Blood Moon, Lengthest This Century, Beware, Biblical Areas Israel and Islam
Holy Spirit Tell Us, Ahow Us and Reveal To, The Darnest Things

    -In the year 01/13,-16th, 2018, while staring down a perfect, dangerous man, Jesus the perfect man inquired of the intravenous Angels. Only those assigned along earths inhabitants, these six millennia; will the Amgels ascend with the Bride?
     -In a year, the same seventh angel, Trumpet, Rev. 17, Matx. 17, who come and talked to Apostle John, come and talked with me, Apostle I am, three nights, Jan. 26-29, 2018. A fantastic one, straddling the world map, US map, crying by an urgency unprecedented, no more doomsday passovers, desolations, US soil, come..
     -In the same year Pastor Begley, did you say, June 27th? Those who read behind me can tell you, the Jesus husband, escaping some to Georgia and yet others to heaven. How it too was recorded to be along June 26/27, Obama's finale. The last I heard was there's something about Cameron, six days later, July 6th, 2015, Cameron, Putin and Assad were breaking news .
     -Because of circumstances medical to mortuary 2017, though they fought tooth and nail against it. Lets jusy say, my eldest son and family were forced to take up residence in Georgia. June 26, 27 2017 grand Caden and I were being relocated to Georgia. Only Pastor it was just prior to a cry that went out, again, 06/26/2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood .
    -The year of our Lord, 12/24/25 2001, come a weight of blood guilt, that until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, 11/24/25th, 2017 . Only pastor intead of apocalypse come, there was by an odd dream if awarding instead, a Matrix ten day count.
     -Only as to countdown every ten days, beginning Dec. 3-5th, 2017, is as to open Rev. Bks., 1-21. Obviously meaning June 26, 27th 2018 was a 1-21st Matx,  a 1-21st Rev. Bk, open. Apparently whose 22rd, Matx, Rev. Bk, will as the June 2015, dream have it's finale, iinto July 06, 07, 2018.
     -Long before Abbas, Dec. 3, 2017, a first Matx, Rev. Bk, called on his eight leads. That time I heard it said, I calculated the addition of himself, of Netanyahu equals the last, days ten head, with Saddam, into Obama's, Rev. 13, the wounded head healed; I'd been testifying a while how we're in Rev. 17/18, as to have Obama, 2008/09 rise with the beats of Rev 13 and have Trump, 2016, aligned with Gog and Magog, Eze. 38, 39,  Dan. 7-12, Rev. 10
     -Oddly when I was woke from sleep, now one of the most important dates this thirty plus ministry. As testified it was just as Jan. 12th 2018 passed only minutes into its Jan 13th, 2018. Surely I quote this hearing, waming me from sleep, "one hour with the beast,"  the hour of ancient beast reign is here, get it, get Jesus, and get out of it, beware, Apb, www.invasionofpeace2017


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