Bird Flu, Disease X

-Watchman What Of The Whistleblower Crying, Separation Of Family Is Recipe For Disaster, What God Has Brought Together, Let None, As A Babel, As A Mystery Babylon, Separate, Beware, All!

     -Article, Whistleblower, separation of family is recipe for disaster, Article 3);
(Once a mighty cataclysm was done US soil, (Dec. 24/25th, 2001-Nov. 24/25th, 2017, {now a 20th, Matrix ten day count; Rev. Bk.1-20th}; an all of a sudden lost of 190 years, an, all of a sudden lost of tens of millions of lives, Britain, Canada gone as well, if excavations were to continue America. west rule would become as researched as Noah's ark, the Titanic to the city of Atlantis, beware! The Brides was seen to be taken out like a nano-second as of this extinction level event, I explained how both ELE's the world over, happen simultaneously neither the bride nor America, West Rule was heard again; well, the Bride, not for a while any way.  The first other judgment come further as of iAmerica the world weight of blood guilt, was a tall, towering, infested with fleas, beige, but what some would call a pale horse of judgement, then an Islamic rule to Antichrist reign immediately followed, immediately, beware, Apb

Drop Your Pensions And Get To The Hills, I Heard 2001/02, As Of The Enon Attack

     -Thanks pastor for reminding pension inherits, you are a Jesus leader, Jesus said store up all loved, life and bounty in heaven, where moth can't corrupt, and where thieves, even beast can't break through and steal. Not only did I hear the warning in my ear doing the Enron Attack, it is instead that we drop such pensions and get to the hills, I've since seen great beast most mighty, in their pulpits and pews.  Chomping and stomping at them as they sit their peace getting porches, tearing through both their money markets and tearing down their crystal skies, saw it all fall down; again, Jesus' warning, is that we lay not up for ourselves, treasures upon the earth. Just so you know, I've also seen a US general hand his war horse off to a Prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest with bible prophecy and witnessed as Israel humbled and surrender to an enemy by the biblical name of Hamath.
     -To be honest pastor, now that they've destroyed the blood, the water, the soil and oxygen, where one lost is alone apocalyptic, let alone all of these life resources.  The blood by the legalization of sexual abominations, of prescription drugs and illegal drugs, the water, the soil the oxygen by nuclear waste and fallout, ground, aquatic and aerial. Could be why when by a transfiguration I found myself kneeling at Jesus' feet when in biblical to divine prophecy, I was actually, HIs Second return standing atop mount Olivet as promised by angels and prophesied by Prophets/Apostles, as with Him. We, the bride with them, them, Jesus and all assigned Heaven's Host, like the perfect man Jesus nights Jan. 13-16th, 2018 paying us a visit, even showing us He's in our sickbed with us, but only that we repent, that we turn from sin's damnation; even the seven angel trumpet paying us a visit three night of it, Jan. 26-29th, 2018, crying no further delays, doomsday us soil now here.
     -By our earthly inheritance is as that already leaning into apocalypse, having destroyed every source to maintain human life, beginning with anti-god, antichrist and anti-righteous spirits. America is now commanded by God to be wiped from the planet as of its weight of blood guilt, nights Dec. 24/25th, 2001, but no, like Jeremiah's day, (it's 37th, Chpt), like Ezekiel's day, (it's 4th, 38, 39, Chpt) like the Prophet Daniel's day, (it's 2, to 5th, 7-12th)  as as the days of Apostle John receiving God's Revelation, so 1-20, chapters. Understand a mystery,  when America's doomsday come again, Nov. 24/25th, 2017, awarded instead were yet calculating Matrix day counts. So, beginning Dec. 3-6, 2017, see Trump's explosive, wartime, declaration of Jerusalem, and every 5th, 15th and 25th day of each month since, No. 24/25th, 2017. Now reconsider these are not just counts into matrix day, but into a Revelation book opening, meaning, Trump and Kim's meeting felled on a 20th Matrix, and thus a 20th Rev. Bk. open.
     -Which would then mean June 26-27th 2018 won't only land us on a 21st Matrix, or Rev. Bk. it's 21st, but June 25-27th is the third anniversary of the Jesus Husband of resurrection and ascension as a of Abraham's Lot, escaping some from a scorched America to the southeast, to Georgia, before taking the Bride skyward. Though as well, June 25-27th, is now the second anniversary of the forewarning, 2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, and no flesh except for the elect sake would survive it. The month of June alone divinely historic, is when I first heard it said, fifty million will die, it was Bush's, and three other continents, June 9th 2002; then too, June 25-27th prophecy, is additionally as of a nearing Cameron, ( see Cameron's pending Brexit, the Jesus husband 4th death anniversary , 02/22/2016), which then spin us into an early July, it's 6th and 7th, 2015; surely, as of presently here, July 6th, 7th 2018 would be a 22 Matrix and Rev. Bk. 22, open, with Revelation Book, the Matrix award, as o remind, born to apocalypse, finished by apocalypse, said and done.
     -Understand, it was a month of July, 2008, I was made to see Senator Obama, and then had it described to me and I quote, he, Senator Obama, is. "the one," had Senator Obama instead, referenced his future itinerary in his defense. This additional, I believe also something to do with once President and Michelle Obama, even seeing them individually on Memphis Dunlap street; oddly that Jesus's millennium 2016, descended into their earth reign. Soon by a dream, one walked up to me, late 2017, and asked me rather expectantly, what are the secrets of Memphis?
     -The very place the Jesus husband in my dreams for decades before he died, delivered both his and my endangered loved ones from, the Memphis, New Madrid Territory.  What are Memphis' secrets, these three decades and counting; is Hussein Obama a future Moses? Seeing Americans must exodus, it is as Moses day commanded; or is he a future Muhammad, as in Hussein; the Tenth head that was Saddam Hussein wounded to death, yet he lived, Barack Hussein? Seeing the world will for a duration be overcome by the mark of the beast slaying millions as millions go broke; biblical truth is, when Revelation Book to Antichrist Reign is done, so will be two quarters of the earth's inheritance, some by the grace of God, other's by the winepress of God, so in Jesus' words, repent or perish! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,  


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