An explosion of military conflict Israel and it's neighboring Islam, not since a Republican Bush. But every since Trump December 3, 2018, a first November 24/25, 2017 Matrix ten day coun, Jerusalem address. Is there any wonder, a fury as the days of Prophet Ezekiel's witnessed of the rise of Gog and Magog was cast at. a Trump/Pence Ticket. Though ot only so, even more concerning the Antichrist being in great prowess this earth; the Bride being in heaven reign preparing his destruction;    -And Jesus millennium descending 2016, in recollection of US soil, which showed a lost of about 15% of it's 3 hundred plus millions. Meaning bodies were strewn all over these US states of emergency, and Trump's 2016 administration was only pending. So little care how impressive his numbers, numbers being his living now dying legacy. Why doing his 2017 inauguration, like Bush's 2002, again fifty million deaths was aligned to Trump/Netanyahu. Surely as of the 1974/75, Nov. 4, of a petrodollar, paperboy, newspaper route. Whose handlebars once by treatments of axle grease disallowing Russia and China, is now fasten upon by a funeral reef, Obama'/Clinton's Gaddafi 2013. One that reaches far into heavens sky, reaping the 15% dead suddenly, abruptly US soil. So does any of that matter? No, Trump got his numbers up, stop deceiving yourselves with all this black magic, stop deceiving others. US/NATO  leaders, religious political have death tolls pending upon your support so unprecedented. Not only did I just see a pile up of bodies so high, months earlier I witnessed the very reaper, sickle in hand a warning God winepress is in collection, guilty blood, and you America, Western Rule, been worn, you’re HIS at present blood harvest. Woe, Apb
why looking at a perfect dangerous man, nights 01/13-16/2018, so pending an Hawaii missle alert, eruption, Jesus the perfect man asked would the angels ascend with the Bride? Also a double wammy what's apocalypse is to be like, too have both the Bride and intravenous angels gone, it's like not only God taking both of his hands off, but Jesus, the heavens' host as well, no wobder Jesus can actually threaten the rebellers with tbis particular tribulation season, there's nothing like it ever or ever ti be again, still 15% of America that's no more, and two quarters of this planet, beware, escape, may God bless it, count it as righteousness, Apb


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