
Watchman What Of The Whistleblower Crying, Separation Of Family Is Recipe For Disaster, What God Has Brought Together, Let None, As A Babel, As A Mystery Babylon, Separate, Beware, All!

     -Article, Whistleblower, separation of family is recipe for disaster, Article 3); (Once a mighty cataclysm was done US soil, (Dec. 24/25th, 2001-Nov. 24/25th, 2017, {now a 20th, Matrix ten day count; Rev. Bk.1-20th}; an all of a sudden lost of 190 years, an, all of a sudden lost of tens of millions of lives, Britain, Canada gone as well, if excavations were to continue America. west rule would become as researched as Noah's ark, the Titanic to the city of Atlantis, beware! The Brides was seen to be taken out like a nano-second as of this extinction level event, I explained how both ELE's the world over, happen simultaneously neither the bride nor America, West Rule was heard again; well, the Bride, not for a while any way.  The first other judgment come further as of iAmerica the world weight of blood guilt, was a tall, towering, infested with fleas, beige, but what some would call a pale horse of judgement, then an Islamic rule to Antichrist reign immediately followed, immediately, beware, Apb

Drop Your Pensions And Get To The Hills, I Heard 2001/02, As Of The Enon Attack

error, 2002-2018

     -Just as prophetically pastor, we know the Bride for God's mercy, Inkhorn man/Man In Linen, Son Light of God/Jesus's Promise, Holy Spirit's Celebrations, as to get the Bride out of imminent danger, as off planet. Prophetically as of Mystery Babylon's doom fate to removal these two millennium, I too know, these thirty plus years that America simultaneously as the Bride's escape, America into West rule, will be removed from this planet. The hold up, I heard a forewarning Lisa Haven inquire about, asking with such fallout pending, whats the hold up? But as one would say, there isn't one, this is no longer a hold up, there is only a dilapidated timetable, divine promise along a swear upon God's Throne. There's every tick of the doomsday clock no further delays regarding this great whore of abomination removal; no more doomsday passovers according to Revelation, Matrix ten day count 17 and 18; just as Apostle I am testified, the Seventh Angel Trumpet, nights Jan. 26-29th, 2018.
     -Reconsider the mass death tolls engendered here, warn Bush/Saddam's 2002, fifty million would die, warn Obama/Clinton/Gaddafi's, a death toll, by the petrodollar, petro-handlebars that reached into the heavens, warn right into Trump/tug of nuclear war, inauguration. Mind you, this was after, Holy Spirits show once the bride now reigning in heaven, possessing and readying Prophet Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar's mountain from heaven. Just prior, showed the antichrist unstoppable, as in great magnificent, prowess all through the earth, again, except such days as this are shorten for the elect sake, why the Bride was again taken off planet, no flesh, no flesh would survive it. Only 2016, I witnessed as Jesus Millennium descended into 15% shattered and lost US soil, to Billions lost the entire earth and those he happily received His, from personalities this planet, African/Americans, Barack and Michelle Obama.
     -Not only an administration who rose with the two beast of Revelation 13, not only a world rule who fulfilled the prophecy of the ten headed beast that had a head wounded to death yet it lived. Right into ruled as, until an American Administration times two was complete; not only granted the fulfillment of the times, times and a half additional Daniel's 70 weeks of years time table, Dan. 9, now, Daniel 12, meaning now two thousand, three to five hundreds years later the reminder of said timetable was being granted to Bush's and Westerners purported axis of evil, and Revelation 11, sounding of the seventh angel trumpet says the nations are angry, actually Psalm 2 and Rev. 17, describe them as being furious into a Jihad of heathens against God and His Anointed. "ask me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance!"
     -Only, the last and final time we see any trace of any such Jihad this planet, Apostle, I am wake up in an odd vehicle, ancients old, thousand of miles from home, even another county. Soon to note,  there's a little Miya girl in the back seat of being stranded along the side of the street, outbound traffic, inbound traffic is no more, a bedazzled traveler, no driver. Again, no driver, remember when I first met Syed Farook, 2015, afterward he soon become the driver, as in the predicted Islamic/ Antichrist reign, so the translation, all such rebellion was over until 1000 years of Jesus' millennium is fulfilled. Soon shaking myself clear, moving into the passenger seat, did we then reach a toll booth of crossing over, but for a toll of two quarters and only as we reached this odd payout were we able to pass through to what could only be the seventh era/error of rebellious men's finale, phenomenally, Jesus's Reign.
     -As a fact little Miya and I took a bush ride around the same time of Trump and Kim's meetings, a 20th Matrix, a 20th, Rev. Bk. open, as of retrieving little Miya from a dance group, and she electing to stay with me for few days. I didn't realize this until later, you wanna know the numbers on the back of our seats, even  after arriving late, 17 and 18, as of the predicted US and Western soil, 17 and 18th Matrix, Rev. Bk. Actually little Miya, unplanned visit fulfilled prophecy the moment I picked her up at 11:04, am, 11:04, 1975, (see petrodollar 40th year anniversary), as it bear record to the 2013 Obama/Clinton/Gaddafi from the earth, into the heavens death tolls, She being where I was, with a dance group, while a Hawaii eruption is still in full force, fulfills her brother's 2015 prediction, exactly, only then something catastrophic happen to Memphis.
