The Seventh Thousand Error/Era, Fear-factor, For Two Quarters This Earth, Jesus Millennium Reign
-Watchman, What Of the Night, The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle, The Wine Press of God?
Seen be seeing, hearing in my ear, 2003, one error, era into a new fear factor, seen to be seeing 2018, in lowercase, black, bold letters, the single word error, beware, Apb
ONE error, 2003-2018. A NEW FEAR FACTOR!
-I been pointed out how these areas of Israel and Islam been at hot pitch rivalry since Trump's Dec 4, 5, declaration of Jerusalem only americans see it, as they at this point of God's judgment their own soil, as part of pres, trump 2016 campaign to make America great again, as with thinking such the like advancement has to include jerusalem, Israel. I been warning sudden destruction would follow every declaration of trump, I say the same about this N. North Korean deal, I was shown elephants stampeding along a wilderness path, that cause a mighty quaking this earth, cause a handle on an artistic Carter to be severed the morning of Trump's Dec. 4, 5th, address regarding Jerusalem, since the supposedly hand shake heard, seen,and felt around the world of his and Putin.
-Then I was given a date of Aug, 29th, that end up being the very date, Trump would be in Texas assessing Harvey damage, with Kim shooting missiles over Japan. I only honest clicked on this article because what you say not only about Trump, Jerusalem ad the US embassy is all true, these biblical to prophetic facts about Trump, Jerusalem and Amrica, you all cannot continue to leave America, this greatest whore of abomination giving int abomination out of this, notony was bush ars declared one error into a new fear factor we now know is Jesus millennium, without it, the battle of armageddon would speed the process of human genocide to extinction.
-Just as so , not only was Obama's admin, seen to rise with the two beast of Rev. 13, and under Trump, as of Jan. 13th said beast reign come into complete fruition as to aligned to Gog and Magog, actually it's 1-17th chapters, have been realized. All with us speeding toward May 25th, an 18th Matrix ten day count, which is as to open the 18th chapter of Revelation Book and cataclysms not since Noah's, a projected NOAA's cousin suddenly begin to end all American and Western rule this planet; Obama's allied with Hillary/Clinton was shown as be aligned with handlebars doing Bush's against Saddam Hussein, spread with axis grease to disallow China and Russia.
-Presently, as of right now, Obama/Hillary Clinton, 2013, Col Gaddafi, these alike handlebars, as to represent and specify a Nov. 4, 1975th date, of a paperboy, paper route, so westernized, legalized and thus weaponized. Here seen instead where this disallowance of axis grease was spread along handlebars, now it's reaping is as a funeral reef attached. Mounting, growing and tearing straight into the heavens with a death toll, Bush's, Obama/Clinton, Trump's very 2017, inauguration, said taking of lives is in the tens of millions. Continuing into such deadly traditions the morning of Pres, Trump inauguration, I heard it said, that fifty million will die.
-Fully, understand, this is US and Western soil, I been warning is as a Moses day exodus, God has only made an escape, God will only bless escape. I was told doing a visit, halted celebrations, a silence, a mountain and sunlight God's Throne, "to let his people go." So, so says a paper, I wrote 07/09/2002, the year I witnessed, like Dan. 7, the Lion beast, the leopard beast, the bear beast, and the ten headed beast, Rev. 13, all of which I've seen lately, with demon dog, poised as just members of the family, lives, lands, churches, peace getting porches, money markets and crystal skies, for which Jesus urgently forewarn, when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, flee, an escape Jesus deemed so urgent Jerusalem was instructed not to even come down from their rooftop again into their houses, but run, escape, get away!
-Whereas of the Rev. 13, prediction this ten headed beast, whose one it's heads was wounded to death 2002/2003 as of Saddam Hussein and lived again, as of Barack Hussein, 2008/09-2016, appointed two weeks and seven years. I witnessed, 2002, so as of Bush wars, three continents to nations in a block, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, it is then written, printed, 07/09/2002, fifty million people will die. This inconceivable, with Trump's 2016 campaign aligned to the fury God shot at the rise of Ezekiel's gog and magog, Eze. 38, 39. I contend God, Honest, isn't just against Trump/Jerusalem Embassy move, HE's as the days of the prophets of old, against American, West Rule and thus the Trump administration period. This is why as the people cried Trump make America great again, I heard a cry come back from heaven, "your is a nuclear fate!
