05/15/2018 Matrix 17, Rev 17, Bk. Angel Gabriel 2004, 14th Anniversary, woe, woe, woe, A World Nation Summit On Biblical Record These Two Millennia Personified. One Hour With The Beast, (01/13/2018-01/26-29th/2018) a fifth and a sixth Matx, Rev. Bk; the seventh angel Trumpet make US soil a visit. So, Own People Can't Know Their Own Leaders, God Has Abandoned Them AsTo Curse Their Awareness, Demonic to Satantic To Ancient Beast all taken over, stampeding the elephants, 12/04/2018, a first Matx, a first Rev. Bk; a mighty world ruckus. Cast Them Into Strong Delusions, The Antichrist territory, nothing good can then come of Trump, of any world leadership their decision making ever again. They cry peace and safety, sudden destruction, chaos, extinction levels into Jesus' Millennium Reign. The worse that happen,a Noah's cousin, are all now welcomed as elements of sweet antennas of awareness. Beware, Apb

03/25/2018, Matrix 13 Rev 13, Bk. the day those two beast rose, Obama's 2008/09. One from land and I further saw, one from the  sea. One Hussein lost as a huge container like squashed him, Bush 2003 yet another Hussein took his place. Seeming, just as said containment this world over voted him in; one America's foe, one America's friend. The wounded head, revealed, staged and unleashed, a prophetic beast of beauty story. A World of free thinking people fall in love with the deadliest monsters ever, a perfect, dangerous man. Surely a biblical beast of beauty tale these two millennia Personified; and they worshipped the beast, 01/22/2018, a 6th Matx, a sixth, Rev. Bk. Then hear tell as Bush, 2002, Trump Adm. having a fury at them as gog and Magog, they too will cause fifty Million their lives. So with the heathen raging, world nations can't know their own voters. World leaders can't know their own support groups, wicked or blessed devices. God Has Abandoned those worshipping the creature as to curse their Awareness. Demonic to Satantic To Ancient Beast taken control of them, lives, lands, churches and money markets. Having cast them into strong delusions all, the Antichrist territory. nothing good can then come of these wicked to righteous persons. Like their cursed leads, any decision making ever again other than Jesus, for Christ, Lord sudden destruction, chaos, extinction levels into Jesus' Millennium Reign, hath them, and hath them. Expect the worst, said seventh angel Trumpet, 2018, designed these pending wuth ELE's a Noah/NOAA's cousin, all, blessed sweet antennas of awareness. Beware,


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