     The same, New Madrid, Tennessee, that as prophesied left him an orphan; the same Memphis, New Madrid fault zone, only of it's kind US soil, producing two eight plus earthquakes, America's, for a lost of 190 years, 2001, land them it's New Madrid monster earthquake,1811, annul anniversary. The same Memphis, Dunlap Street, by a dream Obama visited, before coming to Booker T Washington school, of Memphis; the Memphis, Dunlap street, by a dream, Michelle Obama visited before she come to St. Jude of Memphis; the same Memphis dunlap street I as one time retrieved a little Miya of come apocalypse from, the same Memphis, an odd one by a dream approached and asked, whether I knew the secret of Memphis? The same Memphis home, Jan. 13-15th, 2018, a 5th Matrix, Rev. Bk, 5, the Hawaii Missiles alert, doing damnable sickbeds and sleepovers a Memphis Son looked at me and said, the downtown newspaper bells were ringing, as in an outbreak of seismic activity, that will fulfilled an extinction level event these decades happen to the US, Midwest to Mid South, beware!.
     -It was also doing one of these dreams, 01/13/2018, looking at a perfect dangerous man like Trump, Pence, even May, did a perfect man Jesus inquire, about Psalm 91; it is the promise of intravenous angel, would they ascend with the Bride. Clearly Pastor, I'm more stomped about what's happening to Hawaii isn't as I've seen these thirty plus springs, happening like those monster hurricanes to every segment of the US, the UK and Canada. When I was given a dream months back, long before the Hawaii eruption, in the dream I'd apparently invited the entire country, so all fifty states of emergency US soil, Obama rising with beast 2008/09-2016, instead to a barbecue southeast, into Georgia. Here they were, by the truckloads showing up and meeting in the packing lot of an abandoned church while  I was soon having a serious conversation with a black male with an african dialect, it was urgent and he was urgently making promises he would return and help me with these tens of millions escaping.
    -I woke up not really knowing but this one thing, I met this African male actually, by divine, to prophetic parables, these thirty years, I been designing an african male world ruler along an American to world exodus into Col. Gaddafi's US of Africa, again these thirty plus springs; see the 2012 Movie, Ark, submersibles, of the Aqua Juttah, I designed decades ago and placed online freely to be read, to be ware and to be astonished, God has again designed escape, alone. Truly, by a dream decades ago, not only did I wake chanting, "we will build an ark," I was sleeping in a tent, he, an African male woke me, told me to come and see, as he brought me out, all I could see, as to keep southeast from Georgia or America's coastal cities, was a sea of American refugees pouring into these African island, then again I woke.
     -Rightly, days later as of the invitation to a barbecue dream, hinting now you guys upon the most celebrated holiday of the summer, July 4th. Mind you, not just a 22 Matrix, a 22, Rev. Bk, open, but the third anniversary of the Jesus husband either moving us skyward or southeast, so not a coincidence, there are only 22 books in Revelation. Now to go from a weight of blood guilt, Dec. 24/25th 2001, that until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, Nov. 24/25th, 2017, then, be awarded a Matrix ten day count, as to count down Rev. books, Dec. 3-5th, so from elephants stampeding along Trump's declaration of Jerusalem, where's it final Matrix is on this particular anniversary, July 3-6th anniversary explaining elephants of staying unaware stampeding, now your lives, lands, churches, workplace and travels are very visited by the little Miya girl of come again, permanently, ending all things rebellious men, apocalypse, and suddenly a Guatemalan woman looking for fifty member of her family has no comparison since death tolls, Noah's day, when fifty million dead has been instead these three decades prophesied US/America's Continent to Western Soil this world, GET IT! GET OUT!
     -I was watching one of dutchsinse youtude videos, (, this one was about mysterious plumes he'd seen by google earth. Plumes, all along plenty US states of emergency, he said it appeared as though all such states had suddenly, like I've seen, doing a fly over. After the west coast was no more, all other states burn, white house all, erupted into flames and pillows of smoke. That there was one state, this exception, the state of Georgia. I didn't know it, but I was actually, as Jesus offering the woman Jacob's well, from water for temporal life, verses living water into divine contentment. I was inviting tens of millions from one barbecue, the first death, the judgment, then hell, to another barbarbe, the second, blessed death, blessed assurance, that is Christ alone. Automatically, once the Bride is taken off planet any doomsday now, the lengths God's Kingdom has went, the unforeseen chances, it has taken ever and again.
     -Have you all ever considered if God, the Jesus man now flesh and blood vulnerable as us all, had failed, not possible I know. Except, Satan and his fallen, those ancient beast from the bottomless pit, and demons of plenty would've taken God's throne, heaven and mankind, and extinct them all in a manner of days. Instead, God, the God, Lord, King of them all, these prophetic truths held to be evident the fulfillment of biblical prophecy these six millenniums, Jesus even the spirit of prophecy, is why scripture says. Whereas every breath this world over has chanted, for god so loved the world, that he commended this love by the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son. It is then, whosoever believe in him, to the point of forsaking a life of sin, shall not perish, but shall gain heirship in heaven, adopted into God's Kingdoms, phenom celebrations, the Lamb's Marriage Suppers, the Lamb's Promise of Mansions in Heavens All Awake, got Him, got Jesus yet?

     Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though the have eyes they see not, ears they have but they see not, their hearts are wash grossed, as their stone gods, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM, 

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -And I heard in my hearing, 2017, "kill all parents by, finish all schools, both the sight of seeing even grandparents before the Haitian, China quake, bury their grands alive, into seeing graduating tassels, used on the dead as toe tags, God is not mocked, repent or perish, beware, Apb

Suicide, One Reason Why Not! One Shade Of White, Linen Righteousness


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