-As even an aquatic age, into a Noah's cousin, we will build an ark, since spring of 1986, of a Jesus of resurrection appearing, I heard it all said. That's actually grim reapers as the days of Ezekiel's 9th, chapter, all bearing swordlike syringes, bearing nuclear, natures and NOAA's extinction level events. Then as suddenly, abruptly and cataclysmically as the Bride's escape, American, Western rule, for a subtraction of 190 years, as of a doomsday clock, as of laying a siege. Truly now every 50th state, it's soil, is temporarily with the exception of one are all red alert, as state's of emergencies. This would be, three to four corners, a weight of blood guilt, 190 months and forty days, as of, Eze. 4, Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov, 24/25th 2017. Again, simultaneously God's Trump, the Bride, America's Truexit, Trump, Western rule this entire planet, are no more, the Brides until 84 prophesied months are finished, Western Rule as in the questionnaires Atlantis City, is simply no more again this planet, all predestined players, assigned since the foundation of the earth, take your prestigious places, beware, Apb, The RAM,
See, as given as America's handwriting on the wall of weighty blood guilt and counting Isa. 13, Jeremiah 37:8, Ezekiel 4, Dan. 2, Rev. 1-17, and counting every matrix ten day count, May 25th, it's 18th, beware, Apb, The, Ram, 1986-1998-2018
-Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle, The Wine Press of God?,
-I looked into dreams the early hours and for three nights of it, January 13-16th, 2018, and in the dreams it looked to be unregarded sickbeds to sleepovers, sleepovers to sickbeds of all come to the poor family by their now riches to rags relatives. Just as soon I begin to see a fair skin, handsome looking black male, sparkling blue to green eyes, a perfect dangerous man actually only when he spoke. When he began to converse with me, he asked, strangely, will the angels (see Ps. 91), see divine intervention these six millennia, this planet), will they also rise with the Bride? So not only was this the perfect, dangerous man, the antichrist, but it was the perfect man Jesus, the Sun/Son Christ of God. It was also frightfully doing these nights of dreaming, sickbeds to sleepovers, my memphis son looked at me and asked, and stated, moma, your caring after me, got the downtown, news paper bells ringing.
-As Stated and made aware of bells ringing not only what seismologist and volcanologist say of an outbreak of earthquakes and volcanoes, but what I say, all as to reference a pending, yellowstone super eruption. Take note, also referred here, the mention of a downtown newspaper, is the through the heavens death toll, along a newspaper boy, bike rider and thus, news, article; (see Rev. 5, as Jan 13, was a 5th matrix ten day count, and the beginning of the opening of the seven seals, see Rev, 6, as the seventh angel trumpet, of Rev. 17, appeared, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, a 6th matrix, ten day count, with it 6th seal describing a mega quake to a super eruption. As with Trump's Embassy move, being on the 15th, felled on the 17th matrix ten day, referred to the 17th book of Rev. being opened as I said, Dec. 15th, of Abbas threatening as to retaliate against Trump, with his propose eight leads, additional, with he and Netanyahu, making up ten, as in the ten heads of Dan. 7, Rev. 13, and 17 chapters.
