What Are The Secrets Of Memphis, A Subtraction Of 190 Years, 2001 Will Return US Soil To The Doomsday Passover, 1811 Of What Could've Been The End US Soil, By Two Great Earthquakes, The New Madrid Fault Zone

     -What Are The Secrets Of Memphis?

     -What Are The Secrets Of Memphis, A Subtraction Of 190 Years, 2001 Will Return US Soil To The Doomsday Passover, 1811 Of What Could've Been The End US Soil, By Two Great Earthquakes, The New Madrid Fault Zone  (The 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes were an intense intraplate earthquake series beginning with an initial earthquake of moment magnitude 7.5–7.9 on December 16, 1811, followed by a moment magnitude 7.4 aftershock on the same day. They remain the most powerful earthquakes to hit the contiguous United States east of the Rocky Mountains in recorded history.

     -In June 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain in reaction to three issues: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of neutral American seamen into the British Royal Navy against their will, and the British support of hostile Indian tribes along the Great Lakes frontier. War end Dec. 24, 1814, the intrepid dream timetable, began Dec. 24/25th, 2001, into June 26th, 2018 and further, into July 06/07 for a subtraction 190 years, landing us again 1811, 12, territory, see more here, http://thestonesurface2017.blogspot.com/2018/06/what-are-secrets-of-memphis-subtraction.html

     -For In One Hour Is The Bride's Forewarnings Gone, And Your Judgement Come!

     -The same, Memphis, New Madrid, Tennessee, a grandson, that as prophesied by a dream, 2015, how by a Hawaii disaster left him an orphan; the same Memphis, New Madrid fault zone, only of it's kind US soil, producing two eight plus earthquakes. Concerning at the least, America's, for a lost of 190 years, 2001, that's to land them, it's New Madrid monster earthquake times two,1811, annul anniversary, beware! The same Memphis, Dunlap Street, by a dream Obama, (Senator Obama declared the one, 2008), visited, before coming to Booker T. Washington school, of Memphis; the Memphis, Dunlap street, by a dream, Michelle Obama visited before she come to St. Jude of Memphis;
     -The same Memphis dunlap street I as one time retrieved a little Miya girl of come apocalypse from; the same Memphis, an odd one by a dream approached me and asked, whether I knew the secrets of Memphis? The same Memphis home, Jan. 13-15th, 2018, a 5th Matrix, Rev. Bk, 5, the Hawaii Missile alert, doing damnable sickbeds and sleepovers a Memphis Son looked at me and said, the downtown newspaper bells were ringing, as in an outbreak of seismic activity; upon which such reveal, dutchsinse red arrows of tracking such activity are painting all across the US, west to upper east, to northeast; a prediction that will fulfill an extinction level event these decades happening to the US, Midwest into the southwest and mid-south.
     -Once an odd one by a dream, 2017, approached me, and began to inquire of me, expectantly, and I quote, "do you know the secrets of Memphis? You mean besides, by a head trauma, Dunlap Street, 1968, then for the last thirty springs, 1986, I've lived in Memphis, I been shown desolations to exodus happening to it, into the entirety of the US, that are earth ending let alone world ending; just this outbreak of mortuary that's been predicted to happen here, western civilization and the world over? I know, as I received the word dutchsinse, I then persuaded you to most of all research his youtude videos for earthquake to volcano awareness, what I didn't warn was, dutchsinse is not a man of faith, meaning he doesn't actually believe in or give his advice according to biblical prophecy.
     -This mean though he see a many things, he yet look through a glass darkly, his unbelief as with all unbelief lessens his ability, as a veil of illusion remain. He can't see and forewarn you along the end of America, that has come, that will any and everyday now claim tens of millions US soil, not only except they repent but except they as Noah's, Mose's and Lot's days, they escape. As I've testified, I was taken into a flyover the country, where I was to view disaster danger, little does dutchsinse know, his red arrows marking these fault lines activity moving from the West Pacific across the midwest, then as predicted right into Tennessee's southwest, into the upper midwest and the eastern seaboard.
     -This staying on course moment is the exact trajectory I witnessed these disastrous events take, not only doing this Christmas Carol dreams decades earlier Not only, as of the trajectory the 2017 eclipse took, I again warn would be these nearing extinction level events US soil, identical trajectory. When apostle John's witnessed, as of Rev. 17, as of the seventh angel trumpet come to talk with him, 96 AD, come and talk to Apostle I am, 2018, AD, nights, Jan. 26-29th, as one straddling the world map to the US map. Just as so, warn of disasters come the areas, the midwest, the eastern seaboard, that they be as aware as the inundated with such forewarnings, Us, Canada, West Pacific, this holy was also relating to this same course of direction. Knowing these reveals, these decades now, when the rumor went out that the Hawaii months now eruption into historic lava flows.
     A predicted, 2017, 99 bowls of molten lava. It is that a Hilina slump, can break off, cause a Trump tower and above high tunsumni and as has been predicted, wipe the west coast off the map. Evidently a master disaster, most as dutchsinse say is unlikely to impossible, only such prognosticators, actually they're describing exactly what'd happen only minutes into the flyover dream, there was no western seaboard, not any more. Whether the 1996, Asian invasion; the Hawaii, Hilina Slump; the Pacific subduction zone or the San Andres, all extinction levels with yellowstone and the New Madrid pending, even a pale horse judgment following. Something as catastrophic as one or more of these ELE's wipe away the western seaboard and then come as a roaring firestorm for the White House, for the rest of US soil, temporarily sparing its city states along the southeast but only as of an exodus into Africa's coastline, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM

     -Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

Teen Girls Committing Suicide,
http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/teen-girls-committing-suicide-alarming-rate-article-1.3384601 (Suicide And Hell Over God And Heaven, Repent Or Perish, beware, Apb),.


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