Article, 4 dead teens, 2 boys in jail, 6 shattered families, murders of promising black teens point to persistent problems, no easy solutions. Article,
(I just listen to the Luke Cage character give this stunning address about saving Harlem that's totally and utterly satanic to demonic, you ask but how is that? Because men's plan for America's continence, it's the very opposite of the message the Sunlight of God, God's Throne, has for his people right now.
     Lets just say, as it it written, there is a time and season for all things since this is time instead of America removal, every stitch of it, there was time to come to America now this is the time to leave America. Everything, northeast, midwest, southwest, northwest and the west pacific into Canada, why the stampede into exodus is southeast These highly visited area have all been commanded into extinction level disasters, and to test the escape of hundreds of thousands when hundreds of millions are in danger, is nothing short of Trump administration mockery), beware, Apb
    -There's Billions In Gold In Them, There Black Panther, Black SuperHero Movies To TV Series
Although I don't watch TV series anymore, don't watch movies above a rated 13 guideline an if new rated G, PG, and you're still chancing it. I Don;t miss anything, except being reminded Jesus is here, curious, I took a gander at Netflix Black Lightening, soon unsuspectingly got a look at two women getting at each other in a perverted to sickbed, Jesus' the perfect man forewarn January this year, of such evil sickbed to sleep overs, repent or perish
     -Curious, got a look at Greenleaf, Netflix as well, wondering what so special about it, unsuspectingly got a look at two female church officials, engaging in a lesbian kiss. Did the same months passed, sneaked a peak at the CW's supergirl, soon as a dagger jammed in the heart's eye, two women caught in a steamy, intense tussel, quite sickening.
     -What does it all mean? One, you can't have a successful TV series unless you pander to the LGBTQ and P for pedophilers wicknessed works, and second, and if all binary human being are crying you're not a Pedophiler, no, but the satanic god you serve is and you're not of these unholy, to unnatural to abominable spirits. Further it mean satan has done it, he has managed by the LGBTQ and P for pedophiler agenda coupled with the Obama/Supreme samesex vote.
    -Surely it is to legalize all the more what to God are earth shattering to world ending abominations and thirdly now that we understand why the record date June 26/27 2015, June 26/27, 2017 and now here it is, June 26/27, 2018,why it was 2017, as of holy spirits crying, as days of John's recorded revelation book, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood. beware, Apb

There's Billions In Gold And Tons Of Blood Guilt In Them, There Black Panther, Black SuperHero Movies To TV Series

     -Sitting, watching with my son, an episode of something called, Luke Cage, violence reaping violence. Suddenly I get this surge of awareness, while black Americans are yet through sweat and blood, lots of blood, into the slavery days, always lots of blood. The Ironic reality, those white to rich men they accuse so much, he's done, he's gone on to the next paradine, the future Paradise that is Africa, you know what they actually killed Col Gaddafi for. Thus the use of the descriptive ironic, Africans for America, White Americans now for Africa.
     -I explained only a year past trying to make anything of your children here, US soil  would get them killed. Actually Jesus said it, not only when he told the LGBTQ and P for pedophile, the pre-marriage to samesex marriage agenda. It, is how unrepentance would curse their children with death and boy, aren't the bloody bodies mightily piling up. I give you an example, the other day, the five to six year old I explained 2015, who asked God for a Jesus' heart. This was after he showed uncertainty about heaven as an actual place, and I told him, I was in heaven, that I witnessed God as he swapped, old, evil hearts, for hearts if Holy Spirits.
      -I witnessed horridly, this same little boy, now seven years, so two year later, take two of his superhero characters and fix them into anal sex position, in motion. Then he went on to tell me about the rated mature to should be rated X very, extremely popular, Empire TV Series, is where he got it from, again I didn't ask, he even new these characters by name. See, when you hear stuff like get ye to repentant altars God, command reapers to kill all parents by a certain date, to finish all schools as to cut off another Satanic effort ti destroy man. I know I witnessed tens of millions US soil suddenly wiped out just as the bride was taken out. Plainly, the future genesis marriage now so deeply, for generations, while that's if future generations were pending. What God has brought together is now targeted fir genocidal, thus, the winepress of God instead target them for the kill; get ys to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood.
      -Jesus warn of practicing such evils as well when he just out and said, suffer the little children and bring them to me. Now all you hear from God toward commanded reapers is kill all parents, finish all schools, then at one time I simply heard, KILL, and began at my sanctuary. Clearly why I've witnessed huge, carnivore beast stomping, chomping and tearing through pulpits, pews, peace getting porches, money markets. There were even those two crystallized beast tearing and breaking crystal skies into deadly missiles themselves. No, you nor yours are an exemption, all west rule this planet, are such reapers target. For as the days of Noah, Abraham's Lot, Nimrods babel and Mose's exodus and now the exodus of Western Civilization. God has only designed escape, God has only blessed escape, skyward or southeast, beware, Apb


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