-Tossed Into Lakes Of Fire, Whosoever, Royal, Presidential, Pastoral and or Peasant, whosoever Name isn't written

     -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?

Seen to be seeing 2015, the antichrist move about the earth in great prowess, his hour come, unstoppable, seen to be seeing more a curious thing, I see the Bride, and she's regning in heaven, she has in her possession, the stone cut without hands, that King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed, Dan 2 all rebellious kingdom nation building these six eras/errors, from gold to miry clay, crushed to dust and wind I saw further that it had the surface of a meteor and as the reign Bride prepared it's release into the final rebellion, I heard it said, "this is the antichrist murderer,' beware, Apb, The RAM 

     -In the last days, perilous times shall come, as the days of Noah, they will be marrying and giving into marriage until suddenly, they are no more; fret not thyself, because of evildoers, for as they green grass, and green herb, they're prune, pulled and cut away! Beware, Apb

     -The Royal Wedding, Prince Harry, I actually had to look up his name, and Markle, if that's the right spelling of her name, I know it seem ashamed, they are royalty, Though you have to remember right along these royal events it's as Jesus telling prayer vigils to let the dead bury the dead, even explaining how His Father, God, work hitero and He work, that a night is coming where no man can work. A night, positioned doing Bush's 2003, wars, a blackness arriving pending Obama's two weeks and seven year award, an arcade of ancient evil, rise, reign of demons, come into fruition during Trump 2016 campaign and 2017 inauguration. The end of grace, the church age, right into Trump's though short lived is the last US presidency, even why Jesus millennium was seen descended instead into Barack and Michelle's Obama, rule.
     -Evidently, as of all West Rule, as of Cameron's Brexit, this royal wedding will be the last of it's kind,  America, Britain, as in the UK by its weight of blood guilt, have all been commanded to be separated along itty, bitty pieces, with canada commanded to be wiped from the map, western rule is done this entire planet, nothing will follow it's attempts of revival but greater, to great to even greater sorrows, get ye, all of you, royalty, presidential, pastoral and peasant to repentant altars, God is avenging, beginning West Rule, six millenniums of martyred blood and no flesh, except Jesus as predicted by Prophet Zechariah, 14, as the Angels along His ascension, prediction, Acts 1:11, sso until Jesus again at his feet again upon Mount Olivet, men not only draw close to extincting themselves but damning themselves as well.
     -All of this sweet to bitter reveal just make you wonder, why did God send intravenous angels after Abraham's Lot, the deal Abraham made with God failed. Clearly, it is that if he found ten righteous these sin cities, God would spare these sodomized areas, I know ten, like, the warned, Rev, 2, Bk, ten days of tribulations come. That if the saints, those described, Rev. 17, as with Jesus as they are called, and chosen, and faithful, if they endure, God would grant them  a crown of life.Only now another doomsday thwart into the matrix ten day countdowns, as of the opening of Rev, books of endurance, since Dec 4, 5, 2017, it's first, with an approaching May. 23rd-26, a 18th Matrix ten day, will be as to open the 18th chapter of revelation explanation of an extinction level event and whose the target, that's with double world ending troubles and why.
     -Then here lately as 2015, when I witnessed the Jesus' husband deliver my grands by an act of divine intervention southeast and asked me by a dream, while the perfect man Jesus did, whether the angels (the intravenous efforts of God's kingdom on earth, by appointing angels, these six eras/errors, whether they would all now ascend with the bride? If acts of divine intervention ascend as well a the Bride, for the first time since mankind's fall from grace they will be without the whole armor of God. This is why, Apostle I am, admit, every time I hear of it, this royal wedding that's everywhere, I'm instead reminded of holy scriptures. Those reminding us, how people great and small will be marrying and giving into marriage until end time cataclysms, end time Noah's/NOAA days, as such times are right now, take them clear away, and the world as they know it, is no more ever again, repent or likewise perish, said Jesus.