-As so, did a voice waking me from sleep, just as Jan, 12th, passed only minutes into its 13th, day, was the solemn saying in my ear, "one hour with beast." Indefinitely, I don't have to tell you there is something earth and heaven shattering, as so era changing about the 13th date of Jan. 2018, especially doing an American administration. Apostle, I am, already from the beginning called it's voting booths to repentance and predicted is ancient beast reign, with us all speeding into an 18th, matrix ten days count, as of the 18th chapter of revelation. Where Hawaii volcano eruption May 5th, predicted, 2015, as a catastrophe as to orphan Memphis grands. This Hawaii eruption was a 16th matrix ten days count, as in the 15th, and 16th book of revelation and as is referenced toward bowls and vials, the predicted woman bearing black bowls, a voice crying, 2017, 99 bowls of molten, lava, the seventh angel trumpet, Rev, 17, bearing the seven bowls, vials, 2018, appearance, beware, Apb,
Seen be seeing, hearing in my ear, 2003, one error, era into a new fear factor, seen to be seeing 2018, in lowercase, black, bold letters, the single word error, beware, Apb
ONE error, 2003-2018. A NEW FEAR FACTOR!
-Then I was given a date of Aug, 29th, that end up being the very date, Trump would be in Texas assessing Harvey damage, with Kim shooting missiles over Japan. I only honest clicked on this article because what you say not only about Trump, Jerusalem ad the US embassy is all true, these biblical to prophetic facts about Trump, Jerusalem and Amrica, you all cannot continue to leave America, this greatest whore of abomination giving int abomination out of this, notony was bush ars declared one error into a new fear factor we now know is Jesus millennium, without it, the battle of armageddon would speed the process of human genocide to extinction.
-Just as so , not only was Obama's admin, seen to rise with the two beast of Rev. 13, and under Trump, as of Jan. 13th said beast reign come into complete fruition as to aligned to Gog and Magog, actually it's 1-17th chapters, have been realized. All with us speeding toward May 25th, an 18th Matrix ten day count, which is as to open the 18th chapter of Revelation Book and cataclysms not since Noah's, a projected NOAA's cousin suddenly begin to end all American and Western rule this planet; Obama's allied with Hillary/Clinton was shown as be aligned with handlebars doing Bush's against Saddam Hussein, spread with axis grease to disallow China and Russia.
-Presently, as of right now, Obama/Hillary Clinton, 2013, Col Gaddafi, these alike handlebars, as to represent and specify a Nov. 4, 1975th date, of a paperboy, paper route, so westernized, legalized and thus weaponized. Here seen instead where this disallowance of axis grease was spread along handlebars, now it's reaping is as a funeral reef attached. Mounting, growing and tearing straight into the heavens with a death toll, Bush's, Obama/Clinton, Trump's very 2017, inauguration, said taking of lives is in the tens of millions. Continuing into such deadly traditions the morning of Pres, Trump inauguration, I heard it said, that fifty million will die.
-Fully, understand, this is US and Western soil, I been warning is as a Moses day exodus, God has only made an escape, God will only bless escape. I was told doing a visit, halted celebrations, a silence, a mountain and sunlight God's Throne, "to let his people go." So, so says a paper, I wrote 07/09/2002, the year I witnessed, like Dan. 7, the Lion beast, the leopard beast, the bear beast, and the ten headed beast, Rev. 13, all of which I've seen lately, with demon dog, poised as just members of the family, lives, lands, churches, peace getting porches, money markets and crystal skies, for which Jesus urgently forewarn, when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, flee, an escape Jesus deemed so urgent Jerusalem was instructed not to even come down from their rooftop again into their houses, but run, escape, get away!
-Whereas of the Rev. 13, prediction this ten headed beast, whose one it's heads was wounded to death 2002/2003 as of Saddam Hussein and lived again, as of Barack Hussein, 2008/09-2016, appointed two weeks and seven years. I witnessed, 2002, so as of Bush wars, three continents to nations in a block, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, it is then written, printed, 07/09/2002, fifty million people will die. This inconceivable, with Trump's 2016 campaign aligned to the fury God shot at the rise of Ezekiel's gog and magog, Eze. 38, 39. I contend God, Honest, isn't just against Trump/Jerusalem Embassy move, HE's as the days of the prophets of old, against American, West Rule and thus the Trump administration period. This is why as the people cried Trump make America great again, I heard a cry come back from heaven, "your is a nuclear fate!
