And Set Battering Rams, Against It! Repent Or Likewise, Perish, Said, Jesus Over and Over Again, Behold I Stand At The Door, And Knock, If Any Man

    -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?

     -And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about. See that the weight of America's blood guilt, Dec. 24/25th,2001, until 190 months and forty day are finished, Jan. 24/25th, 2017, into a matrix ten day count, so is West Rule this planet, come as of Ezekiel 4, 5, 9 and Daniel 2, and 5, (Rev. 11:1, 2, as of a Hussein White House prediction, 2003-2016, now ancient beast reign), Rev, 13, chpts. SEE!,

     -And Set Battering Rams, Against It! Repent Or Likewise, Perish, Said, Jesus Over and Over Again, Behold I Stand At The Door, And Knock, If Any Man

     -With the chaotic days of Moses' Egypt, in likeness of predicted Asian invasions, Noah's Cousins, laid seizures along three corners to four, as to be boxed all the way in, make you wonder, the Hawaiians not stampeding out, off that island chain, are they being set up, are they being boxed in? There's the 99 bowls of molten lava; the woman bearing the black bowls of Rev. 15, 16, 17 bk, with just one ELE after another, even one crying yours, is a nuclear fate, get ye to repentant altars of Christ. Sorely, with elephants stampeding an earth rattling mess right through the lamentation of America's demise, apostle, I am, mean just the blatant hypocrisy alone. Horrifyingly,that's as of American and Western leaders can, has alone cast an outbreak of Yellowstone Caldera's, erupting, as of just a measure of God's fury cast at such rebellious, bloody arrogance, this entire planet, woe, woe and woe!
    -How was this N. Korean deal any different from Trump and Putin shaking hands, right before an outbreak with hurricane Harveys? Evidently, how could this rotten resolution anymore solve America's doomsday problems, than Trump's elevation of Jerusalem, and the US embassy? Then the whole entire biblical area broke out with wars, those of Israel bombing Syria's Assad even now, I must admit, every time I'm sicken with the thought of Trump/Pence demands on North Korea. Sick to my heart, stomach, I think about Israel, with US made, supplied weaponry, so as of, then like Americans, being free to judge, jury and to lay waste as it see fit, maybe that's what Xi whispered in Kim's ear, this much needed wakey, wakey of him, of them all, of all non-western leads to America's measured off planet, hypocrisies.
     -I'm just asking, just what was the change in strategy these westernized petro handlebars of mountainous blood sport, that they instead lay down wars for Jesus altars of blood reconciliation? When it is the proposed opening of the US embassy, a 17th matrix. ten day ct., was headed off by a 16 ct, of an Hawaii eruption, with two other threatening. So right into those predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, now a river of fire running just where elephants , Dec. 4, its 1st ct. were once stampeding as mightily as they were horrified, that a cataclysmic end hath come. 
     -It would seem whatever wicked devices are designed to prevent the commanded desolation and exodus of America, of West rule from planet earth and the whole world is seeing this, if Americans ain't. Such refusal blazing, firing with rebellion itself followed by the continuation of God's command as days of old, that America and Britain be nothing shy of itty, bitty pieces, that Canada be wiped from the map, that west rule be no more this planet. Indefinitely, perilously, with a predicted tens of millions procrastinating blessed escape, as some would say just gone down with the doom of Titanic America. 
     -No more, no further delays, for three nights of it, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, said the seven angel trumpet himself, In in all likeness to the woman bearing black bowls, he too bearing the seven vials of tribulations worst ever. Urgent, how there are no more doomsday passovers to be had here, truly beware he further said, standing on planet earth, of US states. Beware the midwest, the eastern seaboard as well as the inundated, with such forewarnings, US, Canada, West Pacific, desolations into America's removal are here to stay, and everything else a staged play of the merry-making of it's, even of your, very, molten fiery, extinction, beware, Apb, The RAM


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