-Dutchsinse, Apostle I am, since I been seeing fires Us soil, take this trajectory, whitehouse burn, Kennedy space center, even as of your plumes video, seeing a prelude. I had a dreams nights prior where I invited people from a barbecue these US states, into instead Georgia barbecue, Georgia is where I relocated, unintentionally, exactly two years to  the month and date, of witnessing a Jesus husband , 06/26/27/2015, in my dream these years thirty plus years esape some southest pior to takiing the Bride skyward. As so there's warnig 2015, a disaster happening in Hawaii affetcing Memphis, TN,  there's 2017, the threat of 99 bowls of molten Lava, and the warning the first of the year by Rev. 17, seventh angel trumpet, Jan. 2018, urgently saying deoslations predicted US soil, come, beware the midwest and the eastern seaboard, as well as the US, Canada West Pacific.
     -My question, the tons of Hawaii magma, that's just been pouring and pouring for months now into the US, West Pacific, is there
 a way possible it's to have ths kind of warming to inferno effect, as to come at these states from beneath the earth? Is it possible that there are underlying pockets to sockets, that these lakes of lava could've penetrated to infiltrated heating up the soil along these now consumed  with fire areas? Like I said, it's just something to think about or are we to believe tons and tons of magma pouring into the ocean for months now will present no geological problem enough again that these areas, seering  magma from beneath virtually explode in flames or have i been watching too many sci fy movies?
     -Remember though after so many years of following such activity, i beieve what I saw 1996, a death bringer leap from beneath the earth is a yellowstone to super eruption, (Rev. 6, 6th seal , Matrix 6, 01/26-29th 2018, a Seventh Angel trumpet appeared). Whose to say the phenom of what we're seeing here isn't a prelude to a super eruption from beneath the earth? What ever it was, this extinction level event, the speed of it, so suddenly it ended America for a subtractio of 190 years, and when I days past, did like a census of the seven states that surrounds yellowstone. Though I witnesed death tolls in the tens of millions, we're still talking over 13 million people that can be gone from the earth just as instantly as the 190 years growth and technology was just gone and i'm talking the point of no return; we're also talking 190 years lost, we're back to the 1811/1812, era, the anniversary years of the two largest quakes, to ever strike US soil, possibly the odd question asked by the visitor, about the secrets of Memphis, Eqypt/TN? Both now known for Moses' style, commanded exodus,  Beware, Apb, The RAM     


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