-And I saw A Fury As Days Of Prophet Ezekiel Witnessed Rise Of Gog and Magog, Sot Out At A Trump, Pence Ticket, His Administration

     -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -Seen to be in heaven, a participating in grandiose celebration there, possibly the ceremony of the opening of the Lamb book of life, and the lyrics, the soothing sound, we exalt thee is playing all around. Soon a holy one approach me, and he say, he want to see you, and I said who? And he said him, next I know I guess you can say I'm translated and I'm standing before a silence, a mountain all God's throne; when, from beyond the mountain a light like the sun begin to rise only like the days of Moses it speak, and what it speak is as was commanded of the world leaders in Moses day, "let my people go."
     -The Apostle John instead heard, "come out of her my people, that you be partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plague (a plague of extinction level events), for her sins have reach unto God and God hath remembered. Then, I further heard, smiling face don't last, America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty, wipe Canada from the map,  kill all parents by, finished all schools, and except those days be shorten said, Jesus no flesh would be saved, but for the elect sake, those days shall be shorten, beware, Apb

     -And I saw A Fury As Days Of Prophet Ezekiel Witnessed Rise Of  Gog and Magog, Sot Out At A Trump, Pence Ticket, His Administration Now, Ancient Beast Reign, Escape, God, Will Only Bless Escape