-As even an aquatic age, into a Noah's cousin, we will build an ark, since spring of 1986, of a Jesus of resurrection appearing, I heard it all said. That's actually grim reapers as the days of Ezekiel's 9th, chapter, all bearing swordlike syringes, bearing nuclear, natures and NOAA's extinction level events. Then as suddenly, abruptly and cataclysmically as the Bride's escape, American, Western rule, for a subtraction of 190 years, as of a doomsday clock, as of laying a siege. Truly now every 50th state, it's soil, is temporarily with the exception of one are all red alert, as state's of emergencies. This would be, three to four corners, a weight of blood guilt, 190 months and forty days, as of, Eze. 4, Dec. 24/25 2001-Nov, 24/25th 2017. Again, simultaneously God's Trump, the Bride, America's Truexit, Trump, Western rule this entire planet, are no more, the Brides until 84 prophesied months are finished, Western Rule as in the questionnaires Atlantis City, is simply no more again this planet, all predestined players, assigned since the foundation of the earth, take your prestigious places, beware, Apb, The RAM,
See, as given as America's handwriting on the wall of weighty blood guilt and counting Isa. 13, Jeremiah 37:8, Ezekiel 4, Dan. 2, Rev. 1-17, and counting every matrix ten day count, May 25th, it's 18th, beware, Apb, The, Ram, 1986-1998-2018,
-I looked into dreams the early hours and for three nights of it, January 13-16th, 2018, and in the dreams it looked to be unregarded sickbeds to sleepovers, sleepovers to sickbeds of all come to the poor family by their now riches to rags relatives. Just as soon I begin to see a fair skin, handsome looking black male, sparkling blue to green eyes, a perfect dangerous man actually only when he spoke. When he began to converse with me, he asked, strangely, will the angels (see Ps. 91), see divine intervention these six millennia, this planet), will they also rise with the Bride? So not only was this the perfect, dangerous man, the antichrist, but it was the perfect man Jesus, the Sun/Son Christ of God. It was also frightfully doing these nights of dreaming, sickbeds to sleepovers, my memphis son looked at me and asked, and stated, moma, your caring after me, got the downtown, news paper bells ringing.
-As Stated and made aware of bells ringing not only what seismologist and volcanologist say of an outbreak of earthquakes and volcanoes, but what I say, all as to reference a pending, yellowstone super eruption. Take note, also referred here, the mention of a downtown newspaper, is the through the heavens death toll, along a newspaper boy, bike rider and thus, news, article; (see Rev. 5, as Jan 13, was a 5th matrix ten day count, and the beginning of the opening of the seven seals, see Rev, 6, as the seventh angel trumpet, of Rev. 17, appeared, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, a 6th matrix, ten day count, with it 6th seal describing a mega quake to a super eruption. As with Trump's Embassy move, being on the 15th, felled on the 17th matrix ten day, referred to the 17th book of Rev. being opened as I said, Dec. 15th, of Abbas threatening as to retaliate against Trump, with his propose eight leads, additional, with he and Netanyahu, making up ten, as in the ten heads of Dan. 7, Rev. 13, and 17 chapters.
-As so, did a voice waking me from sleep, just as Jan, 12th, passed only minutes into its 13th, day, was the solemn saying in my ear, "one hour with beast." Indefinitely, I don't have to tell you there is something earth and heaven shattering, as so era changing about the 13th date of Jan. 2018, especially doing an American administration. Apostle, I am, already from the beginning called it's voting booths to repentance and predicted is ancient beast reign, with us all speeding into an 18th, matrix ten days count, as of the 18th chapter of revelation. Where Hawaii volcano eruption May 5th, predicted, 2015, as a catastrophe as to orphan Memphis grands. This Hawaii eruption was a 16th matrix ten days count, as in the 15th, and 16th book of revelation and as is referenced toward bowls and vials, the predicted woman bearing black bowls, a voice crying, 2017, 99 bowls of molten, lava, the seventh angel trumpet, Rev, 17, bearing the seven bowls, vials, 2018, appearance, beware, Apb,
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