Legalize Abortion, Changes The Culture Of A Nation, No, Legalized Abominations, Bring Humankind To The Brink Of Extinction Every Time , Every Time

     -Out of the boiling pot into the flying pan all frogs, or vice versa, all US and Western Soil This Planet, No less, get Southeast, Get to Where I Witnessed the stampede of Americans Into The Shores Of Africa, so apparently where the globalist and elitish, don't want you to go, they want to burn you, barbeque you and bury you right here, US doomed soil, as of ELE's come, beware, Apb,

Legalize Abortion, Changes The Culture Of A Nation

    - Actually, legalize abortion, as legalized same sex marriage, are like demons and devils sneaking in as of men being inundated with such wicked devices of immorality, so demons unaware. It is all as to genocide, to extinct  the genesis human being of human procreation, so far beyond a transgression, we're talking abominations. These greatest of evils, these laid desolations that once like now, when you consider the righteous Bride escape. So detestations so horrid, that once caused the vast human population by instead a designed by a Righteous God, extinction level event, as to be reduced down to one Noah's Ark family. Right now, those saints of the most high God, as now on high with God, beware, God was never mocked. Only your will, against His Will, your gethsemane garden of indecision has doomed to death, judgment and lakes of fire, all not washed in the blood of the Lamb of God, who hath His name alone as Jesus, beware, Apb,

The Sheer Marvel At Israel, US Supplied, Fighter Jets,

     -What did I tell y'all about the petrodollar/handlebars death toll of a reach, Obama/Clinton/Qaddafi's 's, 2013? That in the form of a growing mightily funeral reef, attached to handlebars once treated Bush's 2002/03 with axle grease disallowing China and Russia, that reached heavens ceiling with it's ginormous toll. This enormous toll, is why from Bush's, 07/09/2002 right into Trump, 01/22/2017, a calculated fifty million deaths have been aligned to the petrodollar/handlebars all it's own. That's Trump's, as of a fury of God cast at him, as of the witnessed rise of Ezekiel's Gog and Magog, so as the days of Noah. Extinction level events, right now with it's doomed soil rolling into it's 18th matrix ten day count, 18th Rev. Bk, open, with all desolations beginning to end all US to Western allegiance/rule, this planet, then come a palehorse judgment to Islamic/antichrist reign, beware, Apb

    North Korea Warns, Calls Pence, Like His Westernized Leads, A Political Dummy," CNN Reports

     -#P.S, Fret not thyself, said Christ's Cross as of the death rider come from beneath the earth, dream, 1996, rather trust, delight and commit thyselves to God. Just remember, as you witnessed with eyes wide shut, made deaf ears and harden hearts, still, ...still!!! American to western leaders, those tangled, twisted and webbed along a tug of nuclear war and beast, lethal petro-currencies, the abominations that maketh all humanity desolate, which is why Trump, both God's, Jesus, and America's President, are your truexits. Theirs, West Rule leaders, are all predestined especially these last thirty plus springs as to breakout their own individual soils with one extinction level event after another. So, as with a supervolcano, Mega quake, supereruption pending as to bring a sudden end to tens of millions of lives, thus ending all West Rule this planet into a palehorse judgment and, and Islamic/antichrist reign, again knowing, what manner of man ought you to be? Beware, Apb, The RAM, ,


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