Article, Gay Lobby, Evangelicals, they, gays can be active Christians, article

Watchman, what of the night?

  -Seen to be seeing, 2017,  a word puzzle and the word now being moved about, that is until it come to rest aside the word judgement, as in judgement now!
    Seen to seeing, 2017, the word now, decorated like it's Christmas, with blinking, multicolored lights of caution.
    Seen to be seeing, 2018, in bold, lowercase letters, even as the days of Bush's Saddam with a Hussein. era, Rev. 13, now Trumps/Netanyahu's, Gog, following, the single word, error, beware, Apb

error/era/error, thus said the crying lord, my orayer closet, a silence in heaven, 1993, behold, I will strip their leaders to days of their birth, beware, Apb

  -Although the harvester bearing a  reaping sickle, Rev. 14, is here America’s world exodus. Still, God has to be long suffering right to the end, the reason they didn't all fall dead from heart stoppage. But that's why those commanded reapers, Eze. 9, danced with them and specifically targeted the heart of them. The cry 2017, to commanded reapers bearing swordlike syringes nuclear, natural and NOAA'S worst to kill all parents by, to finish all schools, (transgender traps).
     -Just think God feel the same about the unnatural use of the husband and wife genesis marriage Elohim brought together. I despise the fact how you all can see something so wrong and wicked with Pedophilia. Though not the same wickedness of when religious politics and school teachers are training your children along same sex marriage, the abominable, detestable, LGBTQ and P for Pedophile agenda.
     -Stop for the American Dream legislation calling any evil good, a little evil metastasizes the immoral wholesale. Now reaping an outbreak of malignant blood an unstoppable black holocaust except by fireworks and firestorms purified as fine gold.
     -Stop fooling yourselves, stop fooling others, all, ALL unrighteousness is sin. Turn, repent, or keep losing your children to drugs, suicide and school shootings of Preachers, Politicians and Parents reaping manslaughter, sown, beware, Apb, see

PS, beware, if you want to stay abominable, don't read these blogs,


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