if you judged by the countless performances demonstrating the bride being taken out God's loving finger in actually on the hum, drum beat of the Bride's very pulse, whereas Sabertooth the brides escape to the fall of west rule will both engender catastrophes upon the planet the end of the world as we know it,  and that's the appointing Sioux Noel of the Matrix Ten day count, Maxtrix, the reminder this is, since Adam's fall and Noah's flood,  a post apocalyptic era staged as a continence into greater more innovative civilization and peace on earth, ten days, as of Christ promise that endurance is glorious into a crown of righteousness, life,  and countdown because the allowance, the dispensation of grace pending the two weeks and seven years Obama's administration is now just plum out, thus the seventh angel trumpet 2018 forewarning,  three late January nights straight, that's Braveheart, January nights 26'-29th, remember it was right around that congressmen trainwreck, yes, Beowulf, exactly,  thanks, no futher delay they cried, standing on the US map themselves, no further delay, again, no further delay, cataclysms US soil are here!" So beyond the petro handlebars that is now itself an extinction level event,  by you guys nuclear disasters,  you say Sabertooth, well all my brethren and sisters here, Bush. Obama, and Trump Whitehouse into the end time rise of those we label Israel's enemy neighbor, more like their enemy, brother, cousins on unforgiveness, the rise you guys of Islam, why, even how Sia maaseiah predicted a hussein whitehouse at the first place, yeah, saddam hussein,one of the beast head being squashed to death by the petro handlebars, yet he lives, Barack Husssin, reign as the world greatest, yeah until one hour with the beast, and the last effort of the Dragon, into the beast from the bottomless and the beast of the antichrist hath seven years of rule over them from hamath to gog and magog, then guys enters this finisher of all of them, for all of time the stone cut out without hands, Jesus Millennium Reign, the kingdoms of men have now come the kingdoms of God and  I don't know about yall but after such phenom reveal all I hear is jesus saying what shall it profit you, if you gain the whole world and lose your soul, or what shall man give in exchanged for his soul? Yeah, Bronz, like saying if you like satan offered Jesus a hundred billion, gazillion dollars, there are no takers, I refuse to live in a world where by sinful lifestyle cut me off  from God, and, and, and most horridly indescribable, cut God off from me, no way in hell , no, no way ..there's just no way, ..got you Beo man, got you, and speaking for the entire Tribunal Juttah we totally, emphatically and indefinitely agree with you. Now whose ready to eat because thanksgiving dinner 2017, .possibly Saber man our last supper, you know until it has it's fulfillment the wedding supper of the Lamb, ..now wouldn't that be juicy, sweet! Phenomenally my sia brothers, Preecest sisters, phenomenally  ..I just have one question, what's that Lion Wolf man, ..what is that smelling so mighty good, ..didn't you hear? That is thanksgiving 2017, lets go in here, explain to our God, how in more way we can't count for eons and eons to come, he is an awesome God, the horse and rider hath he trampled into the sea ...and break bread and drink wine, accordingly, ..let everybody say, AMEN!!!!!!!!!! Beware Ever Aware, Apb, The RAM, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com 


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