God, as the days of Noah, Nimrod's Babel, Abraham's Lot, and Moses exodus, will only bless escape!
-Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?
-And I saw A Fury As Days Of Prophet Ezekiel Witnessed Rise Of Gog and Magog, Shot Out At A Trump, Pence Ticket, His Administration, See Dan. 2, Ps. 37, Isa. 13, Ezekiel 4, Rev. 11 -18, All For The Prophetic Outcome, It Is As Wounded Jesus Cried, Finished, Repent Or Perish!
God, as the days of Noah, Nimrod's Babel, Abraham's Lot, and Moses exodus, will only bless escape! www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com
-One, Apostle I am, explained, anything Trump' Admin. declares peace and safety, well not just Trump. But any westernized leaders period, (Britain, Israel, America, Canada), the recent Royal Wedding, like US 2016, elections, all is cursed. God as the days of Noah's Ark, Nimrod's Babel, Abraham's Lot, and Moses exodus, has only designed escape, God, as the days of Noah, Nimrod's Babel Abraham's Lot, and Moses exodus, will only bless escape!
-Thus and so on, any hope of rise and reign designed West Rule from the beginning, as I forewarn of these leaders will be followed by doomsday. This is as of a cry from heaven doing Trump/Pence campaigning, that as Americans crid, 2016, make America great again; sighing instead from heaven was the forewarning, but yours, again America's is a.nuclear, natural and Noah/NOAA extinction level event, one after another until they're all of them, dust and wind.
- Whereas Pence very 2015 presidential debate, had a fury like the days of Ezekiel witnessed rise of gog and Magog cast at him, when eventually Trump's very inauguration was aligned as Bush's wars, so 07/09/2002, 01/22/2017, with fifty millions deaths, tens of millions US soil, why they, their rebellious with evil, have been made comparison by Jesus, Himself, to the days of Noah.
- Further meaning if nuclear proliferation happen, it'll happen on America's decline as worldwide anything of value. It'll happen, nuclear retardation only as to advance the Prophet Daniel's endtime Islamic/Israeli-Palestinian peace accord of prophetic fulfillment. Just as doing three nights of dreaming 1998, I witnessed America in wars unusually, on its own soil. I prophesied, since, just as one of such enemies was Arabian, (see Sept. 11, attacks, Islamic rule to follow), one of such enemies, was as an Asian invasion. One of such occupation US soil is what America, N. Korea, China, Russia, tug of nuclear war, of petro-currencies are threatening right now.
-God, yet crying, and they shall know I am God, so as the days of Moses, will not be ignored, assigned seizures beginning US, Western world rule will not be thrown down. As Rev. Bk. 18, has lamented these millennia, come out of West rule God's people, for its sins have reached unto God, and God hath Remembered. God, has as the days of Babylon's King Belshazzar, Dec. 24/25, 2001, numbered, weighed and measured its blood guilt, that until 190 months and forty days be fulfilled, past judgements, even double.
-That's until 190 months and forty days be fulfilled, 12/24/25, 2001 thru 11/24/25/ 2017, doomsday is here but as of a Matrix ten day countdown award. A sweet to bitter award now its 18th day, its 18th, Rev. Bk, open, and no flesh remaining unrepentant is safe, beware. Truly why all Westernized soil and petro-handlebars West Rule are as Moses day a commanded exodus. Just as so, crying aloud as of a now reigning Jesus, remember, return, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood. And except those days be shorten no flesh shall be saved, but for the promises and prophecies toward the elect, those days shall be shorten, get it, get Jesus, and get (ascend), out of it, Apb, The, RAM, apostle5808@aol.com
North Korea Warns, Calls Pence, Like His Westernized Leads, A Political Dummy," CNN Reports
-#P.S, Fret not thyself, said Christ's Cross as of the death rider come from beneath the earth, dream, 1996, rather trust, delight and commit thyselves to God. Just remember, as you witnessed with eyes wide shut, made deaf ears and harden hearts, still, ...still!!! American to western leaders, those tangled, twisted and webbed along a tug of nuclear war and beast, lethal petro-currencies, the abominations that maketh all humanity desolate, which is why Trump, both God's, Jesus, and America's President, are your truexits. Theirs, West Rule leaders, are all predestined especially these last thirty plus springs as to breakout their own individual soils with one extinction level event after another. So, as with a supervolcano, Mega quake, supereruption pending as to bring a sudden end to tens of millions of lives, thus ending all West Rule this planet into a palehorse judgment and, and Islamic/antichrist reign, again knowing, what manner of man ought you to be? Beware, Apb, The RAM,
North Korea Warns, Calls Pence, Like His Westernized Leads, A Political Dummy," CNN Reports
-#P.S, Fret not thyself, said Christ's Cross as of the death rider come from beneath the earth, dream, 1996, rather trust, delight and commit thyselves to God. Just remember, as you witnessed with eyes wide shut, made deaf ears and harden hearts, still, ...still!!! American to western leaders, those tangled, twisted and webbed along a tug of nuclear war and beast, lethal petro-currencies, the abominations that maketh all humanity desolate, which is why Trump, both God's, Jesus, and America's President, are your truexits. Theirs, West Rule leaders, are all predestined especially these last thirty plus springs as to breakout their own individual soils with one extinction level event after another. So, as with a supervolcano, Mega quake, supereruption pending as to bring a sudden end to tens of millions of lives, thus ending all West Rule this planet into a palehorse judgment and, and Islamic/antichrist reign, again knowing, what manner of man ought you to be? Beware, Apb, The RAM, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com , apostle5808@aol.com
-And I saw A Fury As Days Of Prophet Ezekiel Witnessed Rise Of Gog and Magog, Shot Out At A Trump, Pence Ticket, His Administration, See Dan. 2, Ps. 37, Isa. 13, Ezekiel 4, Rev. 11 -18, All For The Prophetic Outcome, It Is As Wounded Jesus Cried, Finished, Repent Or Perish!
