Do you know where your immortal life is fractured and how endangered is your soul's everlast? Get it, get Jesus and get, ascend out of it,

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God? 

     -It is melted into the midst of the bowls, and something about a Thursday, I kept hearing chanted in my ear, early 2012, though the sound of it had an eerie familarty to it, I just couldn't reach it. It is melted into the midst of my bowls, as so was I being dealt with out of the special this world over, 23rd psalms, the lord is my shepherd, as so was I as the early days being greatly visited upon by holy angels, woke one morning before my husband's sorrowful death, and the entire bed room was just surrounded all around with them, with intravenous angels. That Thursday night, I went into a seizure in my husband's hospital room and he, now bedridden couldn't as usual come to the rescue and God, to Jesus and heavens host.
     -Those heavenlies who're beyond measure in love with us were suffering this horror as well, so much so, the phrase, it is melted into the midst of my bowls. It is instead from Psalm 22 so one prior to the specialty 23rd psalm, lamenting, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is my shepherd. While the 22nd Psalm, is as Jesus lamentation from the cross, a heart rupting sorrowfully, "my heart is like wax, it is melted into the midst of my bowles." It is written, God is longsuffering, not  that any perish, and that He especially anguishes over the death and dying of His Saints, beware, Apb,  www,

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  Do you know where your immortal life is fractured and how endangered is your soul's everlast? Can These Bones Live? See Ezekiel 37,

