My Response To The Warning Of The Many Erupting Volcanoes, As Never Before This Planet

     -As warned thousands of years now, Noah's extinction levels now happening to them, to theirs, they would run, they would hide, they would do all manner of evil at attempts to save themselves. It is even those knowing, and the word of God express it is that they knowing, running, crying, that God's wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? Only according to Jesus, none but the elect will survive it, and that's by God promises and prophecies and His Cross of men's blood reconciliation, death is resurrection and glorification, the second death, grave, horrors, cannot touch them, only see Ps. 37, of what was told me, about unrepentant people, doing the 1996, death rider dream, beware, Apb, The RAM,

My response to the warning of the many erupting volcanoes, as never before this planet

     -It was in 2017, I heard in my hearing, 99 bowls of molten lava, I said sound like an outbreak of volcanoes, then there's the woman bearing black bowls of it along millions awaiting a single water cooler. Remember my memphis Tn. son, the night before, or the morning of the Hawaii missile scare, Jan. 13, 2018. It was doing such a dream at this time, his, telling me my worrying after him got the downtowns newspaper bells ringing, I explained something said of earthquake's ringing earth's bells. The memphis, Tn. son, whose own son by a dream 2015, witnessed something major happen in Hawaii that left him orphan away from his entire family.  I'm the Apostle, Prophet who since then, two months past, heard in my ear not only, 10.2 earthquake, but days later I  heard it said exactly, and I quote, "major, major, earthquake, west pacific Canada."
     -Whereas I can only hope Hawaii since erupting and shown a river, a lake burning with fire has caused many to rethink these predictions and get themselves as far from these targeted areas as possible. Witnessing 2015, fuel canisters placed in a circe and set to blaze mean all know faut lines, all known volcanoes mounts and calderas are targeted. As are being activated as to show God's Noah's earth anger with rebellion. As with destinations and abominations Americans lives, lands, churches, peaceful porches, money markets, and crystal skies, I've seen all under attack by beast. Including the entirety of the Trump administration, as I warn, any war he make or ally on foreign soil, will be met US soil, by one cataclysm after another. America's like the days of old, is obedience, it's return, it's repentance and like the Bride, America's is a designed escape to exodus the entire residences of US to Western soil southeast into exodus, God has only designed escape, God will only bless escape, and count it. obedience, as the days of old, as righteousness.
     -Still a question come suddenly as warn of a Noah's day judgement, taking as predicted the trajectory of the 2017 solar eclipse, could the pouring into the west pacific Hawaii magma, trigger a vei 8, at the Yellowstone Caldera; as Hawaii magma triggers the pacific subduction zone, here enters the predicted major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada. ELE's that then domino into the San Andres, still a predicted 10.2 earthquake for it's area, a mighty quaking that equally triggers the yellowstone caldera, (Rev 6, 6th seal), further taking this eclipse trajectory; that then domino ino the New Myriad fault and all the damage I saw from the west coast that was no more; right into Canada commanded to be wiped out; 
     -Agan, as of a yellowstone eruption, the witnessed of the crystallization of the heavens into huge, cracking, falling missiles; whereas the New Madrid triggered and just as predicted is to swallow up Memphis TN, fulfilling my first dunlap street dream of mass evacs. and areas all along the mississippi are horribly no more. Though temporarily the least affected areas, as I equally saw are the areas, along the southeast into Georgia; clearly, a laid, designed American exodus, still is such an inconceivable world, to nation ending, era changing. As to be launched into extinction levels, and lamentations of Jeremiah, even Apostle John's Rev. 18, only to be viewed lik holy spirit from on high, just as I've seen these last thirty years plus, is this worse, of the worse, of the worse scenario, that has even the seventh angel trumpet of Rev. 17, for three nights warning us, still is this beyond horror leaving as predicted tens of millions suddenly dead, anyway possible? Beware, Apb, The RAM

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?

     -Seen to be seeing the seventh angel trumpet, bearing the seven vials of Rev. 17, there's three nights of it, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, he seem to be straddling the world map to the US map, US States of emergencies, the midwest, the eastern seaboard, are to be as alerted, as the inundated with such forewarnings Us. Canada West Pacific. This beyond description limitlessness, as he's like jumping up and down the map, with it's urgency,  "no further delays, US soil, predicted desolations come, no further delay US soil, desolations cautioned, now come, as in now come, again for a third night of it, no further delays, no more passovers US soil, planned and staged for removal, 12/24/25,2001-11, 24.25th, 2017, cataclysms are here, beware, Apb, The RAM   



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