Tis Death

Article, What is the most dangerous volcano in the US? Article, http://www.topbuzz.com/article/i6540036775094518282?user_id=6495059080787264521&language=en&region=us&app_id=1222&impr_id=6570350390238251273&gid=6540036775094518282

What Are The Secrets Of Memphis?

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -The Reaper, Only A Couple Weeks Ago I saw, With Sickle In Hand, Time I Read Rev. 14:15, 16, I Was Reminded Of The Seventh Angel Trumpet 92Ad, 2018, AD, 01/26-29th, How It Is He Straddled, as To Stand Between The World Map And The US Map, The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard, His Beyond Measure, Message? Simply, No More Doomsday Passovers, Desolations US, Western Soil, Come! Beware, Apb

Why Doeth Thou Marvel? Tis Death People, Tis Death

     -If this is the death rider, 96, AD; 1996, AD from beneath the earth, the earth just open up and a rider of death just leaped out of it. An identical extinction level event, I presumed portrayed lately as 2013, a Nov. 4, 1975 40th birthday to anniversary, (see the petrodollar, 1975-2017), as of a paperboy, route, bike all.
     -Only it's handlebars, once treated with axis grease to disallow China and Russia. Terrifyingly now Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's, fatefully right into Trump's 2017, inauguration; materialized into a funeral reef attachment, that leaped, and tore and soared into the heavens with it's US soil death toll.
     -Only years prior this nearing outbreak of mortuary now come first for all fifty states US soil, all nations the Westernized world this planet. Just this phenom of the taking of mass life, the phoenix I also call it. An ELE, on par with what Apostle John is describing, Rev. 6, its 6th seal, Matx 6,th, Jan. 13, 2018; some even say he's describing a world earthquake, as in a super eruption, the world. Perhaps, possibly my 2017, predicted, 99 bowls of molten lava
    -Like his, Apostle John's witnessed of the heavens rolling back like a scroll, the horrid beyond imaging I saw. It was as the sky began to glass over, only I realized, it wasn't glass, it was crystal. Horridly as he, I watched the heavens above began to  crystallize, crack and break apart into these huge shods and shoot like fire rockets into the earth of man.
     -Surely, indefinitely, killing, injuring and displacing tens of millions. What this mean is all prophecy outer limits with apocalyptic events mean every worse scenario ever given about mass disasters said can't happen.
     - Purely, not only can happen, not only is happening right now, as in right now! Prophetically they have happen, making our world these six millennia as portrayed the Matrix Movie, a post apocalyptic error/era. Only to happen right now in real time, 2,300 years past the man in linen prophecy, Dan. 12.
     -As of ome 2,300 years into Obama's appointed two weeks and seven years, Dan. 9, thus the forewarning, Rev. 10; 17/18, No more doomsday passovers cried the Angel Gabriel 2004, the
 seventh angel Trumpet, 586 BC; 96 Ad-2018, nights, Jan 26-29th so a 6th, Matx, Rev. Bk. 6th. As of book, a scroll, sealed, with, seven, seals.
     -Not, only so, the sky rolling back like a scroll, crystallizing and falling apart, only what I saw further.  Indescribably, two Godzilla like beast, so amphibian, crystallized as well, just beyond anything apocalyptic of all of it.
     -Now if and when all tens of millions affected this nation, go on as everyday normal, that is a part of the curse of strong delusions. Remember Jesus explained blood farmers (fornicators, whoredom),50 shades of gray, 13 reasons why, Love, Simeon, LGBTQ and P for pedophilers, rebellers, rebellers, rebellers, presidential, pastoral and peasants would all be going on as Noah's day normalcy bias so as the present depiction of a slow motion exodus until a speedy Christ take the Bride inti the ske and master disasters take all others, on, away. Beware, Apb, The RAM


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