     -Being relocated from Memphis, TN, New Madrid Fault Zone, two years to the June 26th month and date, of the moving either skyward or into  the southeast dream and now plainly we know why, God has only designed escape, God will only bless escape. Sincerely, my hand is raised, now raise yours if you have any family members living anywhere near a pending with a mega disaster earthquake to volcano fault zone who simply refuse to come out. Strictly those areas, the US, Canada West Pacific, the Midwest to the Eastern seaboard, even a seventh angel trumpet, especially Rev, 17, a Matrix 17, only near the earth because of the Bride's pending rapture, is urgently warning and three nights of it, Jan. 26-29, 2018, so a 6th Matrix, Rev. 6th book, with urgent being an understatement, simply, plainly, no more doomsday Passovers, all extinction levels events warn US soil, now come.  
      -Honestly, emphantly, raise your hand if this is potentially you, because God just used this woman's fright, night for life to show you that this is actually you.  Even us in the very near future and with multi thousands faults opening, cracking and erupting let not anyone presidential, pastoral to peasant telling you it's not potentially you, be accursed. Now, this is not your fault, not especially if you know they've been warn, no, when you read her story, just brace yourself, the ring of fire they call it, fostering 50% of earthquakes and 90% of volcanoes along the Pacific Basin has never been so active, you have Scientist as in Seismologist and Volcanologist who're actually lamenting, of pending extinction level events happening that they've never seen before.
     -When I gave the testament, January 13, 2018, so a 5th Matrix, a 5th Rev, Bk,. open, so going on six months now, the early morning of the Hawaii missile alerts. I was in this dream that lasted for three nights from the Jesus husband being in our sick bed and others with him, to riches to rags of perverted sleep overs.  I examined further, this was when my Memphis son looked at me and said, my worrying after him, got the downtown newspapers bells ringing, earths' bells ringing, something scientist would soon say, about an outbreak of earthquakes to volcano, record to historic activity, possibly my predicted, 99 bowls of molten to a woman bearing black bowls both as of Rev. 6, Max. 6, and Rev, 16, Max, from an earth shattering earthquake to Vials/Bowls judgments, the greatest of great tribulations, ever or ever again.
     -As so, doing one of these dreams, sickbeds to twisted sleepovers dreams, I was starring down a perfect, dangerous man, Michael Early, green eyes, to blue eyes. It was when an identical appearing perfect man Jesus lamented, while inquired and I quote, "will the angel ascend with the Bride? Jesus the Christ, as angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn, (Rev. 10, Max 10), all fulfillment now come, portraying that just as he's here for the Bride, the perfect dangerous man. Albeit, the Antichrist is here measuring how he's to overcome those bedazzled along the American Dream this world, as be counted as the tribulation saints the Antichrist by a buildup of torture vehicles, I witnessed Bush wars, 2003, a predicted fifty million dead into Trump's Admin, will pretty much try and wipe from the planet.
     -Then of course, if that's not immeasurably horrifying to imagine, Jesus was asking whether those intravenous angels of divine intervention, just see the downing of Nimrod's Tower that's like the elitist to politicians presently, who're  leaning into another Satanic mutiny of heaven, as to war against Jesus, Ps. 2, Rev. 17, Max 17. Right into the angels carrying off a bellicose Nephew Lot and family, so divine mettling and intervening in our lives these six millennia lest we extinct ourselves. As so the Genesis man/marriage therewith, still the gazillion dollar question, 01//13/2018, as the rise of the perfect, dangerous man by the perfect man Jesus, now with the Bride gone, would these heavenly beings services be any longer needed nor heard of? 
     -Knowing days of disaster like this was upon us, or like these were upon all US soil, into the world over, under and above. Indefinitely, the thing is, Holy Spirits always reference the Bride's escape whenever it's shown to be in imminent danger, multicolor alert, please don't use the Bride yet being here to measure that you are somehow safe. No, it has been written, preached and forewarn these two millennia, Jesus can take her, at the speed of a nano-second, though suggested, it's not her that's along shores of endangered souls, but all those not in Christ as heart and Lord. So all those who didn't raise their hands and are cursed along distractors of abominable, detestable and now beast infested lives, lands and churches, of useless death and dying only to past into the second death, an enlarging hell and lakes of fire. 
     -Before the sickbeds, sleepover dreams with Michael Early, Michael referencing the voice of the archangel, Michael; and Early? Though my Jesus' husband, the one I witnessed June 26th, 2015, taking us either skyward or southeast, earthly father, my father in law first name was Early. Early could as well represent a time of day, like early to mighty, was Mary Magdalene finding Jesus, our reason for breathing another second this cursed earth, not dead, but risen and like the present, Bride, pending glorification and heirship in heaven, forever. Only weeks before, like late 2017, I was having dreams about either dating or courting Keanu Reeves, it was before the awarding of the Nov. 24/25th, 2017, Matrix, starting Keanu Reeves, now a, Rev. 2, Matrix ten day count award, 19 into 20 counts, since.
     -The Dreams of courting Keanu Reeves were more about warnings along flirting with and courting along disasters as AI and microchipping the human being, all with a damaging to damning mark of the beast pending. Still, anyone especially in this juncture of end time biblical fulfillment, staying along or visiting along areas pending with world ending, quaking earthquakes.  As so those flirting along exploding, spewing and spilling volcano magma can also be considered as those flirting and courting with mega disasters, forfeiting the soul and the marriage supper of the Lamb. That's even more so seeing every Nov. 24/25th 2017, tenth matrix day count is as to open a pending these two thousand years Revelation book, so we're past it's 19th Mx, Rev, Bk., and fastening into it's 20th, Mx. Rev. Bk., do you know where your immortal life is fractured and how endangered is your soul's everlast? Get it, get Jesus and get, ascend out of it, Beware, Apb, The RAM      

     -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into Wine Press of God?

     -Seen to be seeing 2015, the antichrist move about the earth in great prowess, his hour come, unstoppable, seen to be seeing more a curious thing, I see the Bride, and she's regning in heaven, she has in her possession, the stone cut without hands, that King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed, Dan 2 all rebellious kingdom nation building these six eras/errors, from gold to miry clay, crushed to dust and wind I saw further that it had the surface of a meteor and as the reign Bride prepared it's release into the final rebellion, I heard it said, "this is the antichrist murderer,' beware, Apb, The RAM   


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