And The Title Of The Message That Day. Was, Let No Man Deceive You, If Only They Had Mirror Churches

    -God warn this watchman by my prayer closet, 1987, that if we lose a handle on spiritual, hearts, lives, lands and churches, it would be like putting a gun to our children head and pulling the trigger.
      -I still remember standing in a pulpit where women were forbidden, telling a church full of people that. Only they were too distracted, (see Jacobs Well), by the fact there was a forbidden woman in the pulpit. that day.
     -We knew we were in trouble with God the moment we legalized a sexual sin, an abomination, as fornication, as the LGBTQ and P for Pedophilers agenda. Sexual sins that has extinct humankind down to one Noah's Ark family. Plus a now reigning Jesus, Himself, Rev. 2, said such whorish lifestyles would cause us our children.
     -God is not mocked, stop saying God help us/US, He already helped us/US, He has placed His Kingdom in jeopardy by becoming a sinless Jesus, doing so. He has waited thousands of years into these very seconds for us to accept His Help, Christ's Cross,  beware, Apb, The, RAM,,


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