     -First I want to say, the little Miya girl of apocalypse, being used by Holy Spirits as a postal child so to speak as to remind you. It is that your escape vehicles should not be sitting idle, but it and you should be in the most important stampede into exodus since the days of Moses, God, Himself commanded, Even a silence, a mountain and a rising sunlight all God's Throne suggested, that world overseers great and small let these people go into exodus. The sight of seeing and suffering along the world quaking chaos of elephants, the largest land animal stampeding the dirt paths of the wilderness of sin, this beyond urgent warning. Well, today, June 22, is little Miya's 11th birthday, and if you all want  to send her anything you can paypal it to my apostle5808@aol.com account, and I will make certain she get it.
     -Just remember her family is only one of my family members I witnessed 2007, stampeding along both sides of my house into a well fenced, barricaded, now Trump's border wall, southern border. Her family is only one of mine, I witnessed the Jesus' husband, as the days of Abraham's Lot, carry off into the southeast of America, into Georgia, before the Bride was taken skyward. Heretofore her family is only one of many of my Memphis families I would love to get as far from doomsday America come as Ghana Africa. I explained, nothing American is safe, nothing, it, well West Rule this planet has been commanded like the pharaohs of Egypt to let God's people go into their choice of exodus, and as the days of refusing Moses, God of all the gods, including all marvel characters, so God is the God of all gods man has conjured up these six millenniums.
      -As I was saying, so like Moses Egypt and Noah's earth rebellious Americans are all being targeted, so I would love to get them all first to Jesus and then skyward but if not, I would love to get them southeast to my nephew by marriage there, in Ghana Africa. I know it's both pulling out the heart painful to know America is no more and to realize, Africa is the new escape, and Apostle I am have been prophesying this seeming impossible mission, thirty springs and counting. Henceforth, since the late eighties escape by an African Heir, born male, designed the Africa Juttah and Col Gaddafi's by a gold denair, of a new currency, surely like China's petroyuan, a threat to the galvanized, weaponized petrodollar, petro-handlebars of human extinction.
     -A Prophesied these three decades, into Col, Gaddafi's by 2017-2025, attempted creation of a US of Africa, something millions of desperate migrants are in need of right now. Only it is that your precious Western/Leaders/sanctions, tariff's this nation, this planet; indefinitely, see Bush, Netanyahu, Cameron, Obama, Clinton,/the USA, only naming a few, snuffed out. Actually you can still hear persons, Saddam, Gaddafi, and now Assad and least I forget Palestine's leader, Abbas's eight, aren't angels. Yeah, well, Satan won't cast out Satan and as the days of the stoning of the woman caught in adultery, sin (Western leaders), cannot cast out sin. Jesus Christ as then, is yet as now, is the only human being there ever was without sin, because He is Emanuel.
    -Meaning He, Jesus alone is the world's Savior, you cannot, it's impossible for you to be both Saint and Sinner, a reigning Jesus said it Himself, He will spew you out of his mouth, cast you into a (sick), bed, they lovers into great tribulation except ye repent. That's He's to destroy your children with death except ye remember from whence thou art fallen, return to your first love and repent, even lakes burning with fire, brimstone and gnashing of teeth, await all rebellers, presidential, pastoral and peasant. Conclusively, I explained my first encounter with little Miya was by a dream of her standing at the foot of my bed before I even knew her mother was pregnant, though there's been many since, those in likeness of seeing her on the same dunlap street where both President Obama, and a time later, Michelle Obama, had both been.
     -That's Dunlap of Memphis, Tn, where the root of Massacres this planet, African Slavery into Obama's administration, Dr King, was assassinated, it's not Europe to Africa begging for a fix at all, but it's all coincidental, right? Still my most shocking dream with the Little Miya girl has come the translation into a new fear-factor of the last, the seventh thousand era/error of the rebelling human; for a toll of two quarters this earth. Meaning God's wine press, warn June 26, 2015, as come, warn June 26, 2017 as come, whereas June 23-26th 2018, the 21st matrix ten day ct; Rev, 2nd Bk.. Right here. Actually, we are May 22, 2018, one day before May 23-26th 18th matrix ten day count as to open, as to refresh Rev. 18th book of Mystery's cataclysmic deletion from planet earth, without ceasing, the resounding cry of Jesus, all these millenniums, repent or perish!
     -The thrust in sickle, whose harvester was seen only weeks past, is to reap 175 miles of martyred blood and if America, still prophesied to lose tens of millions, is thought to be God's sanctuary, is scarcely saved, how shall the rest of the religious world fair? I don't know how long Hawaii's river of floating lava is, as of a predicted 2017, 99 bowls of molten lava, but imagine this isn't only a sight of a river of fire; but that, that is a river of blood also and I'll let you elect, as you and yours are possibly one of it's many families whose stagnant vehicle is visited by the little Miya girl of come apocalypse.
     -Apparently it is that as usual only a few are regardless of their spiritual leaders making mockery, they're getting themselves out of sorely targeted areas as the US, Canada West Pacific, US  Midwest and it's Eastern Seaboard. Those, all of  them predicted right now to produce in the form of a mega quake to a yellowstone super eruption, as again, just as Jesus suggested of his. Jerusalem, they're to be obedient to escape as to be obedient to escape is to be as a righteous lead, as Noah, Abraham and Moses. In conclusion, I logged onto this youtude video, entitled what god told me about Donald Trump Presidency. Donald Trump Presidency, as much as of a Truexit as Britain is a Brexit, my Christ is Lord, you all should  hear the cawing of birds right now, I can't see them but I can hear them, it's so loud it's deafening.
     -As soon as I read this title, and began to listen, I was reminded how so many of  those who ever voted for Obama, especially the churchians who yet celebrate him. How it is they least like to be reminded the abomination that maketh all western civilization this world as the days of Noah and thus totally and completely obliterated from this planet. That such the lying of seizures into ELE's, nuclear, natural and NOAA  come by a vote of the supreme court during African born, Barack, Hussein Obama's administration. Possibly a mistake too enormous to explicate that can now only be rectified if he, Barack and Michelle now lead the American exodus, from America into his, heirship by African parents, the African continent. Such an undertaking, further explaining why Jesus' Millennium waa seen, 2016, clearly, the end of Obama's administration, 2008-2016, happily descending into Barack and Michelle Obama's.
     -Anyway, by a calling, Spring 1986, the appearance of the Jesus of Resurrection Himself, having healing wings to each of his sides, so some say clouds, other says wings. Why I often describe Jesus as arriving with healing wings at His Side and Leaves from the Tree of Life, what my grand viewed as an invasion of peace on earth, so, just imagine that. Herein His Will for His People upon my life now as an Apostle,.Prophet. Such a calling, had to give way to the thirty plus years of spending just as much time skyward as I have earthbound, truly this is why; this is the way I've seen America's exodus. A Blessed, blessed escape, by an African born male lead into a New Africa whereas I elected to tell it by book characters, of prophetic, sureals, truths, maybe this is why, these thirty plus years, I elected, they having blind eyes, deaf ears, harden hearts and prudent lifestyles, this is why, Apostle I Am, too speak to them all in parables, though as plain as your reflection in the mirror, get it, get Jesus and get (ascend), out of it, Apb, The RAM

     -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?

     Seen to be seeing 2015, the antichrist move about the earth in great prowess, his hour come, unstoppable, seen to be seeing more a curious thing, I see the Bride, and she's regning in heaven, she has in her possession, the stone cut without hands, that King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed, Dan 2 all rebellious kingdom nation building these six eras/errors, from gold to miry clay, crushed to dust and wind I saw further that it had the surface of a meteor and as the reign Bride prepared it's release into the final rebellion, I heard it said, "this is the antichrist murderer,' beware, Apb, The RAM


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