     -Tossed Into Lakes Of Fire, Whosoever, Royal, Presidential, Pastoral and or Peasant, whosoever Name isn't written in the Lamb's Book Of Life, The Royal Priesthood Christ's Cross, Are Tossed Into A Lake Which Burns With Fire, Rev. 20,

     -When you see this flowing like a river molten magma, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20REZmnhHSA); you can't help but be reminded of the bible mentioning a lake of fire, Rev. 20. How, not only will satan and his army of devils and demons, Gog and Magog and his armies of demons and devils, not only will all who take the mark. Though, all rebellers, all churchians, Americans and Westerners, all unrepentant are having their souls in such jeopardy. All those whose name are not written in the Lambs book of life are then tossed into lakes said to be burning with fire. I'm reminded as recent as 2015, shown not only was this specialty book, this ancient scroll of keeping names and testimonies, from humankind's very foundation. Though after a mammoth celebration in heaven, was halted, as of the Lamb's book opening into a roll call of a census taking, and whoever of this entire planet of earth's inhabitants these six millenniums isn't written there, are pretty much damned.
     -So let's hope these unforeseen troubles alone this outbreak of revival and repentance, that these extraordinary river, lava flows is just about as close any of us will get to.a river seen to be flowing with fire, brimstone and gnashing of teeth. Just as reminded days past, the recent predictions referring to the bowl of judgements, of Rev. 16, come to be further realized the 16th Matrix ten day count, amazingly just as May 4th, is when the Hawaii quake began to erupt.  I even heard it said, though Hawaii eruptions, 2011 was some similar, this 2018 event is much worst, biblical even, as in to fulfill predictions like Rev. 16, and here recently, the 2017 announcement of 99 bowls of molten lava, with a woman bearing black bowls, 2015/16 intervening upon the worst water shortage imaginable, ever, or ever again, praise Jesus.
     -Meaning these disastrous events, though 2010/11 did come in like it was the end of the world, these recent troubles are much closer, to a prediction I was made to see 2015, how something disastrous happen to Hawaii, that left my Memphis grands orphans. Then some may ask how is that? Well I only assume, it is that Memphis, TN, sit where the New Madrid fault zone is primarily marked off on the map. The New Madrid is the only earthquake fault zone that has produced, two 8 plus earthquakes on US soil, possibly the answer to the question, of a stranger's approach, asking the secrets of Memphis? Evenly, why doing a dream, three nights, Jan. 13-16, 2018, of riches to rags sleepovers and sickbeds my Memphis son looked at me and said, my worrying after him had the downtown news paper bells ringing.
     -Beware, certainly, as in an outbreak of seismic activity has earth's bells ringing, wan scientist, beware, this outbreak with ELE's, where as of this doomsday scenario, the seventh angel Trumpet, Rev. 17. Just as so three nights of dreaming following, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, was so anxious with urgency, crying no more doomsday delays US soil. Why I called 2016 elections, now Royal Weddings, and all otherwise getting the attention of endangered souls, all instead be pounded into altars of Christ. Crystal, that Bush's is a new error/era, that Obama's come with beast pending, one from land, one from the sea. Right, into Cameron's pending Brexit, that Trump's a truexit as of America's commanded as the days of Moses, exodus. A blackness, a hollowness all rebellious hearts, Ancient Beast reign is now, the word, "Now," given as a multicolor blinking light of caution, as the word "Now," along a puzzle of the words, finished into the forewarning, "judgement Now! Beware, Apb, The RAM

-Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?

     -Seen to be seeing 2017 restrooms laid and used as traps for children, seen to be seeing, 2010 reapers bearing sword like syringes, seen to be hearing 2017, get ye to altars of Christ, seen to be seeing 04/2018, a reaper, bearing a sickle, Rev 14 and a command to kill all parents by, to finish all schools, 12\24/25/2001 thru 11/24/24//2017 assigned doomsday now speeding us into an 18th matrix ten day count, as in the 18th chapter of Rev. Bk. see Eze. 8/9 chpts, see, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com


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