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What Are The Secrets Of Memphis?

Watchman, What Of the Night, Of The Mystery Of Iniquity, Of The Veils Of Illusions, Of Darken Mirrors, Of The Heathen Raging, Of The Thrusting Sickle Into The Wine Press of God?

     -The Reaper, Only A Couple Weeks Ago I saw, With Sickle In Hand, Time I Read Rev. 14:15, 16, I Was Reminded Of The Seventh Angel Trumpet 92Ad, 2018, AD, 01/26-29th, How It Is He Straddled, as To Stand Between The World Map And The US Map, The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard, His Beyond Measure, Message? Simply, No More Doomsday Passovers, Desolations US, Western Soil, Come! Beware, Apb

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? Isa. 53:111 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

    -I will make this very short, since spring 1986, Holy Spirits have especially come, sit and visit with me, they've told and shown me a many things these last thirty years, this specialty awareness of Theirs began with a Jesus bearing huge, white wings, with his arms stretched out toward me, telling me to come. Into A Jesus standing a top mount olivet, me kneeling at his feet only to be eventually brought to his side, the long awaited, promised and prophesied, day of Lord of Israel's, of the return of Her Son, of The Lion Of Judah hath come. Even so, even though I'd been so visited here, angels so many just wrapped twice to three times around my bed room and taken on off planet journey's to heaven until one moment I'm united in celebrations thes phenoms themselves and the next I'm standing as of a silence, a mountain before the Throne, the mighty God of heaven when the a light sun rise only it speak, and what it says is as the days of Moses it speak and clearly it says, 'let my people go." Oddly enough what by spiritual gifts and truth, into prophetic parables, that by a twenty year extinction of grace, that by transforming ships, arks, both above and submersible, I been relocating people to parts of African, New Africa I call it, the last thirty years I been doing this, that is by prophetic parables.
   -Just tell me, what did you first think when I first told you, spirit willing, flesh weak, the Christ of resurrection, Jesus appeared to me, had these huge wings stretched to each of his sides, arms reaching toward me told me in three separate intervals that I come up to him. Even when I said Jesus to look upon was as to look upon God and how that for years confused me, that when I responded to him, I responded to his as father, "be careful father, lest they," the tribulation saints who were so gorgeous themselves, "take your heart?" Then I come further down the road, decades later, May 15th, 2004, the Angel Gabriel had made an appearance, but even before then, I talked about visiting heaven, coming to face to face with a prophet Ezekiel, of those Apostle John referred to as the twenty-four elders, how he's opened exactly three, time tested doors, shown me the working of the preparation of the end time laborers. While here he was, like it, believe it or not, I was facing down the Angel gabriel, the same years later, I would witnessed a Trumpet being passed off to him, I was not pleased with seeing him, i was hurt to my core that God, after so many millennia yet had to go to such extent, I was not pleased. I would remember only two things about that conversation, guardian to governers of the world, and I quote Angel gabriel, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind," that we understood clearly, right?  Then he sad something that wasn't so clear, that has taken years to be assured, until only now, decades later does it make sense and I quote, "she's coming, she going with the seventh angel," and he was gone, I even remember thinking, there's something in the book of revelation about a seventh angel. Just as Apostle Paul explains a Trump of God will summon the Bride to heaven, the Apostle John is witnessing seven angel, recorded Rev. 10, whose crying there is time no longer, he's witnessing a seventh angel trumpet again, recorded Rev. 11, and he's crying how the kingdoms and nations of  man, have now become the Kingdoms of God and his Christ and they instead will reign forever, once this trumpet sounds, it will herald the Bridegroom and Bride, back to home planet earth where they were first born, as so and lest we forget there is a seven angel trumpet, and he's bearing the seven vials  and he's witnessed as to come to speak to Apostle John. Apostle I am, years past explained doing this huge maze along a wilderness of sin that is America to western rule, deny it all you want, our sins and blood guilt were actually weighed, measured and assigned judgement nights December 24-25th, 2001, that until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, November 24-25th 2017 and I'm so obvious of what's actually happening, it's very nights I look into a dream and I see the Matrix movie screen with the number 10 scrolling all about and soon I guess i put it together, America's just dodged another doomsday come, and have bee instead appointed a Matrix ten day count, it's holy spirits prioritizing Jesus promise to the church of smyrna, enduring their greatest trials and judgments, the word smyrna mean bruised myrrh, have ever heard anything so wonderfully sorrowfully, so shakespearean then he tells them, they have ten more days of suffering coming, that if they endure further, these ten days, he will grant them a crown of life, so now an American to western, all the world a post apocalyptic reality these six millennia seeing Elohim plucked Adam and from his bone, his flesh, Eve, from the ruins of a mighty one of them, possibly that ending the cretaceous period, the mightiest ever, yet here come all the greater apocalypse and an appointed, little Miya girl of a reminder, so much so, on the first Matrix ten day count, while Pres, Trump made such fiery declaration of Jerusalem, elephants nation and internationally were seen in a rage into stampeding as of as to cause a mighty world ruckus, the pacific plate has been fractured along an outbreak of unprecedented to historic earthquake and volcanic eruptions every since and if you're not right now escaping, this incalculable even to the greatest of scientist bout with damater and soon the father from above will as the days of Noah be your detriment in this death and the second, unholy death to follow       


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