-The elephants of staying unaware, causing a mighty world quaking along a lost of a handle on Carter. They all stampeded along the wilderness of sin the morning of Trump's.declaration of Jerusalem, Dec. 4, 5. Which happen to be as the opening of the first Revelation Book, the first Nov, 24/25/2017, awarded Matrix ten day count, now 1-19/20. Do you guys want truth, or do you want to just keep throwing out conspiracy theories?      -God showing the mighty ruckus of stampeding elephants of staying unaware mean as predicted, He has not left us ignorant these many millennia regarding biblical prophecy. I'm reading the topic of a youtube video, actually what cause me to comment here, stating WW3 prophecy Trump & Putin, excellent.
    -Before Trump and Pence took office, I witnessed a fury as the days of Ezekiel witnessed of the rise of Gog and Magog, now cast identically at them. Later I heard it cried from heaven, as Americans were crying Trump, make America great again, heaven cried back, "your is a nuclear fate. " Apparently, if that's not the worse ever the morning of Trump's inauguration I heard it said, fifty million will die.
     -Admittedly, its a petrodollar/petro-handlebars into the heavens death toll that's been following the westernization and weaponization of peace on earth especially since 06/09/2002. Another mighty, dangerous, thing making the month of June, 2002-2018, cataclysmic with unforeseen ever predictions of extinction levels.
     -So we're talking an extinction level event all it's own as of Bush war on the axis of evil; right into Obama's two weeks and seven year timetable into ancient beast reign and Trump's peace initiative with what's called and mocked as a tyrannical Kim.
     - I guess, well one would, knowing all of the above and being able to write the length of a bible. That is with more of the same proves these outbreaks with troubles are not your atypical conspiracy theories to false flags. Whereas, Apostle/Prophet, I am, spring 1986-spring 2018, just thought you should know all the more, there's nothing false about these events either.
     -Trump or the G7 summit participants could be shaking the hand of the most recent of biblical prognosticators himself, the seventh angel trumpet, Rev. 17; still this historic to biblical event wouldn't forstall the inedible. Seeming, that for three nights, a year post Trump's inauguration aligned with fifty million of your deaths.   
     -As testified and testified, Jan. 26-29, 2018, seventh Angel warning, as of Rev. Max. 17, for three nights was plainly. As of, no more doomsday passovers US and Westernized soil, the judgement along mountainous blood guilt and  abominations period are come, as in all come, even those predicted as to be 99 bowls of molten lava to a woman bearing black bowls herself aling an unprecedented single water cooler.
     -Right into a Noah/NOAA's cousin, just as I warn before Harvey hit, and war again visited Jerusalem and it's Islamic neighbors; any declarations of Trump will be followed as predicted, by sudden destruction, with a predicted, 1998, an Asian invasion, US soil, just as an Islamic enemy was predicted, beware, Apb, The, RAM

, beware, Apb, The, RAM


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