God, as the days of Noah, Nimrod's Babel, Abraham's Lot, and Moses exodus, will only bless escape! www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com
-Thus and so on, any hope of rise and reign designed West Rule from the beginning, as I forewarn of these leaders will be followed by doomsday. This is as of a cry from heaven doing Trump/Pence campaigning, that as Americans crid, 2016, make America great again; sighing instead from heaven was the forewarning, but yours, again America's is a.nuclear, natural and Noah/NOAA extinction level event, one after another until they're all of them, dust and wind.
- Whereas Pence very 2015 presidential debate, had a fury like the days of Ezekiel witnessed rise of gog and Magog cast at him, when eventually Trump's very inauguration was aligned as Bush's wars, so 07/09/2002, 01/22/2017, with fifty millions deaths, tens of millions US soil, why they, their rebellious with evil, have been made comparison by Jesus, Himself, to the days of Noah.
- Further meaning if nuclear proliferation happen, it'll happen on America's decline as worldwide anything of value. It'll happen, nuclear retardation only as to advance the Prophet Daniel's endtime Islamic/Israeli-Palestinian peace accord of prophetic fulfillment. Just as doing three nights of dreaming 1998, I witnessed America in wars unusually, on its own soil. I prophesied, since, just as one of such enemies was Arabian, (see Sept. 11, attacks, Islamic rule to follow), one of such enemies, was as an Asian invasion. One of such occupation US soil is what America, N. Korea, China, Russia, tug of nuclear war, of petro-currencies are threatening right now.
-God, yet crying, and they shall know I am God, so as the days of Moses, will not be ignored, assigned seizures beginning US, Western world rule will not be thrown down. As Rev. Bk. 18, has lamented these millennia, come out of West rule God's people, for its sins have reached unto God, and God hath Remembered. God, has as the days of Babylon's King Belshazzar, Dec. 24/25, 2001, numbered, weighed and measured its blood guilt, that until 190 months and forty days be fulfilled, past judgements, even double.
-That's until 190 months and forty days be fulfilled, 12/24/25, 2001 thru 11/24/25/ 2017, doomsday is here but as of a Matrix ten day countdown award. A sweet to bitter award now its 18th day, its 18th, Rev. Bk, open, and no flesh remaining unrepentant is safe, beware. Truly why all Westernized soil and petro-handlebars West Rule are as Moses day a commanded exodus. Just as so, crying aloud as of a now reigning Jesus, remember, return, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood. And except those days be shorten no flesh shall be saved, but for the promises and prophecies toward the elect, those days shall be shorten, get it, get Jesus, and get (ascend), out of it, Apb, The, RAM, apostle5808@aol.com
North Korea Warns, Calls Pence, Like His Westernized Leads, A Political Dummy," CNN Reports
-#P.S, Fret not thyself, said Christ's Cross as of the death rider come from beneath the earth, dream, 1996, rather trust, delight and commit thyselves to God. Just remember, as you witnessed with eyes wide shut, made deaf ears and harden hearts, still, ...still!!! American to western leaders, those tangled, twisted and webbed along a tug of nuclear war and beast, lethal petro-currencies, the abominations that maketh all humanity desolate, which is why Trump, both God's, Jesus, and America's President, are your truexits. Theirs, West Rule leaders, are all predestined especially these last thirty plus springs as to breakout their own individual soils with one extinction level event after another. So, as with a supervolcano, Mega quake, supereruption pending as to bring a sudden end to tens of millions of lives, thus ending all West Rule this planet into a palehorse judgment and, and Islamic/antichrist reign, again knowing, what manner of man ought you to be? Beware, Apb, The RAM,
North Korea Warns, Calls Pence, Like His Westernized Leads, A Political Dummy," CNN Reports
-#P.S, Fret not thyself, said Christ's Cross as of the death rider come from beneath the earth, dream, 1996, rather trust, delight and commit thyselves to God. Just remember, as you witnessed with eyes wide shut, made deaf ears and harden hearts, still, ...still!!! American to western leaders, those tangled, twisted and webbed along a tug of nuclear war and beast, lethal petro-currencies, the abominations that maketh all humanity desolate, which is why Trump, both God's, Jesus, and America's President, are your truexits. Theirs, West Rule leaders, are all predestined especially these last thirty plus springs as to breakout their own individual soils with one extinction level event after another. So, as with a supervolcano, Mega quake, supereruption pending as to bring a sudden end to tens of millions of lives, thus ending all West Rule this planet into a palehorse judgment and, and Islamic/antichrist reign, again knowing, what manner of man ought you to be? Beware, Apb, The RAM, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com , apostle5808@aol.com
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