-Do You Know Where Your Children Are, I Watched As A Seven Year Fixed His Toys A Ninja Turtle And Spiderman Into A Guy, Sexual Position In Action, Said One Was The Other Girl Friend, Say He Saw It On The TV Series, Empire, talk about your shock and awe...Again Do you know where your children are? Because Such Abominations Having Reached Unto God, God Does Know, Remembers, Judge You, Even Double These detestations, Rev. 17, 18, www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com 

     -In Prophet Ezekiel's day, Ez. 9, when it come time for God to bring judgment for sin in the manner of deadly disasters, the prophet Ezekiel actually witnessed as God Himself called forth six slayers from the higher gate north, he heard as God commissioned them to go through the cities, as to slaughter old and young, as not to show mercy. Now to the ink horn man, he was told to mark for life, all those mourning over all this ugliness being done, then said slayers were to begin at God's sanctuary, which presently would be America to western civilization, the whordom to weaponization of peace on earth.
     -One would then think, when I witnessed these alike reapers, Americans were finally stampeding for life, there's being a Moses day exodus, only as they finally did, children, treasures all in toll such reapers bearing swordlike syringes come right after them. It was as to capture them, spin them around like in a prestigious dance and went straight for the heart of them, these deadly slayers command now, these millennials later? To kill all parents by, to finish all schools; don't worry about the mourners, by a roll call, of a census taking the Lamb's Book of life, they're protected and safeguarded as those Prophet Ezekiel's marked by the inkhorn man, an incarnate Christ's Bloody, Cross.
     -You see, God accused parents of beng the manslaughterer of their children by technical advancement in the homes unregulated some thirty years past, so in God's eyes, the next generation of the genesis human being, as portrayed in the video are already too perverted to be saved, they're a perversion leading to perversion, they're dead. Only now to reap those deaths upon their slayers, their overseers, presidential, pastoral, politician and parental, right in this order. Like I said, accusing parents of being the slayers of their own children, that was some thirty years ago, an abomination now so demonically infiltrating. It was that witnessed, ancient beast. the Lion, the Leopard and the demon dog, anubis, were seen sitting the church home, home life, as friendly house pets, so, just as other members of the family.
     -I cringed in my spirit, when I heard Bruce Jenner (alias Kate Jenner), say he's on a mission for God, then I was reminded there's the God of heaven, Elohim, who created the world and man, and there's the god of the earth, Lucifer, who destroys the earth and man. Since you Jenner, and all sexual abnormalities are seeing to the genocidal mutation and deletion of the genesis human being you are of your father the devil. The lust of him you're doing, he was a murderer from the beginning who abode not in the truth, any friend of the world is an enemy of God, don't die overcome by these lies, you will not like what you find, first death by a sickbed, judgment, the second death and hell, the reasons why Jesus said, repent or perish, beware, Apb 


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