Revelation book ends by suggesting the unholy be unholy still, that the ungodly be ungodly still. Its iscasvto say, go on with your murder, suicide, with your samesex marriage. Speed ahead with your 13 reasons why snd fufty shades of gray. Go on with the American as to say you're antigod, antichrisr, anti thr righteous, for certainly Vod id going on prophetically with the as Noah's day cataclymic renewn of both the Genesis world and man, and marriage, and except such days of judgement be shorten no flesh would stand, but for the elect sake, those days shall be shorten
The Marines' Hymn
Raining Snakes The Petrodollar, From Nov. 4th, 1975-2016/17/18, Come, Death Tolls, US Soil, God Reaping Martyred Blood Error/era/error Article, Anon, did seal team 6 just pill off a secret mission? Article, Error, 2017/18 -Whose Secret Anon? God said I hath remembered thine iniquity and your sins have reached unto Me/God, this little marine coop is probably why; just as Senator McCain died. This was while standing before a grill only days past, I started hearing, the Marine's Hymn in my head; From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli; We f...
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