Another Doomsday Calendar Passover, Beware!

Watchman What Of The Night?

     Seen to seeing another doomsday calendar passed over 11/24/25/2017, the award instead of a Matrix ten day count. As even here lately the appearance of the man in Linden, the 534 BC warden of the 70th weeks of years timetable recorded Daniel 9th-12th chpts. Right into Apostle John's Rev. 10, witnessed as of the seventh angel Trumpet, here, Apb, Jan. 26-29th 2018, now crying urgently, no more doomsday passovers, desolation are here, desolations are determined until the end, beware, Apb

And I heard a voice, 2007, go and get the twelve heirs, Rev. 7, beware

   -Is it that a 2000 year plus prophecy, granting 70 weeks of years, of a timetable, (Obama awarded two weeks and seven year 2008/09, its finale). It is that Israel bring all its sins (like all born men) to an end, (to the redemptive Cross of Jesus), now falls on its 70th birthday, anniversary; As of a fourteenth Dec. 24/25th 2001-Nov. 24/25 2017, doomsday passover, now, April 18th, a 14th Matrix ten day count?
    -Truly God is a righteous judgement, not willing that any perish, then you Prophet Daniel, all this evil is come upon us. Yet we make not our prayers of repentance before the Lord, our God, that we may turn from our iniquities and understand thy truth. All hath sin, and fallen short of the glory of God, except ye repent ye perish, names stricken from the Lamb's book of life. Hell hath enlarged itself without measure, Jesus is the way, truth and the life, Amen, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend) out of it, beware, Apb, The RAM


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