Watchman What Of The Night 1998-2018

     -Doing the dream, about the death rider from beneath the earth,1996, the earth just open up and regardless of Bush, Trump, Putin, Abbas, Netanyahu a bringer of astronomical death and dying was released upon the earth. The reason given then for America's to West Rule come deletion from the planet were simply as the days of especially prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, that they'd by abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, forsaken God.  In other words they, Americans, Westerners and now Trumpians no longer served Elohim's Blessed Purpose, Christ Jesus Cross.
     -I mean really their government to supreme court, evidenced, It is that they just legalized what to God is the one abomination of all abominations this earth, the genocidal mutation of the genesis human being, ...of the genesis human being/ Marriage of procreation. The wicked agenda of the LGBTQ and P for Pedophiles movement,  the evil infiltration of same sex marriage, and most Americans to churchians and now Trumpians didn't even flinch, woe, woe, woe, the Dragon, the beast and the Antichrist are here, two quarters this earth are lost to them, tens of millions under Bush to Trump, US soil, beware, Apb, The RAM

 Watchman, What of The Night? 1998=2018

The CIA 2015 Debate Over Syed Farook's To Americans Cell Phone Privacy,

     -Wouldn't you say Putin, threats are beginning to build up like the yellowstone caldera? An Extinction Level Event From Beneath The earth. Americans believe in absolutes, if it not absolutely their country, or their state, or their city, or their resident, themselves and or their loved ones, then you're absolutely taking out of the side of your neck! Beware, Trump is a Truexit, God will only bless escape, skyward and or southeast into exodus, Apb, The RAM,

Watchman What Of The Night? 1998-2018

The Nov, 4th 1974/5-2018, petro handlebars that's staged to kill tens of millions US soil, no further delay, no more doomsday passovers, forewarn Jan. 26-29th, 2018, beware, Apb,


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