Article what kids want you to know in case they die in a school shooting!

Article what kids want you to know in case they die in a school shooting! Article

Say something, I'm giving up on you

     (Just imagine, the words to this song, and how sad what's up of God found crying behind a silence in heaven, as so Jesus to interceding holy spirits to righteous prayers are saying to you, of Jesus knocking on the door of your heart. Or it is that your soul is in jeopardy of being lost forever, as in being lost forever, the second death your rebellion, remaining in power into judgment and hell. Then remember not only did God create as the Genesis Marriage, let no fallen angel, nor rebellious man nor abominable law put asunder. God created a female mate from the man, aware that the man ought not be alone. Indefinitely, it's why the sexist book in the bible is King Solomon's,songs of Solomon, of his erotically breaking down the romanticism of spending time with his own Genesis bride; please note here, the emphasis here is on the romanticism of King Solomon spending erotic times, with his own Genesis Wife.

-Unto Aiden Riesen Williamson and Skylar Winter Morning was born a son Cullum Jakai Williamson, a son, Heure Calen Williamson and a son, Craven Reyn Williamson      

     "Look! Look! Look! A deer is watching us, you Aiden think his finding us like this seem as natural as nature as he and all these wilderness animals seem to us? This great invasion of long cabins no, but the naturally born man, the naturally born woman, conjoined together as one for all time it's procreation, as in the Genesis, yes," an enthralled one flipping over as to see her, his new, unspeakable marriage bed, face to face, breath, kiss to kiss, ah how they loved tearinging into one the other, this one new cleaving man of themselves. "This Sky, single human being, it can't get no more natural miss lady than that, than this, our cries just now were as normal to them as others of nature's mating calls, perhaps? Yes, stunning wife, so much so he instead come to see us, to spy on us, so yes, I can see that, I can also see that you Skylar, Spring Morning is mine for all time into eons to come. And I, now my beloved husband, I am yours, I must warn you beloved, I will come to you often ...and you, this blood longing and burning to have ourselves stirred in wildly welcome and welcome and welcome you. Look! Look! Look! Babies are joining him, the entire Deer family is there, ah my Christ they're so stunning, ...yes, that is exactly what they're saying about us. Especially, my beloved Juttah wife, about you, how stunning is this human being, ...come into me my beloved preece husband, I, your beloved wife, we will run after thee,  ...just no, nooooooo, no tickling me, wife, wife!" Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; for it is written, though they have eyes they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, so are they, see entire prophetic, parable, here,, beware, Apb, The RAM

The Natural, Nature of The Genesis Marriage

     And for this cause, a man shall leave his mother and father, and shall cleave unto his own (genesis), wife, and there they shall become one flesh, (a divine procreation), let no wicked device to man's abominable law put it asunder, all fornicators HLGBTQ and P for Pedophilers, beware, your abominations to detestations have reached unto God, and as of the extinction level event of , Rev. 18, even doubled, He, hath remembered, beware, Apb,

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

-Seem to be standing in a mirror, 1986, not a dream, seem to grooming myself, when the mirror began to take on an image of God's throne, only with it's back turn toward mass assembly; why I heard 2013, mass assembly, be admonished to fall in love with God. Understand this bathroom was at times also my prayer closet, so soon I heard in my hearing and I quote,"God has turn his back on the church," and as I testified. These many springs, immediately I felled on my knees and began to intercede that God give them, us, you one more chance. Perhaps this is why the ascended Bride heaven assigned labor, as Jesus was to intercede the throne for the Righteous Bride, Hers , The Righteous Brides' is to intercede God's Throne for the Tribulation Saints, beware, Apb

-And Set Battering Rams, Against It! Repent Or Likewise, Perish, Said, Jesus Over and Over Again, Behold I Stand At The Door, And Knock, If Any Man

     -My California niece texted me this young man praying this amazing prayer, saying everything that needed to be said, everything except the most important thing of all such intercessory. I texted her back and I said, King Solomon prayed such a prayer for his people, so did the Prophet Daniel, and I'm sure these six millenniums of  eras/errors of men many of such prayers have gone out, even up to God. I'm sure as well, little have of such intercessors stayed still long to comprehend what it is God respond back, and for an example I used II Chron, 7:14, 15, my first ever pulpit message and nothing mass assembly would again be the same. 
     -It is of God responding to unrepentant prayers, you see that's what this young man's powerful prayer was lacking, repentance, remember what Jesus said despite your gifts of raising the dead, of casting out devils, and other wonderful works? Jesus said instead, He will cast you off from him, because of your sins, He don't even know you. Now hear the response from God, an incalculable number of intercessors are unlikely to hear, ..if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, ...and turn from their wicked ways, ...and turn from their ways, THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAR FROM HEAVEN, forgive their sins and, though America.
     -Though West Rule lands are under a command seizure and met with extinction levels, equally why theirs is as well a commanded exodus; God promise to heal their lands, which now would be inthe form of Jesus arriving, a manner of invasion of peace on earth, with healing wings and leaves. Only then,once repentance is met with blood reconciliation, God reassures, only then will His Eyes be open and ont then will  His Ears attend to a prayer done in this manner. Said truth of God, from Genesis book to Revelation book, it all goes to the Apostle Paul reassurance, that God is not mocked, what's sown is what's reaped, so despite how powerful to phenomenal these prayers, repent or like millions of others gone before, perish! Beware, Apb, The RAM,  

  Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about. See that the weight of America's blood guilt, Dec. 24/25th,2001, until 190 months and forty day are finished, Nov. 24/25th, 2017, into a matrix ten day count, so is West Rule this planet, come as of Ezekiel 4, 5, 9 and Daniel 2, and 5, (Rev. 11:1, 2, as of a Hussein White House prediction, 2003-2016, now ancient beast reign, Trump's Administration), Rev, 13, chpts. SEE!,


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