Another victim to bullying and suicide while all such guardian were helpless to just wait and watch as another desperate to helpless child drowned in a sea of educational phycobabbelism. And if thinking Christ is one of them, no, Hes the one Godman who suffered astronomical, heart burting anguish, who as Holy Father, yet suffers, that such evil, ways nit prevail, even that none perish. Frightfully Jesys now risen, glorified and sittubg in rwign iscthe aHoly Kird wRmibg yiu anti aGid, to Christ lifestyles, the American Dream, would eventually cause you your children, they wiuld be loat to death, and each and everyone resding here need to sutring under a leadership to gusrdianship, presidential, pastoral to  peasant thats gonna tell you that, that by Jesus' wrath we have been warn, prognosticators of sexual abnormalities, pre-marital sex, to the LGBTQ and O fir pedophile agenda, a sickbed await into a laje if fire, those in abominable sleepovers, swingers, are cast into great tribulations, then a lake if fire, unless they repent, and they will lise tgeur children to death, actually, as yiu read fyrther below a command these decades into hours oresent have already gone out, that all parents be killed, that all schools, death to immoral traps, be no more. Then if you're thinking, wondering all parent's, well I can talk to you, by a visitation to celebration in heaven, one consisted of the opening of the Lamb book of life into a name, roll calk of a census takibg, so frwt not,  Saints if the mist high God, you are measured, counted and marked, God knows who you are, as soon as tiu hear Jesus' voice, as only you can, by the space of a nano-second, you're out of here. Ever waited secinds aling a youtude, music choice, and hiw helpless, well that's were you are right now, every tick, tock, brings yiu soaring through the heavens into Christ heakung wings, forever. I'm, well Apostle I Am, tell, demonstrated lately, U was taken before another word as of my mouth passed into another, blessed are those in the first resurrection, indeed, blessed, Amazing, grace.

    -I read the CNN headline, what children want you to know in case they die in a school shooting, I guess in case they die by bullying and suicide is a close second to same. Again, I dont get it, your childs life, even soul is more important than a school education. Why not home school or relocation? Who cares what others think, this is a decline into possession to wickedness, described as perilous times? These young people are as their father satan, as those who carry themselves like devils and demons. US Schools are just as other damning lifestyles and have come just another fast-growing abomination on the planet. Surely aligned with deadly depressions declining humanities as sexual abnormality, drugs and alcohol addition and violence. So much so, now attending school is placing your child in just as much imminent danger as sending them to military, active duty. Not even considering the anti-God/Christ/Genesis, LGBTQ and P for pedophile wicked agenda; they too as evil predators, using these education centers as ground zero. Thus the cry, to command to assigned, Ezekiel's day reapers, 2001-2017, Eze.4, 5, 9, kill all parents by, finish all schools.Clearly,  God hath remembered your sins, Rev. 18, judge you double their idolatry, immortality and detestation, repent or perish, said Jesus' Gospel to Rev. 1-3rd chapts, beware, Apb, The RAM,


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