Out Of The Mouth of Babes And Sucklings, And A Child Shall Lead them

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Sia Desrek Allum Roget and Sia Soledad Maurice Roget

The Unending Love Antidote

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy , 1986-2016/17/18

Unto Soledad Maurice Roget and Kessel Berlin Smithsonian was born their first daughter, Reese Lora lay Roget and a second daughter Cadence Noël Roget 
and a daughter Christian Journey Smithsonian
Unto Collin Hain Johnaanson and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johansson, a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaanson, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray       

     -And He Cried With A Loud Voice To The Four Angels, To Whom It Was Given To Hurt The Earth And The Sea

                                                    Scene VII 

     "Caden, Soledad, come in while I'm in my office and not before long I'm explaining Maaseiah's forewarn divine intervention.That Americans get southeast into Africa's coastal cities, that if there is where God has determined a temporal safe haven there is no power that can or will stand against it. I then, use Petra, Isa. 16;1, 4, 26:20, 63;1_6, Rev. 12:6, 14, as an example. How it is written in the bible and all, as well, I use the parting of the red sea and the saving of Lot's family. I even Sole explained what happened to Lot's wife and why, and I say, again if God determines it, there's no force greater, He'll even send or prevent natures worse to verify it. Then I say, picking up one of the bibles on my desk, and it's all written here, and he goes, that's my bible and he opens it from the first page and he's looking for this Petra deal, I'm talking and talking still, I forget about it. So Sole, while I'm going on and on he say something like, here it is, I found it, I look his way and he's pointing out and referencing a certain scripture, I found it, he says. The bible was closed, there were no markers, nothing, he goes from page one to another, looking, searching evidence, so when I realize he's serious I dare go, what, what did you find? Again he says, smiling, pointing, here is it, and he start reading, O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine; shocked I go. Ah my god, that is Sia Maaseiah's message this entire planet, mine, all of ours, return to god, return to god, return to god and I say go, go ahead, finish, he says, O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou has fallen by thy, and I go why you stop? He say, while I don't know this word. I Sole, say as always, spell it and he goes, I-n-i-q-u-i-t-y and I say, iniquity, sins, and he say, well can I say sins? And I say yes, then he Sole begin again, O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God, for thou hast fallen by thy sins, and I look at him, I poke him funnily and I say, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings. I explained even Jesus says return to thy first love, that passage, that scripture Sole is only the foundation of the entire bible and gospel message! I say how did you find that particular scripture? He just smiled, hunked his shoulders, flabbergasted, I was like, flesh and blood did not reveal that to you, amazing Desrek man, amazing, how old is he now? Seven and Dillon, you saw him the other day, he's seventeen, I know Sole, that's Maaseiah's mark seventeen and seven. I also realize, Caden's generation is the one Sia Maaseiah was warn would grow up in an occupied territory, in an occupied America. So we went from this miraculous reveal and he insisted he hang the latest prayer/persecuted for Christ map, from persecution.com, he explained to a cousin lately, point out the parts of the world people are being hurt and killed for Christ truth. Of course, the rest of Hosea 14 go on as to verify, as II Chron. 7:14. 15,  Dan. 9, how if they, God's people repent, God will miraculously forgive and deliver, them." why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; it is written though they have eyes, they see not, ears they have but they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, like their stone gods, the America Dream, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM, see entire error blog here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2018/02/o-lord-our-lord-how-excellent-is-thy.html


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