It is done, let the ungodly be ungodly still, let the unholy, be unholy still, let the holy, godly, be godly, holy still. Looked into a dream 2005, wirnessed Britain, America, go alternate directions. Then I heard a voice as the days of Daniel, of King Nebuchadnezzar's mountains fron heaven, a cry, " Britain, America, separate them into itty, bitty pieces. They, western leaders of the weaponized petrodollar have desolated the world, now they think to Brexit and abandoned the world and like the petro-yuan, the Hawaii alert and congressmen trainwreck God is saying no way, Jose, repent or perish! Let His People go into exodus, Apb
The Marines' Hymn
Raining Snakes The Petrodollar, From Nov. 4th, 1975-2016/17/18, Come, Death Tolls, US Soil, God Reaping Martyred Blood Error/era/error Article, Anon, did seal team 6 just pill off a secret mission? Article, Error, 2017/18 -Whose Secret Anon? God said I hath remembered thine iniquity and your sins have reached unto Me/God, this little marine coop is probably why; just as Senator McCain died. This was while standing before a grill only days past, I started hearing, the Marine's Hymn in my head; From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli; We f...
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